[Switch] Gathering of all the UI/QoL requests

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Goffterdom, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Goffterdom

    Goffterdom Intergalactic Tourist

    Hello there.

    I've gathered all feedback regarding UI / Navigation / Camera and Inputs on this forum regarding the Nintendo Switch.

    Some of these changes are "MVP changes", they have been requested on many other threads.

    Here is the list. If you have addition, feel free to post here.

    Inputs - In Game
    • "End Turn" should be at the bottom of the menu (to avoid miss clicks).
    • There's a bug during other's turn, I can spam my inputs and bring up the "Tile Info", I can also see my cursor flickering around the battlefield at that moment.
    • Y should bring "Tile / Unit Info" instead of B because we want to use B for many other things based on what we're hovering.
    • Holding B on a unit should display its attack / move range while held. Other units should not take focus over my cursor and I should remain in this "preview" mode for as long as I press B.
    • Pressing B on a unit should visually toggle its attack range, I should be able to toggle several of them. Repressing B anywhere but on toggled units should disable all previewed ranges.
    • Holding B over the terrain should put us in fast-scroll mode: all units are a bit transparent, my camera focuses my cursor, my cursor moves at x2 speed.
    • When performing an action that requires targeting, my cursor should instantly jump and lock to first valid target and then cycle targets, it be could good to also use L/R to swap between targets.
    • When ordering a unit to move around a city to attack it from another location, the unit simply attacks it from its current location whereas I wanted to reposition around.
    • When previewing a range and moving out of the range with my cursor, my cursor should "stick" to the edge of the range until I reset and remove my thumbstick.
    • Structures which can produce should be considered in the idle unit queue even if there are still units that haven't played.
    • Canceling the order of a unit should instantly bring back the cursor to that unit.
    • A setting to switch text font to a cleaner one.
    • A setting to modify text font size.
    • Strength/Weakness icon should use unit type icons (Infantry) and not unit icons.
    • A feedback in the Animation Screen to show what unit is performing a critical strike.
    • Previewing attack range should highlight tiles in red, previewing movement should highlight tiles in bright (like in AW).
    • The minimum range of Ranged units is hard to distinguish. Using colors to display attack and move range would solve this issue.
    • In-game map miniature (Y) should maximize room allowed for map and minimize size given to statistics elements.
    • Better differentiate rivers from sea. It's hard to tell the difference between the two.
    • Maybe give us the name of the terrain we're currently hovering with our cursor.
    • Better display Groove charge.
    • Better display critical when displaying attack damage (maybe with the addition of an icon?).
    • Less "noise" on the Health indicator border and better clarity for the number inside (even if I like and I'm playing with the Health Bar).
    • Better showcase of each rank obtained for each map in Campaign-mode.
    • Additional grid settings: opacity, width, color.
    • Would be cool to have the option to tune down the brightness of the background (around the map tiles).
    • Map overview (X) should not display enemy factions information when fog of war is enabled.
    • In the campaign editor, when returning from the map editor to the campaign screen, my camera is going top-left all the time, it should stay focused on the map icon I was editing.
    • My cursor moves even when it's not being displayed because an animation is playing - at the end my cursor ends up at the side of the map and I have to spend a few seconds reorienting myself instead. Thumbstick movements shouldn't be recorded and should ask for an axis reset when cursor is deactivated.
    • When fast-scrolling with Right-Thumstick, my cursor should auto-center to where I'm looking at to avoid camera jitter when moving Left-Thumbstick in the same time / after fast scrolling.
    • When docked, camera can fill a little bit "far away", would be cool to have the option to zoom in.
    • Get rid of delays in between attack phases (fade in, arrival, screen transfert, attack, counter-attack, each coma seems to have a delay currently). Or give us a setting to remove them.
    • Give us a setting to modify the playrate of battle animations.
    • Pressing A should just exit the current battle animation.
    • Holding B should speed up the battle animation.
    • Fog of War should reveal faster and in one single phase instead of two (hide / reveal).
    • Fog of War process should not prevent the player from taking actions.
    • Add a setting to automatically make all unit move as fast as when we're holding B.
    • AW Terrain Features: Fill, Copy hovered tile (based on current edit mode).
    • New Features: Undo, Redo, Select, Copy, Paste.
    • Swapping factions using Y should work whenever I'm in the unit or structure mode, even if the selection menu is closed.
    • Pressing Right Thumstick should bring up a miniature of the map such as in-game miniature.
    • Holding "A" while spawning an item should behave like Delete: for how long as I press, it spawns the unit on every tile I hover.
    • I should be able to fast-scroll holding B, like described before.
    • Pressing + should open the map menu regardless of everything else (currently I can't if the X menu is open).
    • I should be able to delete map in the campaign editor from the "edit map" panel, such as cutscenes and events.
    • "Create New" objects input should be unified, sometimes it's X, sometimes it's Y.
    • I should be able to add a map to a campaign from the pool of map I created outside of the campaign editor.
    • I should be able to export a map out of the campaign editor to the map editor.
    • I should be able to update a map I published when I modify it in the map editor. Validation process would still kick in and maybe each version of the map is timestamped for easier tracking.
    • A "duplicate/copy" function for event triggers, flags, counters, conditions, actions, cutscenes, the cutscene timeline itself, etc. It could be assigned to the X button, like on the custom map/campaign select screens.
    • Consistency of Commander selection rules between party - map properties and general placed on the map itself is weird.

    And that's it! I hope the MVP features are going to be fixed as soon as possible to start enjoying Wargroove at 150%!

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