The Alliance of Small Clans

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Yaxlat, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    being so pasive is weak.
  2. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    I have decided to accept your invitation into this Alliance!
    (Representing the New Floran Kingdom)
    Gearnova and Paillan like this.
  3. LoCoZeNoz ZUE

    LoCoZeNoz ZUE Tentacle Wrangler

    I know. Thats why i asked to keep it.
  4. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    well... that´s a point, but what will happen when one of that clans need your full loyalty...
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  5. XANA

    XANA Void-Bound Voyager

    [color=#DD4444]Digital Cloud[/color]
    To be used as the formatting, if applicable.

    Preview: Digital Cloud
  6. SKCIF

    SKCIF Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  7. percinator

    percinator Orbital Explorer

    Hello, I represent The Phoenix Guild and would like to ask permission for our group to join the Alliance of Small Clans.
  8. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    But what will happen if one of the clans in the group gets to big? (just in case that happens...)
  9. RexMori

    RexMori Industrial Terraformer

    They remember us, and protect us, and totally don't destroy us. :badpokerface:
  10. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    seems fair for me.
  11. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    just came around to say "yay for small clans getting big!", and i see this...
  12. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    Oceania may be in. if so i will make a DRAWING THINGY!!!! FOR YOU PEEPS
    nababoo likes this.
  13. ParadoxZ13

    ParadoxZ13 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Seeing as how our leader is currently AWOL, as second-in-command and interim leader, I accept the offer for Clan ~Oceania~ to join this alliance, pending until our leader returns to weigh official judgement on the matter.
    Prophet of Deception and nababoo like this.
  14. This is progressing quite well :)
  15. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    Death to our enemies!
  16. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    and some allies...
    Prophet of Deception likes this.
  17. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    *cough cough-florans-cough*
    Prophet of Deception and nababoo like this.
  18. Prophet of Deception

    Prophet of Deception Big Damn Hero

    *Cough cough-anythingbutme-cough*
  19. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    still better then being killed when soaked :D
    Prophet of Deception likes this.
  20. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    sorry haven't been getting alerts from this :(. I will update it soon.

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