The Alliance of Small Clans

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Yaxlat, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    Death to our enemies and their non-kitty pets :D
    Yaxlat likes this.
  2. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    So what about when they turn into cats?
  3. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    Well... I suppose we find a way to lock them in their cat-form forever and keep them as pets, forcing them to eat kibbles and let us rub their tummies. The ultimate torture for a sentient being.
    Yaxlat likes this.
  4. nuggetjune

    nuggetjune Space Spelunker

    I'm gonna add y'all to my alliance list ;)
    Yaxlat and Gearnova like this.
  5. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    Me too! Forgot to do this lol, easily distracted. Thanks for the reminder :D
    Yaxlat likes this.
  6. nuggetjune

    nuggetjune Space Spelunker

    no prob! I just finished ;)
  7. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    Added y'all to alliances!
  8. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    Oh btw, anyone play borderlands 2 on xbox 360? Just got it as an early B-Day present and trying to find someone(s) to play with beyond random xbl jerks :(
  9. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    well I haven't got an xbox, or borderlands :p
  10. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

  11. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    ikr. Not allowed xbox, and I, for some weird reason, just don't like FPSs...
  12. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    Me either on the fps front, but borderlands is the exception. Just too much fun to say no to lol
    Yaxlat likes this.
  13. nuggetjune

    nuggetjune Space Spelunker

    Well, I have borderland, and an Xbox 360, but borderlands is for my pc :rofl:
    Yaxlat likes this.
  14. Gearnova

    Gearnova Big Damn Hero

    NUUUU :mad:
    Yaxlat likes this.
  15. nuggetjune

    nuggetjune Space Spelunker

    Yaxlat likes this.
  16. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

  17. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    added all the clans here to allies list.
    Yaxlat likes this.
  18. Steam Pirate

    Steam Pirate Space Kumquat

    Big Clans became big because their clan leaders dedicated their very lives to It's existence. Or go AWOL and let some fantastic members take care of it :p
    I made my own first banners, i drew my own first logos, i put thought into what i wrote and i built a thread that could easily be edited by my pirates.
    I started the Space Pirates from scratch, and it became as big as it is right now thanks to my dear friends, members. All thanks to them.
    Of course, I'm more or less retired now, but damn did i pour my heart out into my clan. T'was my life, the thing that kept me alive :oops:

    Many of you have very fixated ideas. Let's take Infinity as a role model. Infinity = Endless possibilities.
    They do whatever the hell they want. So do we. The more flexibility = the more members will join because they are not restricted to any crusades or fixed groups.
    Or BBTS. However much pink ponies make me want to jump from a 13 story skyscraper, i must admit they have some darn amazing people there. And they do whatever the hell they want, which makes them flexy.

    Equation time!

    Flexibility + Information = Members.
    Members + Flexibility = Post.
    Members + Post = Bigger Clan.

    Mistakes beginner clans make q_q

    1. Spreading the butter too thin. (EG. Making multiple threads, one for chatting the other for this and that)
    Only makes members post less and lose interest fast. Mark my word, we have a few examples.

    2. Gramaar. I canot tel u how importint gramar is. meny nuu clans make mistiks lyk dis but its k cuz we r coool and k join da clan

    3. Info. Starting a thread saying "Lol we are SHADOW WARIRIORS join le clan xxDDD" will make someone commit sepukku on a webcam.

    4. Fancy pictures. Get them. Make them. If Suika Ibuki started a clan he would be swimming in posts.

    5. Making too many rules and restrictions. For god's sake stop playing a strategy game and just let go q_q

    Rule X: Your members do not serve you. Your clan serves your members.
    As crappy as i was at following that rule, somehow my members stuck with me through the shitstorms i brewed...
  19. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    Arr, it's dem big clan scurvy dogs ;). Just kidding. Yeah I agree.
    on the mistakes:
    1. Yep, agree with you there on all accounts be specific!
    2. Grammar police will prevail!
    3. This also.
    4. I would, but I procrastinate too much :facepalm:
    5. I have one rule. Beat that!
    X. I don't think I'll have to worry about that any time soon. Thx anyway!
    Steam Pirate likes this.
  20. SKCIF

    SKCIF Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have one rule, since its only me and my friend, the rule has been neglected. ALOT. :p

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