Not that I mind giving you my E-Mail address, it's just that I don't feel like learning to use another collaborative tool. I've never been too big on the source-level collaboration tools, anyway. I learned CVS, got used to it and then all the other programmers went off to use git. Which I've never figured out and frankly don't want to figure out. If I may make a somewhat more low-tech suggestion, just tidy up your current work (finish your current batch of editing, for example) and make another release to this thread. Anything that others update can be contributed back as a zip of just the changed files, the way I've been doing. We could also tell each other what we're working on in this thread so there's no duplicate work. An old open-source programmer saying comes to mind, as well: Release Early, Release Often. You don't have to wait until it's done. You can just give us what you've got now and someone else may just volunteer to help. I might do more, depending on what I decide to do once I get my orbital tether into space. I think the last one of these I built took me a week or two to complete, because I kept getting bored and wandering off. Spent some time gathering fuel yesterday, just to continue. I'm finding fuel stretches quite far when building with force fields. Perhaps a little too far. On the other hand, fuel is rather easy to get and moons are just full of it. Also, my ship glitched ages ago and stopped using any fuel. I don't know when the last time I went on a fuel run was. Is nice to have a reason.
I finished my orbital tether, so I looked at the blocks available to me and decided on carbon fiber and/or plastic. I fixed their recipes and increased the output of several of them. I also decreased the required amount of coal in recipes that used it, because 5 per block? What was I originally thinking? I don't recall. Too bad I don't have matching (non-ship) carbon fiber furniture... Hrm. Anyone want to make some art? Edit: I missed making the rivetless carbon fiber plating work in batches of 20. Is fixed now.
I got through batch(5) anyhow. And I'm getting through them now. Mostly just need the quantity increases, a few ingredient swaps, and a few tier adjusted. I've tentatively rearranged/renamed the recipes folders. Given that many of the folder names refer to obsolete stations that has to happen of course. I'll check out batch 7. edit: current state edit2: I'm out of time before needing to head off. What I know currently needs done. 1. Either add some of the crafting items into player.config, or patch them into "learnblueprintsonpickup" for one of their components. Probably the later is preferable IMO. 2. I mentioned re-sorting the recipes. I think the "tiles_racial_craftingfurniture2" folder is done. I need to go through each item in the other similar folders. Especially to look where rare components are used and adjust the yield upward. I think I did diamonds a while back though. 3. Hunt down what objects don't have recipes at all and rectify that, since I "think" the existing recipes are essentially dealt with besides what I've noted here. And after all that, I can get to re-release - then I can think about new content. Something I enjoy far more than this recipe grind. Not to say that it won't be necessary to re-balance this and that after some playthough.
Sadly, there's always recipe grind. I hear you on that one. Build a big mod and then decide to change how it works and invariably, you've got to re-work every recipe. I believe I did that two or three times while I was actively working on that mod. Before I forget, I had a small suggestion on a block that should be purchasable from the instant mail catalog. I'm actually surprised that I left it out: Gravel. It's in the recipe for Concrete Slab and I tried to make every ingredient for it purchasable, except for Limestone (Gravel is not so easy to find anymore). Also, you might want to switch which form of sand it's selling. Fine sand got turned into silt. It used to be fine sand that we needed for stuff, so it should be regular sand now. Those were a couple of things that occurred to me while playing yesterday.
I'll look at that. I just ran a script to see all the "group" variations, and in the process I have found things which have been missed somehow. I'll rectify those too. Not to mention one of my files that clearly had a write error. edit: Oh that last link should stay current. I made a junction link from the mod from my nightly build(currently identical to stable, where I like to test things) into the folder dropbox keeps synchronized. I just wish it could generate links that do the same for people who receive the link. edit2: It does seem a slight shortcoming with this is that I need to tell the dropbox client to pause, then resume syncing. Probably because I'm not writing directly into their folder. That's not any real trouble though. Those suggestions are now incorporated. I've edited first post for this thread, and placed the same link there. Easier to find that way.
Found a couple of references to Uranium Rods for the force field trim tools. I replaced them with erchius crystal fuel at double the number, since the fuel is kind of the same as an ore and most refine into bars as 2 ore per bar. I also noticed an odd thing when looking at the steel blocks in the list. Steel Hull Plating has two recipes. One calls for Tungsten and the other is Iron and water. I suspect that second recipe is some kind of typo or mistake. Edit: Just noticed another very odd thing. Recipes for Ferozium-based blocks are calling for "Ferozium Compound" instead of "Refined Ferozium". Ferozium is an ore we can mine and refine these days, so I don't think there was a need to reintroduce the compound...
iron and water, eh? I probably messed up trying to change that for rusted blocks etc and clicked on the wrong one. edit: No actually I got the right file, but failed to noticed the recipe outputs "HPB_steelshiphull" instead of "HPB_rustyshiphull" now that recipe produces the correct item. Errors of this sort will probably be the hardest to find. edit: Forgot to reply to this. Yeah I'll be wanting to make lots of new things to match different blocks. Tables, chairs, beds and the like. Of course things like hatch counterparts for all the doors. Maybe shelves, lamps, etc. I'd like to do some electronics but I'd be more selective of which themes get electronics etc. If you're wanting some snazzy furniture today, I suggest downloading the Vepr ship mod I updated. Just delete universe_server.config.patch if you don't want the actual ship itself. It has some really nice looking furniture. Most of it was already in the old mod - edits I made aside. I'll be making more, probably starting with a sink w/theme-matched cabinet for the ship's bathroom area. Strongly considering making a matching (fixed height) elevator. Probably also going to add more theme matched blocks too for that. edit2: The "refinedferozium" change you suggested has been implemented. edit3: I'm also presently working on the code for my planned "do-it-yourself platformed hatches" station. The real trick is using only what is provided within SB's engine to figure out the real "spaces" of doors that don't conveniently define this for you. But I think I've figured as much out. How reliable it will be... I'll see once I have the rest done and can test it. That would be the first in my planned line of "object manipulation stations" that I suppose might as well be a separate mod. I'm on the fence about simply adding it to this mod or making them separate. I do also plan to change the hull plating stations/mail order catalogs. I have a good idea of how upgrade-able stations work now so naturally these should be upgrade-able too, right? But that can wait a bit.
I do love that idea. It would make them fit in better with the rest of the current game, but you might want to consider adding something to the recipes to maintain the current play balance. Currently, one has to fully upgrade that crafting station design station (drawing a blank on the name at the moment) to get the final instant mail catalog. That should also make it feel like spending those diamonds on an upgrade, rather than using them to craft it, which is what I intended from the beginning. Better immersion is always a good thing!
Looks like all the storage lockers are still requiring 5 Durasteel and 10 Platinum. Should be 1 Durasteel and 1 Silver, to match the vanilla lockers.
Just changed those. Although I left the platinum(reduced to 1). Reason: I had made a platinum smelting recipe that I don't think is unreasonable(2 gold ore + 2 silver ors = 2 platinum bars). Although removing it isn't out of the question, when you have numerous "platinum" objects and a few tiles too, it just seems better to actually have platinum to make it from. The other side of it being, that's another mat to hold onto. Personally I don't feel the burn on that - check out my Inventory mod - but not everyone uses things like that. Short of me making a character migration tool myself (or hoping Chucklefish FINALLY handles this internally next update), you can't use old characters and that's a major downside. But we'd also kinda talked about the shortcomings of the recipe system before. If I wanted, I've got a good part of the code I'd need already(from other unrelated projects) to essentially side-step the recipe system. Among other things I could let a player craft things using the materials in nearby containers too. After that, doing a copy/merge of all the .recipe files into 1 or a few .config files could be done with a powershell script in short order. GUI buttons can be generated dynamically... rather a GUI config can be generated dynamically and returned to the engine. The code to generate such a config file is the majority of what I'm lacking to make it. Not sure I WOULD, but I certainly could. And the utility of that extends beyond this mod. Especially FU which has a million mats to manage. edit: I went through the other tiles recipes to increase the output. Not sure I have the balance quite right on everything, but probably close enough for now. Enough that I'd say that phase is done aside from any re-balancing appropriate. And again that last link should remain current. Probably you'd have to download it again... but the link should be right. The next phase is throwing together a script right quick that figures out which objects don't currently have a recipe, and then I make recipes for those things. After that, I guess it is release ready? Sure there are always things that could be better. Like the ship thrusters having the torch icon... drives me nuts LOL (vanilla thrusters are like this too). I'll never release if I have to have everything perfect first. But if there is anything especially pressing/obviously wrong anyone has noticed, now's a great time to mention it.
Well, the only problem with that is that your recipes for making platinum and the various crafting compounds cannot be used, because you've not given the player any way to learn them, just yet. You might want to add those items to the player's default blueprints or add another way to learn them, such as a set of Plans in the catalog. I'd prefer the default blueprints method, because it's more seamless.
Ah good point. I was forgetting that. I made an edit before seeing you'd replied. My internet is questionable and the page hadn't notified me yet. edit: Added those to player.config.patch now
The recipe file for Aegisalt Crystal has an out of place zero at the beginning of the file, which is causing it to fail to parse. Just saw the error while looking at my log file and looked at the offending file. Odd little extra character.
Found another couple of small issues. There's a missing group of "bars" for each of those crafting items, for example. Platinum should be like so: Code: "groups" : [ "mod", "HBP_mod", "craftingfurnace", "bars", "all" ] The others should be like this: Code: "groups" : [ "mod", "HBP_mod", "craftingfurnace3", "bars", "all" ] Currently Rubium can be crafted from it's own ore or Vioulium and Gold ore. I would suggest adding the ability to craft it from bars, like the others are setup. As for the quantity, 2 ore should always result in 1 bar. So, 2 bars input should come out as 2 bars. It shouldn't result in a different ore-to-bar ratio if made from already smelted bars...
I actually had already fixed that accidental 0 that got typed and somehow saved. But I didn't do the "stop sync, resume sync" thing since doing so. I just added "bars" as suggested If you're talking the platinum bars, I had it at 2 silver, 2 gold for 2 bars. So that's 4 ore for 2 bars. The ratio is equivalent, but then I suppose there is no need to make 2 bars at once(unlike everything else). I must have been thinking about putting 2 bars together, except for skipping the middle bar step. So I went ahead and adjusted that. I temporarily added this file /_HPB_noRecipe.json These objects appear to have no recipe. For the most part I don't think it is a problem because I think everything in that file comes in the boxes(pending a closer check). But for things like lockers where people would likely want more than one, those things should be independently craft-able as well. I won't be able to mess with that today though. Out of time.
I wasn't talking about the platinum specifically. I was talking about the inconsistency of the recipes. Let me illustrate my point about the ore to bar ratio. There are two recipes for Cerulium Compound. One of these uses Rubium Compound and a Gold Bar (2 bars input that were made from 4 ore total, becoming 1 bar), for a ratio of 4 ore to 1 bar output. The other recipe uses 1 ferozium ore and 1 gold ore, for a ratio of 2 ore to 1 bar output. Now for the case of Impervium Compound. One recipe uses 1 Refined Violium and 1 Gold Bar, again for a ratio of 4 ore to 1 bar output. The other recipe uses 1 solarium ore and 1 violium ore, for a ratio of 2 ore to 1 bar output. The ratio should be maintained at 2 ore per bar of output, regardless of whether or not the the inputs are ore or bars. So, again I say, 2 bars input should be 2 bars of output and 2 ores input should be 1 bar. There's also the issue of the recipe ingredients being wildly inconsistent, based on a mixture of the way things used to work and the suggestions I made. Personally, I'd drop the Rubium ore from the mod entirely and have all of the compounds be made from bars, to the same recipes used by More Tiles & Greebles for making blocks originally designed for the old system. If you really want to enable the use of the old ores, make that a separate mod. You can easily put the recipes involving the old ore in that mod. I would actually further recommend eventually phasing out the compounds, as well. I know you're using them to simplify the process of getting this mod up and running, but they really do not reflect the current state of the game. It would be much better to not need them at all. Why do we need special crafting items that are used by only one mod? It just clutters up people's inventory and their storage containers. As for the items only found in boxes, if you really want to make them craftable, it should be for pixels. Not no recipe. They're all ship furniture, intended for use with a block-based ship. The thrusters and engine parts can all be 3D printed, too. I can't recall if the ship lockers could be printed, but probably. So if you make them free to craft, you're killing play balance to some degree or another. Edit: Okay, I checked. Only the thrusters/engines are 3D printable. The rest are intended to be found only 1 at a time, since they're ship furniture (captain's chair, ship locker, tech station, etc). Though I used to get a lot of people asking why they had to buy another box to get more thrusters, even though I made sure they were printable. I guess almost nobody bothered to check that...
Another batch of small fixes. Batch 9: I noticed Video Screen Blocks were calling for 20 glass (used to be 20 glass blocks!), so I fixed that to be just 1 glass. I went through the recipes for the crafting compounds and made them consistent with More Tiles & Greebles, plus I added a recipe for Platinum to be made from bars. I also adjusted the output of recipes that craft from bars to make the ore to output bar ratios I was talking about consistent. I renamed the the file for the Rubium recipe that smelts from Rubium ore to "rubiumcompound_smelting2.recipe" because it was a smelting recipe, but wasn't labeled as one. The Rubium got a third redipe for crafting from 1 Refined Violium and 1 Gold Bar. Batch 10: I noticed that the recipes for Gemspark were...well...completely whacked. I've fixed them so the Glass requirement matches what you'd get for an equivalent number of glass blocks. I also adjusted the amount of dye and the types based on some measure of logic. In essence, I looked at the old versions on my hard drive and largely substituted dye for petals at a 1:1 ratio. There were a few cases where there was a more specific dye available, so I used that instead (amber, black, emerald, opal and tanzanite). bk3k, I found the Diamond Gemspark and Diamond Gemspark Trim recipes sitting in the folder "tiles_craftingfurniture2", marked as using that workstation, as well. So, I fixed them to match the others, which were set for "craftingfurniture". You'll need to take note of that one. Hrm. Been looking at the racial hull recipes. It occurred to me that you could add dye to these, based on the resulting colors. Though I think in the case of the Glitch, it should be the addition of copper, instead. Think of it like being electroplated over the tungsten. For the Avian, gold might be an appropriate electroplated metal. When using additional metals, I'd suggest sticking to the stuff that's a lower tier than tungsten. I'll think on this some more. I'm finding the idea interesting.
Where dyes are concerned when converting the recipes from petals to dyes, I dropped the count requirement a lot because Code: { "input" : [ { "item" : "petalblue", "count" : 5 }, { "item" : "bottle", "count" : 1 } ], "output" : { "item" : "bluedye", "count" : 1 }, "groups" : [ "craftingwheel", "dyes", "all" ] } One blue dye is not the equivalent of one blue petal. However I did this prior to increasing all the batch counts, so it isn't that unreasonable now to increase the requirements for dye itself at this point. And many recipes with them could be improved as we have more than just red, green and blue dyes. edit: We have the following dyes now "reddye", "bluedye", "greendye", "whitedye", "blackdye", "greydye", "yellowdye", "orangedye", "pinkdye", "purpledye", "browndye" edit2: I changed the LED recipes. They use dyes now because that makes sense. Also their batches are increased like other things are now. Building a white LED doesn't require building 3 other LEDs first anymore. They have equivalent recipes now except for using different dyes. Only there is no cyan dye, so the cyan LED uses green and blue dyes. I probably should make a few more LEDs too, in order to cover all the dyes that are available and because more choices are nice.
Actually, in real life, a white LED is made by effectively combining a red, green and blue LED. That was the reason for that recipe. That's just real world logic at work in the mod. Also, they're not made with dye. Colored light bulbs effectively are (paint), but LEDs are not. LEDs directly produce their light wave-lengths, but no one has ever found a way to make them produce multiple wave-lengths at once (white light, for example), so they simply combine three LEDs in one package. So, no offense meant, but using dye for LEDs makes no sense at all.