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Bug/Issue Stuck in bed/can't get back in bed?

Discussion in 'Support' started by dreamui, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. dreamui

    dreamui Void-Bound Voyager

    okay, so i got the final upgrade for my house and the morning that construction was done, it wouldn't let me move out of the bed. i tried walking to both sides and up and down and nothing worked, so i exited and restarted the game. after reopening i was able to move out of the bed and i went about my day, but at night i found out it wouldn't let me get back IN bed now, it was like some invisible barrier was keeping me from getting to the spot needed to prompt the "do you want to go to sleep?" message. the only way for my character to sleep/save my progress was to wait until 2 am when it knocked me out, and then the next morning i'm stuck in bed again.
    for now i'm just not playing because although i can get around the problem slightly, it's kind of a bummer to start every day with half my usual energy AND have to constantly reopen my game. is anyone else having this problem? is there any fix for it?

    (also there doesn't appear to be anything in the way of the bed?? there's no furniture around or anything?? and maru constantly complains about the house being messy even though it's mostly empty? i don't know if that's related or not but i thought i'd add it in there)

    EDIT: never mind i fixed it literally right after posting this lmao. a tub o' flowers had been near my bed before the upgrade, and i guess my bed sort of moved on top of it? and i just couldn't see it under there but i clicked the bed with my pickaxe and it picked it up and it's all good now lmao. i was gonna delete this thread but i don't know if i should leave it here in case anyone else has the problem??)
    • Salvatos

      Salvatos Tentacle Wrangler

      Yah, same thing happened to me, but it was just a bunny. I could still see it's ears poking out of the sheets, and thought that shouldn't be there, and just whacked it, and then I could move again.
      • gakurei12

        gakurei12 Space Hobo

        the next day when I maxed upgraded my house, I got stuck in the bed. UNfortunately there's a drum furniture (the one you get as a reward for the drum artifact) underneath me so yeah., please help me ;w;

        I tried using pickaxe on it but it wont remove ;w;
        • Lil' Mini

          Lil' Mini Phantasmal Quasar

          The problem appears to be that some furniture you have in your house gets moved to the spot where your bed now is after the upgrade. Since I'm not certain that you can destroy a chest full with items, then you're out of luck. :proper:

          Otherwise you should be able to hack away other furniture pieces with your pickaxe, axe or just left click (Or was it right click...?) on it.

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