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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. Coldkiller17

    Coldkiller17 Space Hobo

    Check out the mushroom people or Agarans.

    Attached Files:

  2. jetpaczx

    jetpaczx Astral Cartographer

    Kill them ;)
    Yzzey likes this.
  3. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    They seem to only be capturing civilized florans. I released a captured floran who said to me "Are you a big reader? No? Thought not." You'll notice there is no hissing, growling, or the sound of tearing meat.
    Bejamin likes this.
  4. Punchcrush11

    Punchcrush11 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i think that these guys are bad news for everyone... spores are flamible so i wonder what would happen if i *WHOOSH*... ok now the entire planets atmosphere caught fire from the spores...
    MilkCalf, harningt and Yzzey like this.
  5. timothyhay

    timothyhay Orbital Explorer

    Thought I'd cleared the planet I'm making my home of everything. Turns out there were two Agaran death traps setup, one of lava and one with a Floran underwater. I slaughtered them and released the floran.
  6. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    Agarans are often found with captured Florans.
    To the Florans, when spoken to they have a unique message.

    The Floran introduction mentions something about oaken things as well.

    We know that Greenguards, guards that hold prisoners and protect the Floran citizen are given Drysap.
    Drysap converts the sap inside the Greenguard into more Drysap, their skin hardens until they no longer can be injected with more Drysap.

    A Grenguard, after receiving his Drysap treatment wrote:
    and a last one


    Perhaps the Agarans are more intelligent than we think.
    Greenguards injected with Drysap, it's like they become a new species. They harden and become emotionless. They lose anything Floran about them, they do not take part in any Floran related activity until they simply leave. They barely even require water, which for most Florans is a must.

    I think, from assumptions, that the Agarans are capturing Florans that are being converted into Oaken Soldiers, the Oaken Soldiers is what sounds like a menace to me.
    The Agarans may very well be trying to stop the Oaken Soldiers army from rising.

    or perhaps they are allied with them?
  7. IceWolf

    IceWolf Void-Bound Voyager

    So ... maybe someone should punt me?
  8. Yzzey

    Yzzey Heliosphere

    These jokes are actually pretty punny
    Killa CookBook likes this.
  9. IceWolf

    IceWolf Void-Bound Voyager

    I gotta stop or I'm gonna be known solely as the pun-guy from the fungai thread.
    Faeryheart likes this.
  10. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    The 'taking prisoners' bit makes me feel less bad for killing Agaran en masse because I NEED MOAR PIXELS TO BUILD THINGS WITH
  11. penguin055

    penguin055 Pangalactic Porcupine

    How do you explain THIS? agaran.png
    MilkCalf, BlastRed and SpitefulFox like this.
  12. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

  13. Radiated Ronin

    Radiated Ronin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just found four Greenguard actually guarding a Floran, who was apparently living in a giant jug of water. When I approached them, one of the Agaran guards said "Greenguard help Floran!"

    Now I am confused. This Floran was clearly NOT a prisoner!
    Faeryheart and SpitefulFox like this.
  14. Ryumaru

    Ryumaru Big Damn Hero

    Could've been protecting their interests, as far as we know. On the other hand, maybe they don't realize what they're doing, or at least some of them don't.

    Not sure which option is creepier.
  15. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Either you're using Greenguard and Agaran as interchangeable terms (which they aren't),
    or there's Florans working together with Agarans to keep a Floran in a jug of water.
    SirKaldar and Lusfella like this.
  16. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    Perhaps the Agarans are treating the effects of the drysap on the Florans... like some kind of detox, a group of galactic mushrooms running a mobile Betty Ford rehab clinic? Maybe they are building brainwashed Floran super soldiers... No hostile encounters to report from my Apex, and the Florans held 'captive' seem to be at least indifferent to there situation. Even when released from there 'imprisonment', there has been no violence between them.

    Still, it is best to stay cautious around them. Keep a sealed suit on when around them, set your teleporter decom scrubbers to max, and take a hot shower after every dealing... until final lab results on there spores come in...:metroid:
  17. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    It probably does have to do with the Oaken Soldiers thing going one with Drysap addicts, since the Agarans say "Oaken" when speaking to Florans.
  18. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    I have found some mixed results. In this one, they said "peace" which I thought was odd, I haven't seen them use that word before. [​IMG]

    But then later on another character, I found them doing much more sinister things, they had a Floran at the bottom of a giant vase of water, and the second image there WAS a Floran, but as I was taking the screenshot, they were consumed by the lava. It was a fully enclosed jug, with a platform in the bottom that allowed the Floran to fall into the lava when it jumped, hit the enclosed ceiling and fell in.



    Seems pretty sinister to me, there was also essentially a prison cell underneath this with a cage hanging in it, however the room down there was empty of life.
  19. Nazja

    Nazja Pangalactic Porcupine

    The Oaken are likely those Florans who had too much drysap and too little water, right? The Agarans mention the Oaken, right? Seems to me like they're trying to heal the Oaken by submerging them in water.
    (I wonder what the purpose of the lava is...)
    SirKaldar likes this.
  20. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    Those who take Drysap lose emotions, memories and dream of an army of Oaken Soldiers that they wish to join.
    Drysap is taken from an oak with bones.
    SirKaldar likes this.

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