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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Ingwaz

    Ingwaz Big Damn Hero

    I really like the idea of pets, particularly if they have some kind of functionality even if it's outside of combat. I'm not really sure what that could be. But if they're just adorable pets that don't really do anything, I think it's still cool. Just don't make it a 1M stretch goal. If you want, make it, 850,000$ or something like that. It does seem like a rather small stretch goal comparitively though. So, what other potential ideas are there? also, I couldn't help but burst out laughing that someone on the team suggested you'd make $3000 the first day and that didn't sound to bad. oh you poor poor fools.
  2. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Wait... If the non-combat pets had some sort of upkeep, some way to advance and you could play with them, train them and breed them, it would be okay. You guys need to add some serious depth to this, then it would be awesome. If the pets require soft micromanagement to progress them and they could be played with, interacted with the environment, had 'pet stats', yes. If it just follows you around then I don't see the point. I didn't care about non-combat pets in WoW until you could fight them because until then, they were useless.
  3. Preecishun

    Preecishun Intergalactic Tourist

    I'm going to be honest Molly, i really wish you hadn't used the forum as a reliable source as to what they want.
    EstebanWinsmore likes this.
  4. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    Yeah, they wanted to limit how much it could be customized. I don't know how them working on customizing the space station led to having it scrapped.
    Exi1e likes this.
  5. IrradiatedFish

    IrradiatedFish Master Chief

    I wholeheartedly agree. I feel like it would cheapen the experience if you were to start off with something like this, and I don't feel it necessarily fits. Handing the player too much from the start is never a good thing in my opinion :\.

    Pets later on are fine however. As you said, possibly somewhat difficult to obtain though.

    If they are included as a *starting* feature, please let it be optional!
    JohnnyValentino and HawkyCZ like this.
  6. Naaraka

    Naaraka Aquatic Astronaut

    errr as much as pets sound cool. arent we already getting the abillity to "capture" creatures? and use them as battle companions? or did i make that up. idk but something that i want to be able to do is eat things when i make my first florian. Thats what i want stretch goal or not, each race has its own funny little passive that has no noticeable effect on combat or anything significant that warrants it as "op". but somtin that makes it unique than just a recolored sprite. like was mentioned the glow for the novakids, and as i wanted the florans have a "bite" attack or somtin that does little damage but enough to possible kill little critters and weeds and stuff. as for the other races i have no idea im not that creative.

    just throwin that out there. *woosh*
  7. Herdo

    Herdo Pangalactic Porcupine


    Apparently you could customize it at one point, which I think most people don't even care for. Most people are interested in a large "floating city" where they can meet up and group with other players. Considering Starbound will probably support much larger servers than say Minecraft, something like this could be very important.
  8. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

    unless pets help you fight and their damage output is good or if they give passive bonuses then hell no I dont want a dog or cat thing to clutter up my screen.

    How about instead you bring back the space station best idea i've seen so far i would give up novakid and fossils for it to be implemented properly.
    Testraloss and Rarity like this.
  9. Akuka

    Akuka Aquatic Astronaut

    Yeah nay winning this whole time and suddenly yay gets 30 votes in 2 mins. Would you call that fishy? I would.
    Drakol, Nife, Exi1e and 3 others like this.
  10. Kalico

    Kalico Guest

    I'm sort of torn on this one. I find pets adorable and fun to have around, though I don't normally care for vanity pets in most other games I've played (I'm also not a fan of adding stats to them). Plus I think that having a starter pet perhaps takes away the lonely feeling of starting the game on an unknown planet after your homeworld is destroyed. I know you guys are hard at work with the other stretch goals and can't just keep adding super deep and complicated features, so I'm not sure what to suggest as an alternative...

    Sorry, I know that isn't very helpful. I will try to think of something more constructive for a suggestion. :confused:
    Aeon likes this.
  11. Tathar

    Tathar Pangalactic Porcupine

    The problem I have with this is that they're non-combat, and they'd still be in at release. Post-release I'd be fine with pets, but I think there might be bigger priorities to focus on.

    Also there still hasn't been enough talk about dragons as a playable race. Why no space dragons?
    Zeon and Rarity like this.
  12. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Teir 3 should be your best guess for a beta release date. :D
    Rarity likes this.
  13. ON3i11

    ON3i11 Tentacle Wrangler

    I would like pets! :D
  14. IReallyHateYouPeople

    IReallyHateYouPeople Pangalactic Porcupine

    If you can set them to live in a specific area so they don't have to follow you all the time, then I'm in love with this idea!
  15. Garkarus

    Garkarus Space Penguin Leader

  16. Why not? It's where our core community is! I've also posted a link to the thread on Facebook and Twitter, so people who just follow us there can comment too. :)
    Casm, Jtra1n, Katzeus and 3 others like this.
  17. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow, the whole starter pet idea is really cut down the middle.

    I'm really racking my brain at this point for something equally simple and easy to implement that would also be more widely accepted by the community. As soon as I'm struck by an epiphany, I'll let you know.
  18. diaspao

    diaspao Orbital Explorer

    I don't mind the idea of starter pets at all, but I would want a significant selection up front. I never like it when I start a game with pets, only to dislike all the options. Would these starter pets function the same way as tamed monster, or differently?

    Along the lines of pets though, craftable armors/weapons/addons that you can equip to pets would be something I would really be interested in since we can already tame monsters.
    ShadowDramon likes this.
  19. Psychospark

    Psychospark Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'll just quote myself as to what I think would be cool to have in the game. Maybe not as the next stretch goal.

    Anyway, on topic, I think if you get some combat pets sort of early into the story then non-combat pets at the start would be fine with me.
    ShadowDramon likes this.
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