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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Chthonic One

    Chthonic One Aquatic Astronaut

    Tell me this is your video and I have permission to use it :D
  2. Kruger287

    Kruger287 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I feel as op has never played any type of roguelike
    I like gambling :)
  3. Insanitor

    Insanitor Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You must be a blast at parties...

    But i agree with the though... It's a lottery... I often sit there going "hmm, should i try, or not..."
    So please don't remove them... Just make the other buffs more Worth while, so we want a reason to gamble our life :p
  4. Falke77

    Falke77 Big Damn Hero

    Get a speed boost for only 15 seconds, or die and waste hundreds of pixels.

    That seems like such a great payout for such an extreme risk...
    CJx101, cyberspyXD and Kruger287 like this.
  5. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    It's not my video, sorry :(
  6. Kruger287

    Kruger287 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I just like to gamble because if i *win* i have a reason to drink heavily ......jk
    no even if its a small boost tho i like the will i die or what situation
    Plus i feel as everyone is going nuts about pixels and losing em
    i have pulled technical endgame by just playing if you forget and stop worrying
    things come along faster no need to worry just have fun because its a game :)
  7. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I didn't see anyone respond to this directly so I'll go ahrad and do so.

    You either
    A: Haven't used enough of the shrines or
    B: Are using a mod that has removed the instant death from them

    I have been decked out in Tier 3 armor with 175 max health and have used a shrine that did 175 damage to me. It was literally a "instant kill" shrine. I have tried being at max distance to see if it makes a difference and from what I can tell, it does not because I have still been instantly killed upon use on occasion. So, if distance is supposed to adjust the amount of damage you take, that could possibly be a bug where it is not.

    Now, the fire and poison shrines are fine. Nobody is really talking about those effects though. It's the fact that you can literally come across a shrine, click it and die instantly. If this hasn't happened to you, just count your blessings at your fantastical luck cause it's happened to me more often than it hasn't.

    I still use them when I see them however because I like to test for potential bugs in a beta and this is very much an early beta where things exactly like this need to be tested. The instant death feature may very well be unintended and could even be a bug. Either way, it needs to be fixed.
  8. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

    The shrine didn't simply do "175 damage".
    It dealt 175 DPS, total damage at that moment, which capped at your current HP.
    Fire and Poison are the only two possible negative effects in vanilla.
    Again, the damage would have been avoided at least to a non-lethal level if you hadn't been directly in front of the status pod when activating.
    The poison spreads in multiple floating projectiles from the center.
    The fire expands rapidly as many small projectiles that settle.
    You can dodge both of them. I've had worse luck with poison, touching at least 1 cloud while backing away, though that's a bandage worth of damage.

    Proof, completely updated unedited/vanilla.
      "projectileOptions" : [
          "projectileType" : "healingstatusprojectile",
          "projectileParams" : { }
          "projectileType" : "burningstatusprojectile",
          "projectileParams" : { }
          "projectileType" : "poisonstatusprojectile",
          "projectileParams" : { }
          "projectileType" : "runstatusprojectile",
          "projectileParams" : { }
          "projectileType" : "jumpstatusprojectile",
          "projectileParams" : { }
          "projectileType" : "glowstatusprojectile",
          "projectileParams" : { }
    Heal, fire, poison, and the 3 buff clouds.


      "projectileName" : "burningstatusprojectile",
      "physics" : "grenade",
      "bounces" : -1,
      "level" : 3,
      "timeToLive" : 0.001,
      "damageKindImage" : "icon.png",
      "frames" : "burningstatusprojectile.png",
      "animationCycle" : 0.5,
      "frameNumber" : 4,
      "actionOnReap" : [
          "action" : "config",
          "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2.config"
      "power" : 0,
      "piercing" : true,
      "damageKind" : "default",
      "damageType" : "ignoresdef",
      "damagePoly" : [ [-36, 0], [-24, -24], [0, -36], [24, -24], [36, 0], [24, 24], [0, 36], [-24, 24] ],
      "flippable" : true,
      "universalDamage" : true,
      "statusEffects" : [
          "kind" : "glow",
          "amount" : 100.0,
          "color" : "orange",
          "duration" : 5.0
        { "kind" : "testburning" }
    Notice "regularexplosion2", that's a pop the radius of an electric-attribute sword's bolt.

    Last there's "testburning"

      "kind" : "testburning",
      "duration" : 5,
      "initialTick" : false,
      "interval" : 1.0,
      "primitives" : [
        { "name" : "periodic" }
      "effectSources" : [ "burning" ],
      "tick" : {
        "statusEffects" : [
            "kind" : "directDamage",
            "damageKind" : "testburning",
            "amount" : 3
          { "kind" : "glow" }
      "mainInterfaceIcon" : "/interface/statuses/fire.png"
    "directdamage" 3, 1x per second, for 5 seconds, shows you the status icon for being on fire.

    I hope that clears up the misconception about a mysterious instant-death effect being involved.

    There's sure a lot of status effect entries so far, would be cool to see many of them pooled into an object like this.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  9. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What I'm getting here is "it didn't insta-kill me, so it is not instant kill for anyone else".

    Good argument except it's awful.
  10. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    You don't have to use it.
  11. Frabby

    Frabby Intergalactic Tourist

    It has been stated by TIY that they aren't working as intended, they're never supposed to one shot you. I'm sure it will be fixed soon.
    Equilibriate likes this.
  12. Knyte

    Knyte Contact!

    Id like to point out that no shrine is instant death, I figured this out through alot of trial and error. The shrines release an expanding circle of small clouds. If it happens to be poison for example and you are standing ontop of it, you will be hit with a good number of them and probably take enough damage to kill you. But if it isnt poison you only get the one stack of benefit.

    I have learned to stand well back when i poke them and to try and only touch one of the clouds. if its a positive effect i get it full force. If it isnt I take significantly less damage than if I were standing on it. Once I figured this out I have never again been killed by one. Even though I activate every single one I can easily get to.

    Just stand back a bit.

    I do think though that regardless of shrines, the 4 buffs should be rebalanced to last alot longer...
  13. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    It's a thread talking about a balance issue.

    You don't have to automatically defend a little bit of poor design just because you love a game yknow.

    As for the welcome to the internet stuff, I've been using the net for like 13 years. Found a nice little spot on it with these forums, at least until recently. The game's beta release has dragged in a lot of people who see no reason to be respectful, despite the large warning we read each time we access the forum.
    SethLios likes this.
  14. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

    I posted irrefutable proof which everyone starts with copies of.
    Open those assets and see for yourself.
    The bottom line: It's variable damage that you may or may not survive, depending on if you perform the most basic and casual dodging.

    What the hell, now I only care for this to be changed to something people can sincerely agree on.

    Don't forget
    ...softskins. :geek:
  15. RedSerpent

    RedSerpent Poptop Tamer

    You can actually avoid the instakill cloud if you stand as far away as possible, activate it, and move backward all at once. However, I still feel like being instakilled for trying to get a reward isn't exactly intended, especially when you can lose 2k+ pixels for it.
  16. Rabblerouser

    Rabblerouser Phantasmal Quasar

    While I agree, it does seem like it's not necessarily random. You have to actively activate it. You make the choice to "play the lottery" as one of the replies mention.

    Note: "Shrines" are not a building. They look like big pixel boxes.


    It took me forever to find what these things do.

    Considering the wiki AND several other players say they only give out status effects, I'm going to hold out believing they hand out items.
  17. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Game code for a thing that can instantly kill you is not irrefutable proof that it is not an instant kill in all circumstances ever. I think you just wanted to use the word irrefutable.

    I am capable of dodging the cloud. But it's not the point. There are thousands of people playing the game and finding these things for the first time and you are talking about your one play experience like that's the standard of play to be expected from everyone.

    I'm mostly tired of this back and forth "well, you CAN avoid it if you do such and such" and "that's not the point, because it can kill you". Mostly the former traipsing around as if their PRO MLG CLOUD SNIFFING is 100% 'howe 2 Starbound, perfect game no bugs'.
  18. Knyte

    Knyte Contact!

    But thats not true, its not variable, each cloud does a set amount, it all depends on how many of those clouds actually hit you, and if you are close enough to hug it then the likely scenario is they all will.

    Regardless, they seem like something the devs will get around to fixing so till then, as I said... just stand back a little and you will never die from them.
  19. LunarHoopla

    LunarHoopla Poptop Tamer

    i can agree with that i've also had great luck and very bad luck with the shines as well
  20. Grimm2769

    Grimm2769 Aquatic Astronaut

    I can't say for certain there is a instant death setting. prior post linked the effects it can have so I guess don't activate while standing too close. However I can say it has one shot me 3 times now and I no longer use them. now if the buffs were worthwhile I would totally gamble on it and would enjoy a actual instant death effect if there truly is none.( just bad position)

    The idea of a hidden shrine that could be the best or worse thing to happen to you for a couple minutes on a planet is intriguing and the whole "gamble on your life" kinda thing is something you don't really ever see.

    However if you do not enjoy dangerous gambles do as I have done recently and just move along and ignore them. it's not world ending to avoid one little thing while exploring a whole planet.

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