Suggestion: Show both genders for equipment.

Discussion in 'Wiki Discussion' started by RuinsFate, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. RuinsFate

    RuinsFate Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just a little thing- but some equipment does look different on the different genders - the Human "Cool" clothing type being a good example. Where the differences are significant, I think it should be shown.
    Reynbowz, Fynnish and Blake81 like this.
  2. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Totally agree with you, there are a lot of cases where the armor is different. I think displaying them both at once is kinda messy, I'd like to get it setup as a switcher button in the infobox. I've had an idea of setting it up for a few weeks but haven't had a chance to work it out yet.
  3. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    I'm pretty sure that this goes in suggestions... Still a cool idea though, it's kinda weird wearing the copper chestplate and having it look like your dude has boobs or vice versa for female characters. I would imagine it'd feel incredibly cramped in the armor...
  4. Apple Juice

    Apple Juice Pangalactic Porcupine

    Possibly having it show female or male clothing depending on your characters gender would be awesome! Maybe even a button to change the view from female to male?
  5. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    I'm pretty sure the OP was about displaying both genders armor on the wiki, not the game. Maybe I'm wrong though...
    Andr0o likes this.
  6. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Ehh, if I'm wrong then my bad.
  7. Tiny Prancer

    Tiny Prancer Space Spelunker

    Personally I'd like it if the clothing items that changed depending on what gender you are were made into separate items, because it was pretty annoying to me when I bought some Cool Pants and was hype about what they'd look like on my character, only to have them turn into a skirt when I put them on. (plus I know there's people who want to give their male characters skirts, since that's how they roll.)

    That'd probably mess with the coding of NPC dress, admittedly.
    SleepySquidd likes this.
  8. SleepySquidd

    SleepySquidd Tragically Magic Hands

    That sounds like a great idea for a mod
  9. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Bumping this. This really should be a thing on the wiki.
    Katzeus likes this.
  10. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Me too. I'd love to get this setup before 1.0, we'll see I can manage the time.

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