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RELEASED Supper's Weapons Mod (Discontinued) 1.9

Re-adds some removed beta stuff

  1. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    The monster type bug (for this mod) has already been fixed in the unreleased version.
    The dungeon you were talking about is vanilla and I can't do anything about it.
    And the behavior.lua file the logs were referring to was the vanilla one, which appears to be caused by a 'castlelord' npc which this mod does not add.
    Also, it would be nice if you help me upload it to steam, just give me credit for the mod :)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2016
    Psygnosis likes this.
  2. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    SentientSupper updated Supper's Weapons Mod (previously legacy projectiles) with a new update entry:

    1.1.1 compatibility

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Understood ! So it's all the Vanilla fault.... really, this latest patch caused more issues than ever

    Anyway nice to know what is causing the issues :p

    Oke, will do the Steam stuff ! Will post the updates in the description, mod link, credits and such !
  4. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

  5. SonicundMario

    SonicundMario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I love it :D It's like I'm playing the beta all over again!

    Are the SCI-FI Dungeons in this mod?
  6. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    No, but FU adds them.
  7. SonicundMario

    SonicundMario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh didn't knew that.Thanks!
  8. Rukrio

    Rukrio Pangalactic Porcupine

    about the dungeon generation config, mind figuring a way to have it "add" the dungeons instead of "replacing"?
  9. SonicundMario

    SonicundMario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What does it replace?
  10. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    I will do that when I have time.
  11. Rukrio

    Rukrio Pangalactic Porcupine

    TLDR if you look in the files it's a copypaste of the default files but with the new dungeons on it and the thing is set to replace the default gen.

    whereas usually it's just "add these dungeons here here and here" and boom, maximum compatability.

    most players won't notice it, but it becomes slightly obvious when it's hard to find a Kazdra or Avali place after installing a mod, no?

    also, this would in theory make it a little more compatible with a certain mod that adds back the sci fi dungeon as well as a few of the older ones that this mod adds like the USCM bunker i've been hunting down with minimal results...

    speaking of older dungeons, mind removing the humming from the tesla spikes? the other mod also does that but i don't have it installed because compatibility. (and the OP of that mod said for me to keep using this mod as it does the same minus sci fi dungeons and the tesla spike fix, minus all the new weaps)
  12. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    The patch is being worked on right now, so wait a little more.
    Rukrio likes this.
  13. Rukrio

    Rukrio Pangalactic Porcupine

    thanks~ not being impatient, just explaining to another person what's going on. and... sorry for thrusting ANOTHER request... ever considered cellzapper shotguns? they were fun in the older builds of this mod to find.

    and... thanks for the code used in the Quantum Variegator in Axiom verge mod. i looked at the cellzapper code and realized it would work perfectly for remaking the gun. i wanted to get that outta the way while i'm here.
  14. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    What's "the Quantum Variegator in Axiom verge mod"? I've never heard of it nor used its code.
    As for cellzapper shotguns, I plan on adding new weapon types after I get a couple of things out of the way. (adding old unique staves, making craftable throwables actually craftable)
  15. Rukrio

    Rukrio Pangalactic Porcupine

    Axiom Verge mod, and basically somebody went and remade guns from AV for starbound, and one gun is "Quantum Variegator" in Axiom Verge. basically a Cell Zapper but with wilder turning in the source game. i went and borrowed some of the code from this mod to make it a thing in starbound for said modder. (there are some changes to be a bit more faithful to the weapon, less obvious of a copypaste as well as reduce chance of dependancy on your mod)
  16. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    SentientSupper updated Supper's Weapons Mod (previously legacy projectiles) with a new update entry:

    Compatibility patch

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    To clarify some things, the cellzapper projectiles used in this mod are found in the unpacked assets of Starbound and I did not add them.
  18. johivas

    johivas Yeah, You!

    I think your mod is very good, however I have a few questions. I'm 2 patches back, will updating cause problems? I'm still at the first planet and I don't care about it, but will the dungeons spawn correctly when I go to new planets? I have extra dungeons installed btw.

    Also, you got 2 projectiles that conflict with xs mech (I deleted them, not sure what the effect is...)
  19. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    If you delete the projectile files, nothing much will happen except the guns that use the projectiles will use xs mech's version.
    Updating will not cause any problems with dungeons as nothing significant about dungeons has been changed other than the patch file which now uses a new format which functions the same.
  20. johivas

    johivas Yeah, You!


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