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Outdated Temperature Returns [UG] v0.5.1 ( Hot Fix )

Bringing Back Temperature Mechanics to Starbound

  1. RDG-Starbound

    RDG-Starbound Master Chief

    Hello. First of all, I'm just now starting out serious modding, rather than the simple code changes I have done before for personal use, so I apologize if any of my ideas are not possible, as for now they are more musings.

    I have looked over some of the publicly listed Lua and JSON API for Starbound, and while I cannot provide a proof of concept or even example script yet, I am wondering about the plausibility of modders being able to create their own "AoE" by way of sensor calls from the player character script. For clarification, the script would check to see if certain object entities are within a certain distance of the player, and if it returns true, applies a status effect such as warming when it detects that a torch is nearby.

    The primary issue I see, however, is script lag caused by the function calls being too frequent. I would not know if every ten seconds, in line with the update time for your proof of concept API, would be too often or not. I'll be looking into some of this myself, as well as looking to implement your API into at least two serious mod projects I have in mind where temperature changes would be desired.

  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    The official Lua repo is here - http://doc.playstarbound.com/
    It gets automatically updated with each version.

    You could - I suggest checking out the script for the pets.
    That is pretty much how pets operate.

    But its probably better to wait, since they are planning on returning AOE Status Effects by Objects.
    It was removed in upbeat giraffe when they overhauled the status effects.
  3. RDG-Starbound

    RDG-Starbound Master Chief

    Ah, thank you very much. I've actually been rather annoyed the past 24 hours regarding trying to find documentation on certain aspects, as on OmnipotentEntity's post on Lua API Documentaion, where they state a link to automatically updated Lua API information, the link consistently returns a 404, and multiple pages on Starbounder are heavily incomplete or Redlinked, with the one on Animations even being listed specifically as deleted or moved, but with no mention of why or to where.

    I'm glad to hear that AoE for Objects is being reimplemented officially in a future update. Still, I feel better knowing my idea is plausible, and even already implemented via pets, as that would prove useful in scripting certain NPC and Monster interactions with the environment that I plan on doing in several of my mods.

    PS: I find it somewhat amusing that even a link in a quote from a forum moderator that points to official Starbound Documentation by Chucklefish trips the spam filter on new accounts.
  4. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Well we had a huge problem last year with bot accounts spamming the board.
    So now there is a 3 post minimum before you can post links.
  5. RDG-Starbound

    RDG-Starbound Master Chief

    No, no, I fully understand spam filters. I think it should be an implemented feature on forums regardless of prior bot attacks. I just found it odd that it doesn't recognize that I was quoting a Moderator's post, which happened to have a link to an official documentation page. Hardly spam-worthy, in my opinion, but eh.
  6. The MechE

    The MechE Existential Complex

    Nice mod! I look forward to this getting completed enough to be released to the general public. Hunger will make food have a purpose again (food right now seems a little pointless considering how much of it there is in the vanilla game).
  7. Sandman1997

    Sandman1997 Starship Captain

    i was looking for a mod like this but one that had the hardcore setup of fallout NV where you have to eat, drink, and sleep or you get debuffs if you don't i was looking for that kind of mod for starbound
    greenRAM and tomatelopes like this.
  8. BuizelKing

    BuizelKing Void-Bound Voyager

    I've got a problem. whenever I start the game, it doesnt stop raining. at all. might just be the garden, but I cant get past that without freezing to death Dx
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Its just the garden - I was using the planet to test the status effects.
    The mod isn't packed - so inside the mod you should see a weather.config file - you can either delete it and recreate a new universe.
    Or change it to what ever weather you want - but you will still need to recreate a new universe

    This mod also has stopped development until the new nightly hits stable and Objects AoE's are re-implemented.
  10. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Are areas of effects back in Nightly? :O
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    No - but the changes are big enough to warrant me to stop development until its out.
    Since there are features like Room Recognition that would be useful to the temperature mod.

    I rather not develop on a platform that may pose code changes and have to constantly keep modifying the script.
    So I will just wait till stable hits.

    Anyone is free to Fork the code if they like
    Mackinz likes this.
  12. BuizelKing

    BuizelKing Void-Bound Voyager

    Thats really smart. It'll be useful for stable players too. I'm a bit afraid of unstable games anyway xD
  13. RDG-Starbound

    RDG-Starbound Master Chief

    This sounds like good news. I've been having fun even though this is only an experimental/proof of concept mod.
  14. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Just thought I would release a small progress update.
    Due to practicalities involved, I am remaking the system to be more friendly to modded armor pieces.
    More then likely I am also going to attempt to remove the core dependency also. So for users who want to uninstall it can.

    Unfortunately the best and only way to do temperature is through a planet based system. Which means a universe wipe will still be and most likely always be necessary.
  15. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Just a small update on whats going on.
    I am reworking the system to attempt to be "uninstallable" - as well as take other mods things into account.
    The issue I am dealing right now with is performance - so may take a while till I get something more solid.

    Right now what has been done is.
    Cold system is now 3 stages.

    Since I can't create a status bar - it is a visual indicator.
    Temperature system used to based on 9000 units of heat energy. Now I switched it to a slightly more realistic concept of

    Having a basic normal core temperature
    Ranges from 15 - 30. So below 15 you start feeling cold, above 30 you start feeling hot.
    Your armor adds 10% of its value to the world temperature.

    So an armor of 100 would add 10 units of temperature.
    So a planet with 5 C - would be 15C.
    Which also means a hot planet of 50 C would be 60 C

    So it balances it out that high armor maybe practical in cold places but not so much in hot places.
  16. vissar2g

    vissar2g Space Spelunker

  17. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ya this mod was made for Upbeat giraffe - about 2 versions back.
    I am working on a new version, but still have some kinks to work out.

    But thanks for reporting..
  18. TinRobin

    TinRobin Void-Bound Voyager

    So I'm guessing it wouldn't be wise to try this mod with Glad Giraffe?
  19. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    No, it would not.
  20. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    Hope this is still an ongoing project. Now that hunger is coming back I'm hopeful that cold will be a thing again too. Thanks for all the hard work so far.

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