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Outdated Temperature Returns [UG] v0.5.1 ( Hot Fix )

Bringing Back Temperature Mechanics to Starbound

  1. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    The main issue is currently objects do not have AoE status effects. Meta said it will be added sometime later - so I won't be able to do it.
    I should be able to punch out a few updates this weekend. Maybe even finish biomes if I can get some rough balance values which can work nicely with vanilla progression.
    Right now I am working on rewriting the primary_lua to be a bit more efficient and compact. As well as push a few videos of the effects in action.
    tedlil likes this.
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    For those interested here is the first proof of concept video

    If you are having trouble getting it to work or couldn't see the effect in action.
    This video was taken using the updated code. Which should be published sometime later today.

    The major difference is now the Blue glow effect is now only present when the critical cold temperature hits.
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I really liked your idea so I am overhauled how temperature is calculated for a 5th time.
    Though I fear I might have stepped a bit too far - lets see how performance goes
    With the new system the primary_player.lua is untouched, though a shadow copy of it is now holding the code. This is added through JSON so it does allow a lot more compatibility than before.
    Right now the main issue is how to handle the temperature drop. I was thinking of making it through 2 separate SE's but I did notice a tiny performance hit. The advantage is being much more customization. Really not sure which path to take.

    Checking for background tiles is definitely an interesting idea. But entity calls hit performance - I will push it out in one of my later test builds for you to give it a look see.

    As always the latest changes are on the Git for anyone who wants to give them a go
  4. tedlil

    tedlil Pangalactic Porcupine

    what about creating objects that emits invisible particles/projectiles that heat you up or cold you down?
  5. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Anything which constantly emits anything will slow down the game. So it would have to be used in moderation.
    For example a steam vent.

    But such things I will leave to other modders to add.
    Right now my main focus will be creating the system for other modders to exploit.
  6. tedlil

    tedlil Pangalactic Porcupine

    so good luck ;)
  7. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    xxswatelitexx updated Temperature Returns with a new update entry:

    Calculation Fixes

    Read the rest of this update entry...[DOUBLEPOST=1422970323][/DOUBLEPOST]The code so far is pretty much decent - has anyone experiencing any frame drops?
    So far I don't have a performance hit and just want to make sure no one else has either.

    If that's the case I can start placing this in other biomes.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
    StarScribe likes this.
  8. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not bad, I like it...

    Now I don't suppose you would consider trying to re-implement hunger mechanics as well once you are done with this mod when the time comes? I like features that add more immersive challenge to the game, and I hate the idea of not needing to do anything in order to survive.

    It is by far more fun to play, knowing you have to move your butt and get food in order to survive, not just get buffs from it.
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    The biggest problem with implementing hunger is there is an unlimited + 1 source of food in the world. There currently is no way you can go hungry unless you try to go hungry. So implementing hunger would require something more than simply the mechanic it self

    Also the other issue is the indicator - you can't make a bar pop up currently - so showing the player is hungry is going to be more difficult to do as it would be overlapping with temperature. So implementation of hunger gets more complicated in that regard.

    In my next mod I will be focusing on reducing the easy accessibility of food in the world and might implement hunger directly into it.
    But it does require a bit more thought in implementation.
  10. Lance Hancock

    Lance Hancock Existential Complex

    The latest build seems to be bugged. I beem to a forest planet, which is my base, I then started taking damage. There was no cold meter saying I was cold. I had frozum armor on and I wasn't taking damage when I had this installed prior to the update.
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    You should take a look at the description of the mod once again. May clear up a few things.
    Currently not possible to add in a bar - that is hard coded.
    Frozium armor would do nothing - only apexchest1 has been implemented.

    This mod is a pure proof of concept as said on label.
  12. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Not a great pixel artist - but I made the icons a bit easier to understand


    The left Icon with the planet + thermometer is the general temperature of the planet. So it is a cold planet.
    You can use the Iron beacon to find out exactly how cold the temperature is for now.

    The right indicator only appears when you reach a temperature stage where side effects start occuring. In this case over heating.
    It will disappear when you stop over heating. The going up and down of the indicator holds no relevance. That simply a part of the engine determining how long the effect is going on.
  13. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I am going to need volunteers to help write up the armor and food item files.
    I finished the other biomes today [ not pushed out yet ]
    Hopefully finish weather also
    And techs.

    I will provide the necessary details on what to change and how to change it.
    Its mainly grunt work of copying and pasting and changing 1 value. nothing complicated.
  14. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Quite a few significant changes have been made so I thought I will take this time to write it up. [ This is for version 0.5 ]

    How temperature calculation works.
    Each planet has a "Day" temperature and "Night Temperature" - which is the maximum and minimum of the planet.
    Every 20 seconds the temperature randomly shifts factoring in the BiomeTemperatureRate either towards the maximum or minimum.

    The players temperature in turn shifts toward the current biome temperature. So if your So if the current biome temperature is lower than your temperature - your temperature drops.
    If the current biome temperature is above yours, your temperature increases.

    Ontop of these you have environmental and projectile modifiers which can either increase or decrease the rate of drop.

    How armor works
    I spent the last few days balancing the armors.
    Instead of a fixed armor protection - it is now percentage base.
    So an armor which offers only 10% protection. The rate of temperature drop for example 10 units per second. Will be only 9 units per second.
    This will allow all planets to always have a temperature effect on you even in late game.

    I still haven't figured how to work these in yet.
    But more than likely they will just increase the protection rate same as armor.

    I can't say when 0.5 will be done, but these are the current plants for it.
  15. Rankff

    Rankff Void-Bound Voyager

    Not entirely sure how this mod works.... I installed it and i would passively take damage over time whenever i wasn't in my ship. Didn't matter which planet i was on. Even when i was standing on a campfire i would take damage.
  16. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    This mod isn't ready to be used yet.
    Hence the giant red letters and disclaimer, orange text....

    Its only meant right now for those interested to see how the code works and contribute snippets to make it efficient. Testing the base code to make sure it doesn't lag.
    As well the balancing of the various items.

    I am glad to see your interested in the mod - But i suggest reading the descriptions completely next time. So you will know when it is ready for those interested it as a proper mod
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  17. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmn, still beats not going hungry any time of the day. But on a deeper level of thought you are very right. Lets see... how about making it so that most of the super common food that you get everywhere restores very minimal amount of hunger thus forcing players to take time in cooking and preparing more elaborate recipes to restore their hunger more efficiently. Its all really just a matter of some balancing.
  18. Rankff

    Rankff Void-Bound Voyager

    My apologies i had read the description but wasn't exactly sure what you had completed exactly yet.
  19. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Next update should be a major one - still not ready for prime time - but if you want to help
    You can tell me about planet balance once it comes out.
    It will include all biomes + all species specific armors
    + some foods + some objects
  20. Rankff

    Rankff Void-Bound Voyager

    Alright I can do that.

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