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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    They've already stated that the damage output is incorrect, so I'd imagine they'll be using a percentage based system when they resolve it.
  2. EaglePryde

    EaglePryde Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I do agree. At this early stage i don't take every aspect as set in stone because they told us that much will change during this stage and content is very low and mostly locked out or unfinished compared to the final release version.

    I assume they let us play in stages to balance and tweak the game to the communities desires while fixing bugs to give this game a proper release.
  3. Emily3859

    Emily3859 Astral Cartographer

    You make no sense. Let's break this down.
    1. You played the lottery.
    Please explain to me how this equates to 'playing the lottery.' When playing the lottery you know exactly what you're doing, what your chances are, and what you're able to 'win'. Clicking a random glowing object you see and dying is nothing like playing the lottery.
    2. Get over it.
    Sure, let me get over dying 1/2 way through a huge world and losing 800 pixels by clicking a glowing object that has no description.

    You're ignorant.
    Aeon and XaoG like this.
  4. Letalis

    Letalis Subatomic Cosmonaut

    you can avoid death if you have a shield. use the shield while activating it. most of the explosion will be negated. but personally if theyre going to actually keep these in, they need to make the risk/reward mechanics better. drop some pixels, a gun or something, i just risked my life to activate this thing, make it worth my time all the times it doesnt murder me. :)
  5. dooder39

    dooder39 Big Damn Hero

    Just let this topic die already! The mods confirmed it is a bug.
  6. Teih

    Teih Sandwich Man

    High risk, small reward.

    They're not worth it.
  7. SunChaos

    SunChaos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    do these shrines give you anything else than de-/buffs? havent seen anything else yet
  8. Twisted Trip

    Twisted Trip Aquatic Astronaut

    Explosion of pixels would be nice every now and again

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