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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    You're right, but that would leave no use for any sort of special drops from infected creatures.
  2. TheChoclateBare

    TheChoclateBare Void-Bound Voyager

    Better idea, Infected brains, you use a brain extractor on a infected or agrans and get brains and use something to break that down to DNA then use that to make a Virus table, your one stop shop for all your infected needs
    SirKaldar likes this.
  3. TheChoclateBare

    TheChoclateBare Void-Bound Voyager

    Infected Brains Yay
  4. RenaldiForumStar

    RenaldiForumStar Big Damn Hero

    This derailed and rerailed quickly...
  5. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    Couldn't we use a combination of both the vaccine and the infected brains to create some sort of weapons which fights the infection? Like a syringe gun with the cure?
    TheChoclateBare likes this.
  6. TheChoclateBare

    TheChoclateBare Void-Bound Voyager

    or you craftable buff to put on weapons that does extra damage to infected or something
    KingCake likes this.
  7. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    The Agarans are not the only issue. Every race has something.

    But somewhere, somewhere out there, the intelligent life of the galaxy united, and there they built the Superstructure.

    The thirteen races built everything themselves. The very planet is artificial.
    The Apex, the Avians, the Florans, the Glitch, the Humans, the Hylotl, the Novakid.
    The Agarans, the Helion, the Penguin, the Frogman, the Moleman, the Micron.
    Nothing could stop them.
    Nobody who could disrupt the Superstructure could reach it.
    Big Ape tried. Kluex tried. Thornwing tried. Greenfinger tried. The hive-mind tried. The tentacle comet tried. Dreadwing tried. Even Hiraki Corale tried. All failed.
    But today the planet lies empty. Something happened nonetheless.
    Perhaps the forces of evil briefly united.
    Perhaps they destroyed themselves.
    But within the Superstructure is the solution, the solution to all of your problems. It's been done before, it can be done again.
    The Genetic History. The Proof of Mortality. The Stabilizing Sap. The Hive-mind Disruptor. The Anti-Tentacle Virus. The Redefinition of All. The ???????????.
    The Linguistic Database. The Plain Sight. The Thermal Augmentor. The Surface Magnet. The Tunnel Vision. The Scale Adjuster.
    All within the Superstructure.
    Perhaps someone brave enough... or desperate enough... can reclaim them.

    ^the pitch for the adventure map mod I'm working on^

    Anyway, I personally met two Agarans, they were just chilling beside a lava pit. No Florans involved. I suspect they are linked to the Oaken Soldiers. An unused codex entry for the "FloranHell" (Floran Prison Dungeon) indicates that Drysap is probably intelligent, sooooo...
  8. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Who are the Helion and Micron?

    Also, me and the rest of the Human race sure would like that Anti-Tentacle Virus.

    that means give it to us right now or we will storm your compound to get it back, no survivors :p
  9. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    The Helion are mentioned in unused Avian Sucide Tower codex entries (in the current game there is no storage item in the towers so the codex entries are never found there), in Thornwing's Diary. They're incredible assassins who his mother used to kill off political rivals and Thornwing had one of his classmates killed because he thought she stole his stims (the real culprit was Hiraki Corale who somehow passed for an Avian for months). They are mentioned in-game by a single possible random NPC dialogue line, and referenced as "frightening".
    The Micron are the theoretical inhabitants of the Underground Tiny Houses biome, and obviously operate on a much smaller scale than everyone else.

    And there was a little incident at the compound. There already are no survivors, and the planetary turrets wipe out everything that approaches, except the very fortunate player. The player will begin the map in a ship with only enough power to teleport to the surface, then no returning until you beat the map, which involves using evidence of the past to re-create the solutions, killing every boss in prebuilt arenas of sorts, running back and forth across the planet to get to "that one crafting station that I need". The Novakid sector will be sealed off and inaccessible until the race is implemented or lore becomes official, at which point I'll update the adventure as I see fit.
    The player will navigate using techs, exchanging them at an unused "Tech Station" object that doesn't include a 3D printer. No object or block placing or removing will occur.
    Did I mention the disasters that bring the players to the Superstructure?
    The Miniknog begin the ultimate purge, and the Apex player escapes in a Miniknog ship by dodging enough bullets to put Jackie Chan to shame.
    Kluex reveals himself and his fury and Grounded settlements the galaxy over are wiped out, the Avian player escaping in an old junker that couldn't even do a correct FTL jump.
    A Floran genetic augment goes wrong and begins driving every Floran in the galaxy insane. The Floran player wakes up on the floor of the ship in orbit.
    The Glitch Hive-mind corrects itself and broadcasts a "re-capture" signal to reclaim the Outcasts and continue the experiment. The Glitch player wakes up in orbit when the Superstructure's signal jammers kill the "re-capture" upon entering orbit.
    The Tentacle Monster spreads. Everywhere. Comets everywhere. They were with the humans all along, infecting their very DNA with a retrovirus that allows it to spread. The Human player just watched his colony destroyed and sees another Tentacle Comet trying to escape into FTL, and rams it with his own ship mid-FTL.
    The Hylotl player discovers that the species is becoming unable to appreciate anything, even their own "high culture", and botches an FTL jump while trying to find a solution.
    Afor the races above, you may not recognize some of them. The Helion are mentioned in a slew of unused Codex entries for the Avian Suicide Towers, specifically the diary of Thornwing; they are also mentioned by a single NPC line ingame. They are frightening, untraceable assassins of sorts, swift to get the job done. Thornwing's mother used them to kill off political rivals.
    The Frogman are those odd frog merchant folks in the underground dungeons.
    The Molemen are an as-yet-unused variant of the Frog Merchant present in the game files. They have no data on what to sell.
    The Micron are the theoretical inhabitants of the Tiny Houses underground biome.
  10. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Sounds awesome, can't wait until it releases. But IMO, the Hylotl problem should be that the insane Floran's have almost driven the species to extinction.
  11. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    Wow, pretty interesting. I hate the avian religion tho, it's so barbaric.
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  12. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    When the Floran wakes up, his ship is extremely damaged. Some of the damage looks like gunfire. You can draw your own conclusions.

    I suspect the Hylotl problem will be revised, it sounds sorta silly no matter how serious it is. I'm waiting on more actual lore; once I get a solid Hylotl villain (or hell even an extremist) I'll use that instead.
    Release is going to be a loooooong way away lol, I need to find out how to fix a few dozen dozen bugs and engine problems.
    The Avian Solution is called "Proof of Mortality" for a reason.
    (hint: One of the ingredients is called the Crystal Resonance Cannon)
  13. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    If you're interested, I've got a screenie of a foyer's wiring scheme...
    Wiring is a bitch
    Also I've got something I did on an old Angry Koala planet after ransacking a few Kluex temples, and which I will recreate on the Superstructure:
    Awful pun inbound...
    I guess you could say I gave Kluex... THE BIRD!
  14. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Can't see the second image, invalid host URL.
  15. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

  16. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    Oh boy... Avians.


    Serenity likes this.
  17. The Grand Mugwump

    The Grand Mugwump Subatomic Cosmonaut

    << Miniknog Report: 18v048ana >>

    << The following are a selection of audio logs found aboard a derelict, apex vessel regarding a wanted hylotl female's encounter with race designate: Agaran >>

    [Audio Log 1]

    "This is Dr. Mizu Suimaa. I've been running for....*rustling noise* seven years, three months, and twenty seven days from the Miniknog. It was my hope to have finally found a colony outside their reach, but their agents found me somehow. I managed to evade them and escape, but now my fuel is nearly gone. Scanners picked up signals from a small trader's outpost on a nearby planet. The odds of decent civilization are low, which means I can likely barter my knowledge of Hylotl medical arts for fuel. Hopefully they will have a suitable environment for me to perform my work in."

    [Audio Log 2]

    "The trading outpost was even more dreadful than I initially imagined. Many of the metal surfaces were rusted, and the inhabitants hadn't bathed in Waters only knows how long. Thankfully they had work for me and were intelligent enough to accept my aid in exchange for fuel. The traders kept mentioning being attacked by strange creatures outside their outpost. What do they expect living on the edge of civilized space? Hmph! Most of the wounds I treated today were caused by weapons, many of which were tainted with unusual toxins. Scans revealed them to be inelegant and easily remedied, but clearly these traders are dealing with more than random attacks from wildlife."

    [Audio Log 3]

    "These are not ordinary wild animals. One of the idiots captured whatever was attacking them and brought it in. Apparently they thought I could tell them what it was. Hmph! At first I thought it was a Floran, but a quick examination quickly proved otherwise. It was similar in many ways, but where Florans are plants, this would be most accurately described as a fungus. Whatever they used to knock it out wore off, and it began making unintelligible noises which seemed to vibrate through the very ground and metal around me. One of the traders put a bullet in it, and its remains almost immediately began breaking down into a foul, black goo. I was quite insistent I receive my fuel now, and their leader eventually caved after I threatened to simply leave with what little I had left without aiding his fellows further. I will continue treating them for another day or two, or until it becomes too dangerous."

    [Audio Log 4]

    "All signals have stopped. The outpost is gone. What information I could gather from orbit showed massive numbers of similar scan signatures to the one I received from the captive converging on the outpost. There were also signatures of several other ships in orbit activating their FTL engines. Hopefully the traders were able to escape. Fortunately I have enough fuel to last me several hundred light years. Hmph. Which part of the edge of civilization to go to now?"
    Lecic and Breakout like this.
  18. Azurium

    Azurium Space Spelunker

    Hmm, I found some sort of mushroom house with an Agaran merchant building next to it.

    The Agaran dude sells me some pretty nice guns.
  19. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Don't be fooled, they'll spread their spores to you instantly. Wait...

    The spores are probably in the guns!
  20. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    It's less of the guns that worries me but the fact that the Agarans are capable of selling merchandise. Does this mean they are a more intelligent parasite than we thought or just carry on with the host's memories/job after infection?

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