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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Just be a dick back. You're not gonna get away from it anyway.

    The fact you're even aware of this means you're usually going to be the one justified for being one. Not always, but you'd be surprised how often.
  2. Snixar Schillwing

    Snixar Schillwing Master Chief

    To quote myself before I went to bed and got buried underneath all the venomous spitting, I still think that the pods could be a source of resources, perhaps related to the planet they're on?

    Honestly, with them looking like escape pods, it'd still be pretty cool to have an 'upright'/vertical bed that looks like one of these, or even furniture made from a disassembled 'spinning death machine'.

    Come to think of it, with the newest patch making us immune to damage in our own ship, perhaps allow us a way to take one home, so that we may always embrace our ever-thoughtful Russian Space Roulette?
  3. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Okay, but it's your opinion that a core mechanic of the game is broken.
    So, yes, you're dealing in opinions.

    I agree that instant death is pretty pointless for such minor rewards, but that's just our opinion on the matter.
    Perhaps the devs like it the way it is, and don't want to alter it, in which case, we have the option to ignore them, or mod them.

    Bottom line is, this thread is based on you having an opinion about something, discussion of which, is the entire point of any forum, by the way.
    dooder39 likes this.
  4. Ryukiroku

    Ryukiroku Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I honestly think they just need to make the buffs more worthwhile to outweigh the instant death capabilities. 30 secs is just not cutting it.
  5. Graham

    Graham Subatomic Cosmonaut

    When I picked up the totem in Spelunky for the first time and a huge boulder came and squashed me it was a "Hah! You got me" kind of moment.

    When I pressed E on a spinny thing and went poof and spawned back on my ship it was an "Oh... Fuck sake I have to walk all that way again" moment.

    There should be punishments, but something that you can escape would be much more fun than just instadeath. Something like bandits jump you or some trap is set off would be better imo.
    CJx101 and Ryukiroku like this.
  6. Kelad

    Kelad Astral Cartographer

    Make instant death very rare, and add a jackpot to balance it out, like i big pile of pixels or loot. Add some less brutal negatives to replace the nerfed death chance, like spawning a random mob in your face or poisoning you. Dangerous, but not insta-kill.
  7. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    No, I am not. It's my stance on something vs someone else's, whatever "stance" may be. If someone else has an "opinion," that's their problem. I'll have a theory, a philosophy, a hypothesis, a fact, or any other number of things that have something substantial backing them. I work very hard to rip any "opinion" out of anything I so much as think, and avoid so much as using the term as an expression. If you can't come forth with full certainty that your claim is substantiated enough to be something other than an errant opinion that isn't my problem.
  8. Meanbeans

    Meanbeans Star Wrangler

    I absolutely disagree about the Death Penalty. As with all games, there should be a death penalty. Albeit a little too many pixels, BUT, I do like it a lot better than losing items upon death and having so long to go back and pick them up. So I'd much rather just lose pixels.
  9. Equilibriate

    Equilibriate Orbital Explorer

    Tiy has said they were never intended to be insta-kill, it's something that needs to be fixed......
  10. dooder39

    dooder39 Big Damn Hero

    Such ignorance... Its amazing.....

    Its an opinion how ever you look at it. So stop crying and get over it.
  11. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Sigh. Okay, I guess we're really doing this then.


    Where in this post are you quoting hard facts?
    Is it under all those "shouldn't"s?

    The only factual thing in there, is that hardcore players would be stupid to activate one, without extreme extenuating circumstances. (If you're about to die anyway, and your only chance to live is a buff, hit it.)

    Please be aware, you are stating an opinion. Opinion != fact.

    /insert themoreyouknow.jpg here
    dooder39 likes this.
  12. Achti

    Achti Aquatic Astronaut

    second that. So far i just ignore them because the chance of a sudden death doesnt balance a 30second boost of some stats. Bad stuff like getting burned or poisoned is ok though, just not 1hit Kills.
    If they want to have the the sudden death risk in there it would be ok if the good boosts were equivalent strong, like 5 minute boosts or such. But as it is now, they are just not worth it.
  13. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot


    I don't entirely doubt this, and it had occurred to me as a possibility, but I'm not sold on this due to developers these days slathering instatdeath all over random things in games.* ...That said, it would surely line up with other weird instakilling things that I'm almost sure are bugged.

    *I don't yet entirely know how to predict Chucklefish's design theory. It's not as much a lack of faith in them as a lack of faith in the industry at large.

    No we're not, as you're going on ignore and I'm not reading the rest of your post.
  14. dooder39

    dooder39 Big Damn Hero

  15. Xuhybrid

    Xuhybrid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I picked up 3 of them in a row. I walk past them now because their low duration benefits are not fucking worth getting instakilled. No thanks.
  16. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Because you're wrong?

    I see what you mean about you don't deal in opinions; you state what yours is, then shove your fingers in your ears when someone invalidates it.


    CJx101 and dooder39 like this.
  17. Colton

    Colton Phantasmal Quasar

  18. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

  19. Gooseman

    Gooseman Subatomic Cosmonaut

    These things have got to go. I just learned to ignore them entirely.
  20. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    I really enjoy exploring for several minutes and going great distances to find something that will reset my progress of the play session thus far.


    People wouldn't mind losing the lottery so much if it didn't feel unfair. I've played a handful of games with lotteries, and usually there's some small amount of forgiveness involved. A small time delay for an explosion, for instance. Perhaps damaging you not to the point of instant KO.

    I'm seeing these points of like, stand back, activate it and examine the cloud. And then walk into it. Thing is, it's not immediately apparent that it's the cloud that causes the effect, as opposed to the action of actually hitting E. You're way more likely to associate the activation of the object with the death rather than "I didn't stand away from the clouds and then judge them in a split second and this is why the death was fair". Players who are less skilled, or never seek any online help, will invariably be punished and put off.

    A lot of this is a moot point, though. I'm really glad to know that this, is in fact, not intended behaviour or consequence of activating the debuff of the standing stones and shrines. I suppose that's to be expected of stage 1 beta. When my reaction to activating what I assume is a new object, to receive a buff and react in fear, I.E. "I COULD HAVE DIED", implementation is probably a little bit iffy.

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