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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

    Where did I say it can't ever instantly kill you? I didn't, I explained it's not a specifically instant-kill effect.
    I think you just wanted to use the word "irrefutable" and did so through quoting me. :seriously:

    To clarify again, it's damage, not a command to cause the player's death or set their HP to 0.
    Granted a player has little chance of survival at their first encounter, with low damage mitigation and HP boost.
    They should learn though, then come here to rant and/or decide whether they enjoy its current state.

    Other clarification, my stance on the current state of the status pod is that as-to-be-expected it's crude, boring and useless thing.
    The concept's had many incarnations in other games and has nice potential here, fitting for procedurally generated environments.
  2. Sikelh

    Sikelh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm fine with them having negative effects but the sheer amount of damage they are capable of is way to high. There shouldn't even be a chance of them instakilling you from your full health regardless of how close I stand to the blasted thing. Even in roguelikes which are SUPPOSED to be bullshit they rarely do this. They will frequently screw you so that the next thing that comes along kills you but things that do that almost always have an icredibly valuable reward to make it worth the risk and not a 15 second extra jump buff.
    Rabblerouser likes this.
  3. Rabblerouser

    Rabblerouser Phantasmal Quasar

    I do like Denninja's mod's ability to simply destroy it and get a certain amount of pixels. Seems like a good idea if people want to simply clear it to make room for construction.

    Would be cool to have a way to remove it safely but still have the gamble for later. Perhaps you could add that to your mod, Denninja? :D Or would that simply just be adding the projectiles bit and not the other file?
  4. Shadow86

    Shadow86 Pangalactic Porcupine

    As I said in another thread, the concept is fine. Like a dozen other things, it only needs some tweaking.

    Personally, I'd leave damage out of the picture, since that can either be lethal or merely cost you a couple of bandages. Off the top of my head, I'd use the opposite of the buffs if the device backfires: near blindness instead of glowing, slowness instead of speed, high gravity instead of boosted jumps, etc. And probably reduce the chance of a negative effect. Just throwing ideas out there.

    It's a shame to see so many people who'd rather remove things than try and fix them first.
  5. Knyte

    Knyte Contact!

    Can you offer a screenshot or something, cause i rarely allow one to go by without clicking it. They have never given any items or tech. I have gotten as follows:

    Poison cloud
    Speed boost
    Jump Boost

    Nothing else
  6. Sikelh

    Sikelh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is true. I don't want them removed myself. But they do need some serious tweaking done to be worth ever using.
  7. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah I tried making it replaceable, though got stuck at getting the pod to delete itself entirely when consumed, it ended up being completely reusable, you could keep placing it, healing, picking it up and repeating.
    I'll go mess with the .lua now.

    edit- Well, it could simply spawn an explosive which destroys it, that would be a little hazardous but would solve the anchor frame sticking around...
    I'll try that if the forced deletion method doesn't work first.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
    Colton likes this.
  8. ghozzt

    ghozzt Space Spelunker

    If there was real value to them, id be all for it, but a barley useful 30 sec or so buff, its not worth the risk of losing 30% of my money. So, as it stands, its a totally wasted mechanic because I dont touch them. Make them buff me for an hour, or drop better than avg weapons/armor, and I'm all for the death lottery.
    Rabblerouser likes this.
  9. SuperMandrew

    SuperMandrew Cosmic Narwhal

    Not trying to say that they're a good game mechanic, but just throwing out there that these shrines can be blocked if you have a shield - you may take a little damage, but it likely won't kill you.
  10. Rabblerouser

    Rabblerouser Phantasmal Quasar

    That sounds OP if I only used it for clearing them. Could end up doing my gambling on the spaceship. :p

    Dunno. Might be a helpful cheat to beta test and see if they really do give out items/tech.
  11. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Denninja likes this.
  12. Lollerpops

    Lollerpops Void-Bound Voyager

    I didn't feel like reading 10 pages of whining about the shrines..I didn't used to click them.

    Then about the time I had rubium armor and found one right near where I'd warped to the planet I used it. I got the "instant death" result except it did hardly anything to me.

    Now I have impervium and I click all the shrines cus the boosts are nice, if only for a short time, and the negative effects do literally almost nothing.

    Not really a big deal now and they are nice from time to time for getting around. I love speed boost ^.^
  13. thestalkinghead

    thestalkinghead Big Damn Hero

    my logical mind is telling me they aren't worth using (very small gains and massive losses) but my irrational mind is saying "USE IT NOW, IT WILL BE FUN!!!!"

    irrational mind usually wins :(
  14. Sikelh

    Sikelh Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's still too strong early on. maybe if the damage varied by planet threat level so the ones in alpha aren't such murder machines.
  15. sabbathblck6

    sabbathblck6 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I only risk these if I don't have any HP or HP restoring items....the last 3 times I've done this I got a full health shrine :)
  16. Lollerpops

    Lollerpops Void-Bound Voyager

    I think that's a damn good idea.

    The damage they do is really high for a while, evens out to what is probably a "normal" amount around plat (I don't remember for sure when it evened out) and then becomes nothign really by the late tiers.
  17. Raok

    Raok Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I still use the shrines that are near me though I won't go chasing after them. Even though I've been killed twice now and burned numerous times I guess I just like taking that gamble.
  18. TheEveryman

    TheEveryman Big Damn Hero

    At first I opened every giant pill I saw until one blew me the hell up. Then I just opened them with my shield up until one poisoned me through my shield for 51 damage a tick. I then broke every single one I saw with a pickaxe until I realized it would be better to just leave them there as waypoint markers for my planet sweeps.
  19. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    I don't remember lasers shooting my brains out when i lose the lottery.
  20. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If they are only supposed to do fire and poison, then it sounds like a bug. There are instant kills happening. Whether those instant kills are happening via poison or fire, which is possible but doesn't seem likely, then so be it but that doesn't change the fact that it's still an instant 'you clicked and before you're done pressing the interact button you're dead' effect.

    Instant kills are happening. The question is, is this intended or is this a bug? So it sounds to me that they aren't supposed to be doing anything other than fire or poison but they seem to be. Your proof means very little in a beta riddled with bugs I'm sorry to say. Just because you provide 'proof' that they simply can't do what people are saying they do doesn't mean that they aren't actually doing it. Not saying this to sound like a douche, just stating the fact that this is indeed happening and instant deaths are occurring, which I agree with the OP that needs to be fixed.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013

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