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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. Android19

    Android19 Aquatic Astronaut

    That's Floran armor, looks like the iron tier, sprout. I have found A floran hanging around at some of their shrines, as well. I don't know what the connection is, but it's there.
  2. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    The lore about drysap indicated that those injected will have the thickness and strength of their skin slowly increase, along with movement becoming more difficult, as well as nightmares in more intelligents Florans. Oaken Soldiers.

    Not being mutated into fungal life forms.
  3. Arkanum Zilong

    Arkanum Zilong Space Spelunker

    I finally got it and was able to take a few photos of a group I actually found a bit before the announcement, I find them rather nice, they even sort of saved my life when we first met, still don't want to mess with them though
  4. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Why would they need to infect organisms? Are they REALLY fungi, or are they something else that RESEMBLES fungi? Hell, they might just be funny-looking Florans with a different language.
    Hey, I got some info for you.
    Internally, Agarans are just Florans. They wear item "shroomhead" and "shroomhead2" as headgear, their armor is FloranTier2Chest and FloranTier2Pants, and their weapon is a HumanTier1Broadsword.
    The "You again!" is a bug; the Agaran NPCs use the Guard base script (except the merchant ones), which is programmed to yell "You again!" upon re-engaging a target, regardless of race; the Agaran NPC script does NOT correctly overwrite this with a gibberish line.
    The same problem can be seen when a merchant with a storeradius other than -1 is away from the shop and you talk to them; they don't have race-specific lines so the Florans and Glitch will talk like ordinary people in this circumstance. I think the shroommerchants all have a storeradius of -1 so you won't see it there.

    Again, Agarans may or may not be mushrooms.
    Regardless, good point about the drysap. Still, I think there's some connection between the Agarans and the Florans. Their reactions to Hylotl are both rather... harsh. Personally I used to think of them as "underground Florans", before I found any of their actual dwelling places (all surface), because shrooms would naturally have an advantage over flowers underground.

    Anyways, just so yall have something to work with, here's all the ShroomGuard dialogue lines.
                "default" : [
                  "Hoom! Feesle the mushroom habito!"
                "human" : [
                  "Hoom! Meat habble person nab fry!",
                  "Hoom meat. Seemo bizarra stamper!",
                  "Halhoom smooth! Chop deka halberdeen cartography!",
                  "Hoomah! Mesti hop smashroom danger!",
                  "<Universal Translation error. Language not recognised. Attempting to parse.>",
                  "Hoom! Halhoom!",
                  "Halmarr, spike circular deka bizarra!",
                  "Meat hoom! Enjoy house choka smashroom?",
                  "Halhalhoom! Tentacrush weepa no meat."
                "avian" : [
                  "<Universal Translation error. Language not recognised. Attempting to parse.>",
                  "Hoom flap! Bizarra no Kluex fry!",
                  "Halhoom sillypeck. Choka smashroom nab house.",
                  "Halhalhoom, weepa cantara swoop nab cloudchaser.",
                  "Hoomay, flap! Halberdeen habble fluffy peck. Shree!",
                  "Haba hoom, sillyflap! <mirthful sound> swoop bizarra!",
                  "Hoom! Hoom hoom! Chop smashroom nab peace kisser!",
                  "Hoom habba flap flap, deka nab peck?",
                  "Hoom? Scratchy mesti cuddle?"
                "floran" : [
                  "<Universal Translation error. Language not recognised. Attempting to parse.>",
                  "Hoom! Hoom hoom shroom! Plant naturra kissface!",
                  "Halhoom! Nab feara deka plant!",
                  "Hoom. Halb weepa nab smashroom.",
                  "Kissface plant! Nab halb squishfish! <maniacal sound>",
                  "Halhalhalhoom, carpa house fry plant! Seemingly.",
                  "Habahoom squishfish, nab oaken smashroom cantaloupe!",
                  "Plant hoom! Kissface chop growa, halb!?",
                  "Hoom. Hoom plant. Nabi spike cutshroom, plesta?"
                "apex" : [
                  "<Universal Translation error. Language not recognised. Attempting to parse.>",
                  "Hoom. Plesta mesti hairthing.",
                  "Humfah. Hairthing chop nab feara.",
                  "Hoom! Nab chop Giant Hairthing. Weepa?",
                  "Halhoom, hairthing. Nab smashroom, plesta.",
                  "Hoom. Hairthing hairface carpa woodshroom.",
                  "Plesti cantara, shroomy workest!",
                  "Hoom. Mesti nab chop hairthing. Halhoom!",
                  "Hoom! Hop chop, hairthing! Halb squishfish?"
                "hylotl" : [
                  "<Universal Translation error. Language not recognised. Attempting to parse.>",
                  "Huh huh hoom? Squishfish...",
                  "Nab! <unintelligible gasping sounds>",
                  "Nab halb smashroom, squishfish! Cantara nab house, chop!",
                  "Kissface plant nab cutshroom, squishfish. Threaten!",
                  "Squeak. Hoom nab.",
                  "Hoom. Mesti nab disbravada, squishfish.",
                  "<angry muttering sounds>",
                  "Nab house, squishfish! Nab nab nab."
                "glitch" : [
                  "<Universal Translation error. Language not recognised. Attempting to parse.>",
                  "Hoom, clankbeast. Habba nab cartography spaceshroom.",
                  "Halhoom, okay. Nab chop weepa, deka hairthing? Flap?",
                  "Halhalhoom. Smashroom nab plant?",
                  "Hurm. Hoom. Clankbeast house fry, shroomy halb.",
                  "Clankbeast! Chop carpa, cantara.",
                  "Hoom clankbeast. Halb plesti cantara, nab?",
                  "Hoom. Shroomy nab clankbeast feara. Mesti bravada!",
                  "Hoom. Clankbeast halb mesti, deka plant?"
    And here's the lines for ShroomMerchant.
    "default" : [
                  "Hoom! Exchanga habble pixels! Clink clink!",
                  "Hoom clinker. Habba shopshroom deka plesta?",
                  "Halhoom megaclinker. Habba chop chop workest!"
                "floran" : [
                  "Halhalhoom, plant! Exchanga habble pixels! Chop clink!",
                  "Hoom, nab feara plant! Habble pixels, mesta clink clink.",
                  "Hoom. Plant clinker habba shopshroom plesta?"
                "hylotl" : [
                  "Hum. Hoom. Squishfish nab feara halb clink.",
                  "Squishfish. Mesta nab tetrana chop clinker.",
                  "Hoom, squishfish. Nab smashroom habba clinker house. Okay?"
    "default" : [
                  "Foom. Clink remore!",
                  "Fanfoom! Habba clink okay.",
                  "Foomfoom. Clink nab feara pixels!",
                  "Foom! Clink mesta plesta!"
    Curiously, the shopkeepers can't have the second head variety, and they have "generatedTier2broadswords" as sheathed weapons (which they won't use unless on a higher-tier planet).
  5. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    I agree with Lecic. It's either some sort of combat stim or drug in development. Would explain why they had florans captive, maybe testing on them?
  6. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    Thanks for the clarification. I did notice it was rather strange and wondered if it was a bug. Still, the fact that they did absolutely no damage mesmerizes me.

    On the topic of infection though, it may very well be a species of fungi. All species (earthly or not) aim to survive and reproduce; It is the natural way of life. Parasitic fungi survive by infecting a host and feeding off it, but several species of Cordyceps fungi can alter a host's brain to work in favor of the parasite. All fungi spread by infecting a host, growing, and releasing spores. If this were some type of intelligent Cordyceps fungi (I mean, we have intelligent bird people, why is fungi so hard to believe) then it would definitely be able to advance technologically (hence the drysap reaserch) and consume other organisms.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  7. Huckleberry Len

    Huckleberry Len Void-Bound Voyager

    I received a Agaran Puffball Hat...... which seems to come with the face attached. So I am unsure if they actually look different and all wear masks to cover their faces, or if the Hat infects me and turns me into one (albeit temporarily)... or if I went Hannibal Lecter on them.......
  8. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    Ripping off the enemy's head and wearing it as a trophy... I like it.
    SirKaldar likes this.
  9. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Or it could be like the Floro Sprout in Super Paper Mario: You (try to) get past the security and under the radar by wearing a dead version of the same thing that's hijacking other people.

    In all seriousness it's probably not a problem.
  10. Kaine

    Kaine Aquatic Astronaut

    He may be stuck in plant-bowl-prison thing, but this Floran is still quite rude.

    Attached Files:

  11. Prophet of Deception

    Prophet of Deception Big Damn Hero

    I think my first encounter was on a random planet scouring mission. They lived in giant mushroom towers or squat 2-story mushroom houses. I found no other species hanging around except for an avian travelling trader.
  12. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    Your argument is invalid. All Florans are rude, no matter the circumstances.

    Oh Aqua'lin, You still haven't forgiven them for taking over your Home planet?
    You can't judge them all over the actions of the past generations.

    Yes I can.

    What if the Argarans just don't know what they are doing because they are just retarded?

    Who'd want to wear a Retarded ,
    Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushroom's head anyway?

  13. Raymond1991

    Raymond1991 Phantasmal Quasar

    Whats with the hate for these shrooms they stopping evil floran people from taking over. Evidence Florans chased the fish people from their home, their bio states how they attack other races and steal their technology to reverse engineer it, only florans are shown to be in many prisons only other race in prison is humans but thats only penal colonies while florans have their own prision and mini prisons ones with shrooms holding them captive.
  14. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Florans are not evil, they are truly the misunderstood ones. Agarans are by far worse, possibly using their spores to make more Agarans. You're point is invalid.
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  15. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    Exactly. Most Floran villagers aren't hostile, a lot don't want to murder everyone they see, so it's wrong for the Agarans to imprison and test on them. Penal colonies is one thing, and also, it's only because the Florans are the only who can be experimented with drysap.
    MilkCalf, Hawk Novablast and beari78 like this.
  16. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    Bull shit, eating and slaughtering ppl does not make them ''misunderstood'' it makes them deranged psychopaths. I've found quite a few agaran villages and none of the inhabitants have threatened to eat me unlike florans, at least agarans sell you guns,iv'e played as three different races (hylotl,apex,human) and every time, florans threaten to stab me or pull a Hannibal Lector on me.

    there is no evidence of that what-so ever, that all we know is that agarans imprison floran.
  17. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Hylotls are psychopaths. They are obsessed with perfection! They hold grudges and flaunt themselves all over everyone! Florans are an early people. Give them as long as humans had, and they'll be walking Hivemind Glitch, completely medieval like.
  18. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    Thats called vain, also just because they're primitive does not excuse the fact that they're cannibalistic murderers.
  19. Raymond1991

    Raymond1991 Phantasmal Quasar

    Last I checked Florans forced Hylotls from their planet despite Hylotls are considered pacifists. They eat Apex people. What else do you need to prove they evil.
  20. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    Don't forget they also eat avians,humans,florans...basically anything they can sink they're teeth into

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