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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

  2. ThunderBeta

    ThunderBeta Big Damn Hero

    More people need to vote for Agarans as menaces. Who would say they're misunderstood??
    There's hard proof that they wish only for the destruction of the other races!
    People who say they're just mushrooms will be the first in their dark harvest.
    SirKaldar and OmegaMinion like this.
  3. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    You have my approval, good sir.
  4. PicklePackle

    PicklePackle Phantasmal Quasar

    I found one of their villages, but I did some genocide in order to get one of those hats.

    None of them dropped one...
  5. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    The Agaran Menace Step To Step Guide

  6. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    3.v profit
    SirKaldar and Villhelm like this.
  7. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

  8. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    3.v Become infected with Agaran spores. Die or become another one.
    SirKaldar and Faeryheart like this.
  9. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    re-read step 1:D
  10. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Step one. Expose yourself to massive amounts of Agaran spores from chopping an Agaran into small pieces. Continue to expose yourself to Agaran spores while cooking up Agaran chunks. Presumable eat Agaran chunks, letting spores directly into your internal organs.

    Step two. Repeat, to expose yourself to even more Agaran spores. Honestly, you've probably got a quarter kilo of spores on or in you by now. Don't even bother with decom at this point. Just chuck yourself in a pool of lava and hope all the spores go with you.
    SirKaldar and Faeryheart like this.
  11. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    that's why u cook em;)
  12. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    found a massive village full of aragans, had at least 200 bombs i'm pretty sure you know what i did next:laugh:
    SirKaldar likes this.
  13. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    but that ruins the texture:coffee:
    Faeryheart likes this.
  14. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    1. Walk into Agaran village, gain spores.
    2. Kill Agarans, gain large amounts of spores.
    3. Drag Agaran corpses to cooking station, you are now coated in spores.
    4. Chop up Agaran corpses, spores cover every inch of skin. I assume at this point we've abandoned the idea that Hylotls are "peaceful" or whatever. You just murdered and chopped up an intelligent being.
    5. Cook Agaran flesh. Obtain more spores while throwing mushroom bits into pot.
    6. Presumably eat the now cooked Agaran flesh. Pretty messed up for most races, especially Hylotls.
    • 6b. Instead of eating the flesh, you throw it away. Why the hell didn't you just toss them in an incinerator if you weren't going to eat them?
    7. Walk around other intelligent life forms and spread spores to them. Good going, idiot. Now you've spread the effects of your idiocy to others as well.
    8. Everything dies or becomes Agaran as the spores spread. Florans are assumed to become Agarans, everything else most likely dies of advanced fungal growths devouring their organs. Even Glitches die out, their cogs and engines and motors all clogged up with fungus.

    I will continue to snipe all Agarans from a distance, firebomb the area until all traces of spores cannot exist, and enter in a Class 4 Biohazard Suit, along with a portable decom shower. If I find any trapped non-Agarans in basements and the like, I will judge the status of their infection, and decom them if they are not too far gone. I will then supply a BHS to them and escort them away.

    And you call us Salad Headed.
  15. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    rly...no-one can think of how to solve this....

  16. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Remember to shower out your lungs and stomach.
    BurningSprite and Bejamin like this.
  17. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    will do! :up:
    BurningSprite likes this.
  18. The-Seven-Worlds

    The-Seven-Worlds Zero Gravity Genie

    I'm pretty sure high tech showers can do. If not we've been served false publicity from future, and I'd be mad.

    So Agarans aren't a problem.

    Still wouldn't eat, even floran disssagreessss.
  19. VinchenzoJackal

    VinchenzoJackal Big Damn Hero

    Agarans seem to be heavily divided between good friendly beings, neutral passive beings, and hostile conquerors.
    Whether Agarans of all these types are at peace with eachother or united is unknown.
    What is known is that when you encounter Agarans they can be a good thing, a random encounter, or a dangerous encounter.
    I have not encountered many Agarans with prisoners, they tend to be very few.
    In addition, I have seen Agaran exist on a planet and be friendly with the other races, meaning that it is quite possible that some Agaran communities seek peace with beings like Florans, Avians, Apex, and Humans.
    However, it is without a doubt, these planets seem to be as rare as planets where Agarans keep other beings as prisoners...
    Could it be that on a large scale Agarans are neutral? Perhaps we merely know too little about them to be certain...
  20. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    I usually find friendly ones, but I slaughter them anyway. :) I always try to free the Florans too.

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