Not directly. Here's a list of people I share my name(s) with though: Sven Forkbeard, 10th century king of denmark Sven Hedin, swedish explorer and cartographer Sven Coster, dutch sailor Sven Ranck, swedish politician Patrick Stewart, actor Patrick Murphy, Irish politician Saint Patrick Patrick Hitler, nephew of Adolf Hitler
Over a decade ago a friend of mine made it up as some sort of faultry transcription of Sven to japanese, and it kinda stuck.
Yes I did, but ultimately I fizzled out so I will have to decline this time, lest I disappoint again.
I assumed beer, I actually almost answered my own question, but redacted it. I once had a shine that tasted like warm apple pie, it was probably my favorite because the only other thing I drink is spiced rums.
Ranger, because the fight is at the other end of the bows range and I don't have to deal with weird magic side-effects. If I count everything strapped to my body at the time, 220kg - one 100kg dude I carried out of the line of fire, 60kg of gear each. 485~ pounds for the 'Muricans. I only managed that for around ~5m though before I collapsed because holy hell, that was way too much.
Favorite medieval melee weapon? I generally am a person who likes any old bladed weapon, so personally mine's the glaive or halberd.
If we're talking early middle ages, the Franziska - I'm an axe person mostly due to being left handed, which makes offense with a sword hard. However, the beard of a bearded axe - Franziskas especially, even though they are throwing axes - can be used to pull an opponents shield away, allowing for a quick and destructive shield bash. Before you ask: Yes, I have broken a friends nose like that. If we're talking high-middle ages, flails mostly because of their ability to, if used correctly, completely circumvent an opponents shield. In the late middle ages where shields are no longer a problem, just give me a Zweihänder.