Switch Friendly, farmers

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Xellious, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. Xellious

    Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

    I know there is a lot of post for Switch players, but I am over 30... so I would like other grown-ups to enjoy the game with. I only have this game (multiplayer wise) on the Switch. So if you want to add me, and you are a bit older then a kid (I am not sure of an age ) feel free to reply. I will be willing to add mostly anyone. I really enjoy this game on the PS4 (where I played it first), and want to play it with others on the Switch. Please, and thank you for any replies in advance. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and a good new year.
      TwIIsteN and EponaN64 like this.
    • FireflyofDoom

      FireflyofDoom Aquatic Astronaut

      I'm looking for a farm to join, I really want to get into this update ^-^
        Xellious likes this.
      • Xellious

        Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

        What is your friend code, and I will add you? :)
        • laserskill

          laserskill Master Chief

          hey guys my friend code is SW-3437-2905-2112 if anyone wants to play I'm 23 if that matters.
            Xellious likes this.
          • Xellious

            Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

            The exact age doesn’t. I will add you. Thank you very much for replying!
            • JoJo100

              JoJo100 Seal Broken

              Hello, adult players. I am new to the video game world and I welcome you to my farm. My ID code: SW-4608-7434-8012 I also have the app we could voice chat or chat on Stardew Valley.

              I ask that everyone shows respect to everyone on the chat.
                Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
                PixelJocky likes this.
              • Xellious

                Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

                I added you, and what chat do you use? :)
                • JoJo100

                  JoJo100 Seal Broken

                  The voice chat
                  • Xellious

                    Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

                    Like Nintendo’s. I got you! Let me know when you want to play. :)
                    • Xellious

                      Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

                      I am always looking! The more the merrier.
                        rikkih2o and PixelJocky like this.
                      • Xellious

                        Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

                        Thanks man. I will add you in a second.
                          PixelJocky likes this.
                        • FatGandalf

                          FatGandalf Lucky Number 13

                          Sounds good, my FC is 1211-1919-5222. If I'm ever hosting a game you're welcome to join!
                            Xellious likes this.
                          • Rickytan253

                            Rickytan253 Poptop Tamer

                            hey guys, ive made a discord channel, trying to get switch players together not just for stardew but smash bros, pokemon, whatever game really. heres the link if you guys are interested in joining.
                              Xellious likes this.
                            • Chazprime

                              Chazprime Void-Bound Voyager

                              Over 30 here as well if anyone wants to add me. My code is:

                              6880 0556 1605
                                Xellious likes this.
                              • EponaN64

                                EponaN64 Space Hobo

                                Hi all. I started playing Stardew Valley on Xbox and have fallen in love with it. Super happy that multiplayer is available on switch but I have naff all switch pals. May I add some of you to my friends list? I’m a uk based 28 year old mum. But the downside is because of my boys I don’t use voice chat. My eldest is autistic and so it’s not appropriate to use around him. (Mainly cos I can’t hear what folk are saying bless)

                                If anyone wants to add me please feel free. My friend code is SW-0749-5908-2187

                                Merry Christmas and a happy new year
                                  Xellious likes this.
                                • TwIIsteN

                                  TwIIsteN Space Hobo

                                  I would like to join if there still spot
                                    Xellious likes this.
                                  • Christoffyw

                                    Christoffyw Space Spelunker

                                    Can I join in?

                                    I’m lonely and I can’t do voice chat because of Parentsl Controls :(

                                    Friend code:
                                    • Xellious

                                      Xellious Aquatic Astronaut

                                      I will add you all when I get home from work. :)

                                      Why the parental control?

                                      So, it might be easier to communicate with Discord. So anyone that has it, and is a grown-up. Feel free add me Xellious#7022. This will be more easier to talk/text in. You can personal message me here if you are unsure what to do with discord.
                                        Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2018
                                      • JoJo100

                                        JoJo100 Seal Broken


                                        I will rebuild one of my houses and maybe it will reset
                                        • NoobieeCat

                                          NoobieeCat Space Hobo

                                          Add me plz switch friend code 2522 2014 0351. My discord is NoobieeCat#5074
                                            Xellious likes this.

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