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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer


    WARING: The fungi species known as 'Agaran's' are spreading uncontrolled across the galaxy. They have shown extreme hostility to Floran's and several other species. They appear to capture Floran's in dungeons, torturing them and infecting them with spores that transform them into Agaran's. Uncontrolled, this species could take over the universe. When slain they explode into more spores, possibly infecting other species. If you or any others in your community sight an Agaran, beam to your ship IMMEDIATELY, and thoroughly clean yourself before contacting USCM forces. We will quarantine any infected planets and dispose of the infection. Thank you.
  2. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Pfft, Humans. Running around with a shattered empire acting like they own the place.
  3. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    Fools. Their pride will be their downfall. Then we shall finish what remains of them.
  4. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    That escalated quickly.
  5. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Since when did everyone in the galaxy hate us?
    Bejamin likes this.
  6. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    Still, we humans are prideful, and it will be our downfall one day
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  7. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Sadly, you aren't wrong.
  8. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    unfortunately, history will always repeat itself and we will never learn from our mistakes. all of our promises from our leaders turn into hopes...
    Hawk Novablast and Faeryheart like this.
  9. Azurium

    Azurium Space Spelunker

    I do not know if this theory has been mentioned yet, but I think that the Agarans will be the Floran and Hylotl final boss. From previous encounters, we can see that the Agarans are holding Florans prisoners. From the lore, the Agarans killed the Hylotl missionary group. Maybe this storyline will involve the Floran and Hylotl uniting against a common enemy and becoming good friends.
    Faeryheart likes this.
  10. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    That would be pretty interesting. A lot of the final bosses are pretty clear, other then these two, the Agarans make perfect sense.

    Apex: Big Ape
    Humans: Tentacle Beast
    Avian: Kluex
    Floran/Hyotl: Agarans
    Glitch: The Creator
    Faeryheart, OmegaMinion and Desolator like this.
  11. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    I'd rather have the Floran final boss to be the Oaken Soldiers, but i'd be fine with it being the Agarans if it ends with the Player Character consuming the Agaran Leader's remains and becoming a god-king.
  12. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    The Spores are dangerous, friends
    MilkCalf, SirKaldar, Lecic and 2 others like this.
  13. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Yeah, I totally forgot about Oaken Soldiers, they would make more sense.
  14. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    I'd rather have the Avians and Glitch fight the creator, depending on if they both have the same alien species that changed and created them. I also think during Avian questline you fight the Stargazers. And when you beat your species boss, you should either receive word the other bosses were defeated, or go on to defeat them yourself. And I think the Floran/Hylotl should involve the Greenguards, Oaken Soldiers, the Agarans, Greenfinger, and some sort of Hylotl enemy.
  15. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Quote the Anodynes- Oh by the Gods what in the world?!
  16. Casia

    Casia Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Floran hate fire. notice the floran prisons have hot coals and lava.
  17. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    That escalated quickly
    SirKaldar and Hawk Novablast like this.
  18. RenaldiForumStar

    RenaldiForumStar Big Damn Hero

    Never said that i was a floran only, or that those eels were phalluses(pic 3), and prawns ARE distant relatives of hyotl....somewhat(pic 2). And by "....meaty side with a few leaves or something i meant 2 or 3 peices of lettuce from the garden and a steak the size of a table. Pic 1 involved one of your cousins and some vegetation from the garden - Florans aren't the only source of roughage in the galaxy. oh and:
    Why other races look down on HYOTYLS^^^^

    ...:facepalm: good luck with that. ^^
  19. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Humans. Cute. We Glitch and Novakid will take care of this. I also find it highly likely the Novakid have immunity.
    Bejamin likes this.
  20. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    this is gonna be a long thread:yoda:...

    1.hylotls aren't fish they're salamanders (amphibians). (also, shrimp and fish are not related in any way).


    2.florans are the only consistent vegetable in the galaxy, (each planet differs in wildlife) would make sense to cook them as they occupy a vast number of planets, and are usually not hard to find.

    3.it is very possible to clean your lungs/intestine etc.

    4.we know agarans seem to be hostile to all races, but florans are the only race they seem to capture. it is possible that that's the only race they can infect. it would explain why there are no other races captive.

    5.someone plz send me the wiki link where it says agarans are infectious.

    i see what you did there, but its completely out of context considering that almost all races in the game consider you as totalitarian, dictatorial and self-suppresive.(its hylotl, thought you might want to know)

    7.you'd be surprised how efficient cooking food is at killing micro-organisms (like spores and other agaran bacteria).

    i know, ...i did:sneaky: (btw its phallus's).

    9.agarans may be edible, but the infected aren't, so in the famous words of doomshield321
    preferably before it lays eggs/spores.

    any questions?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014

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