It not only depends about the character, but also the players and possible synergies between them. The fact is that I can go farther with the sniper than HAN-D.
2 differents point of vue. And it is not necessary that one MUST win against the other one.
(PS : your color dont make the reading of your messages comfortable)
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The man above me (Criticism) has nailed it down flat.
There is a specific situation that I call "The Jar of Ants". A jar of ants has all the following features.
1. A crowd of monsters in a short space they cannot escape.
2. No safe locations nearby for a Sniper to shoot at the crowd from. He must jump into the crowd to shoot them.
The Jar of Ants is the Sniper's Kryptonite, and Superman would count his blessings that Kryptonite doesn't kill him as fast as the Jar of Ants kills a Sniper that tries to fight in it.
The reason I said Han-D survives better is because, unlike the Sniper, he can DEAL with a Jar of Ants. EVERY OTHER CHARACTER has innate abilities that help them survive and mow through a Jar of Ants. But the Sniper does not. The Sniper has to shoot his enemies from a distance because he has to sit still and make himself vulnerable in order to shoot. In a Jar of Ants, Sniper can't make that distance. In a Jar of Ants, Sniper just dies.
If you're better at playing Sniper than you are at playing Han-D, then congratulations. I like this, because Sniper IS my favorite character, but at the same time it does NOT mean that Sniper doesn't have a glaring flaw, and it certainly doesn't mean Han-D is a worse character, it just means you can't play Han-D very well (Sorry if that sounded rude, I couldn't think of a NICE way to say it...) .
(PS. The spirit of Halloween is always with me, so I always type in Orange on black forums.)
Last edited: Nov 20, 2013