Super chests and sorting

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by HansLowell, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. HansLowell

    HansLowell Poptop Tamer

    Hello I just want to share my trouble right now to sort the items I am farming. There is a lot of items in this game and its getting hard with the inventory I made like 30 chests

    So I would like to suggest something like super chests for each category of collections.
    Like if you have Fish super chest you could just place every kind of fish in there and when you need them just search and take.

    Same for all category. That would make the job a lot easier.
    Anyway its just a suggestion ^^
    • Khaosius

      Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

      Hi! These suggestions are already on the list.

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