Chat Ten facts about you!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Surenu, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. Cyber-Toast

    Cyber-Toast Big Damn Hero

    Well, seems like an interesting concept:

    1-I'm 14 years old and I live in Paris suburb. (In Meudon exactly)
    2-My first film was Star Wars IV and I immediatly became a huge fan of all Star Wars related things. (And I'm still one today.)
    3-I have a very strange laugh that make me sounds like a evil genius. (According to my friends.)
    4-I don't like to go to parties, I prefer staying at home and do stuff on my computer.
    5-I'm a huge fan of science fiction, especially space operas.
    6-My favourite autor is Orson Scott Card.
    7-Most of the people that I know think that I'm a pretty weird guy.
    8-Even though I'm against animal violence, I can't stop eating meat.
    9-I have a bad tendancy to contest authority.
    10-I can't think of 10th fact --'.
    Arra, NaiJi, Pangaea and 1 other person like this.
  2. NaiJi

    NaiJi Starship Captain

    I suppose, everyone among us (I mean this forum) likes computer more than parties... ehehehe.... hehehe :(
    Arra, Jareix Cryvix and Cyber-Toast like this.
  3. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    Is that why you hate furniture shops?
  4. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    I don't think so. Maybe it's just the annoying music they play at Poco :D
  5. 8bitjosh

    8bitjosh Seal Broken

    Ok, 10 facts about me:

    1. I'm a Youtube content creator
    2. I'm a guitar player of 23 years
    3. I've been in several bands
    4. I hate being the center of attention, but love playing on stage
    5. I currently work in the IT field
    6. Before that I worked as a sous chef for 15 years
    7. I could eat pizza all day everyday
    8. I'm 36 years old
    9. I prefer dogs over cats
    10. I have 6 tattoos
    Dipdoo, Surenu, NaiJi and 2 others like this.
  6. Cyber-Toast

    Cyber-Toast Big Damn Hero

    Finally someone who understands the true meaning of life!
  7. NaiJi

    NaiJi Starship Captain

    I'm jealous! I'd like to eat pizza everyday xD
    Surenu likes this.
  8. 8bitjosh

    8bitjosh Seal Broken

    Cyber-Toast likes this.
  9. 8bitjosh

    8bitjosh Seal Broken

    Well I said I could eat it everyday. I wish I could eat it everyday too, but I definitely don't!
    NaiJi likes this.
  10. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Do you have any tips on how to avoid bad tattoo studios? I kinda have a motive I want but I'm afraid some idiot will botch it.
  11. 8bitjosh

    8bitjosh Seal Broken

    Well I went to a trusted studio where I live and then stuck with the same artist for all of my tattoos because I liked his work. If you know anyone with tattoos I'd ask them where they got theirs and if they'd go back. If you use Yelp, you could check reviews there. Hope that helps some!
    Jareix Cryvix and Surenu like this.
  12. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Thanks. I'll have to ask my uncle, he's got some pretty rad tats.
  13. Dipdoo

    Dipdoo Existential Complex

    1. I'm a young, tall, thin, blonde haired guy that is called Dip, Skeletor, Captain Underpants, or Logan.
    2. I've been running track for six years now and I can feel it in my knees already.
    3. I burned my left nipple off when I was three years old, it came back.
    4. I strongly regret not getting serious about my productive skills until fairly recently. As soon as you feel a strong pull towards anything, get really, really good at it. Unless it's illegal of course.
    5. I'm a bit of a history nut. My favorite periods are The Dark Ages and the Renaissance, the American Revolution included.
    6. I'm an optimistic nihilist, the kind that thinks "Nothing matters!" instead of "Nothing matters..."
    7. I'm an adrenaline junkie, I would've jumped out of a plane for fun at age 15, but the law wouldn't allow it.
    8. I drink more milk than anything else. A low average is a gallon every two days.
    9. I'm very tech savvy and a quick learner. Controls come quick to me.
    10. I'm part of a local HEMA club, all done outdoors and self-run. It makes for good upper body exercise and is usually great fun.
    Pangaea and MilkCalf like this.
  14. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Brotha! More than anything else? Even a calf? Okay maybe you do, but we can't be sure unless someone took notes.
  15. Dipdoo

    Dipdoo Existential Complex

    My head sized "Milk Mugs" get washed daily and I like my breakfast cereal. :p Sometimes I like to chase meals with milk, other times it's water.
    MilkCalf likes this.
  16. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Cereal is indeed great. I think you have me beat here, I ,mostly drink milk with meals (I almost never drink water) and I drink coffee these days, although it has quite a bit milk in it. Hmm, do cheese and yogurts count too? I eat quite a lot of yogurt, the simple tasteless white kind.
  17. Dipdoo

    Dipdoo Existential Complex

    I'd say yogurt counts, I don't eat much yogurt. I don't like coffee either, maybe I just haven't had the right coffee, but it all tastes too bitter to me. I drink water almost as much I do milk, I have to whenever I go running and it feels like liquid gold whenever the air quality here is poor.
    MilkCalf and Surenu like this.
  18. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    Since this thread is active again and I'm clearly an interesting person here's some more of mine:
    • I suffer from PTSD but it's getting better. Last night was the first time in ages I slept without having nightmares! This is partly thanks to some people on these forums.
    • I suck at skiing. The class trip to Austria was mostly spent with me travelling down slopes on my butt, swearing.
    • On some days I go through 25+ cups of tea.
    • I have apparently indestructible teeth. Despite a decade of heavy smoking, coffee and tea drinking and some physical altercations where I got hit in the face, my teeth are pretty much immaculate. I still don't like showing them off.
    • I don't like being watched while eating. The best meals for me are the ones eaten alone.
    • I have a favorite spot in my town where I can look over the next three towns. It's truly awesome, I need to take a picture some day.
    • Considering heavy smoking: I counted yesterday, it was, in total, 53 cigarettes. I need to quit that shit or at least lower it.
    • The largest explosion I ever set off was equivalent to 700kg of TNT. The shockwave was awesome.
    • I like Disney movies, romantic anime and sad songs. The complete opposite of what you'd expect were you to see me on the streets.
    • I have Jewish ancestry.
    Pangaea and MilkCalf like this.
  19. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    Ten facts? hmm!

    1-I am left handed (or southpaw, I love baseball), but family forced me to learn to use my right hand (religious reasons)
    2-Used to train with firearms since age 9, stopped at 20 (only participated in one tournament)
    3- I broke my left ankle and severly damaged the left side of my body at 17 because I was young, stupid, and HAD a motorcycle
    4-I became a professor last year, life has been weird since
    5-I like to think I am an anthropomorphic artist, though that usually makes people mistake me for a furry
    6-I am extremely picky about time, I tend to think that if you ask for someone elses time and you miss an appointment or date, you are stealing their time, which cannot be returned.
    7-I tend to be very self absorbed when I work in my drawings and often fail to notice any changes in the real world
    8-When I am alone I behave seriously, but if I hang out with people, I get jolly or even exhuberantly crazy in multitudes
    9-I would like to learn programming, improve in music and art for the purpose of making a game out of a story I have been writing for over 16 years now
    10-I give too much importance to others, and hardly give any time to myself
    Pangaea and Surenu like this.
  20. Surenu

    Surenu The End of Time

    I'm a lefty myself and back in elementary my teacher tried that on me as well.
    Damn, you outrank me academically O=
    Corraidhín likes this.

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