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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    Random events like in Terraria are the peak of adventuring fun.
  2. They are wondering to add post-launch, THEN SIR THAT MAY BE THE GOAL, to add this for Launch instead of the Pets! Sigh it's not anything "complex heavily needed of coding".

    I will keep defending it in this topic untill the DEVs officially announce the Goal they decided.
  3. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    Yep thats the goal :D
  4. kamesennin

    kamesennin Starship Captain

    I think the reward for 1,000,000 should be the beta release :D I know it doesn't have to be 1 mill for the next goal, but if it was- this would beat pets hands down.
  5. NickName

    NickName Cosmic Narwhal

    have fun maybe now they wait 12 hours to annoy you :p
    Of course they don't they aren't mean
    Bacon likes this.
  6. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah, random events like pirates invading a planet, sudden changes in gravity, eclipses, meteor showers and such could be really cool.
  7. WhiteZero

    WhiteZero Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah fishing seems fairly easy. It can be as simple as generating a random fish-like mob onto your line. Or generate the mob off screen and have it swim to you.
    Bacon likes this.
  8. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

    Honestly, starter pets don't seem very cool to me. Besides effecting your choice of race to play as, they really do nothing but clutter up the screen. I doubt there's much of a chance of having something else now though. :(
    PureWillkuer and Bacon like this.
  9. Yes, It's Social, and more an little nice thing for you do when you are not exploring! I always 100% Support Suggestions that make this game more Social and Friendly. ,)
  10. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Very unimpressive. Especially after a new playable race and a system that adds an entire new activity to go about the galaxy searching for. non-combat pets seem like something that would be added in when there is literally nothing else on the plate. The only exception would be if they actually did other things, like fetch loot, hit a button through a small entry, did things other than sit about 20-30 pixels behind you and possess a walk animation. If they were useful in some way i'd say awesome. But if they're akin to WoW's vanity pet system before the battle pets came in then i'd say pass.
    TenT, Tyto, Forever and 1 other person like this.
  11. Sleppnir

    Sleppnir Master Chief

    Tell that to Ellen Ripley. ;)

    I would like to see maybe a furnishing or decoration set as a further stretch goal.
  12. Malekous

    Malekous Void-Bound Voyager

    I agree. If this does get put in I'd like the option to not have a starter pet. Rather just use the system that's already in place. Do the people who are so behind this even know that there are pets already in the game? Ones that are more than just a visual gimmick...
  13. That Lusid, it's 100% the motive why I voted Nay! ;)
    I want something that will Impress every single fan of this game, it DOESN'T need to be Huge, DEVs are talented people capable of Impress and they already did our Community with Small but AWESOME things! :proper:
  14. FixelPixel

    FixelPixel Pangalactic Porcupine

    I like unexplainable things like herobrine from minecraft. and its possible because lots of stuff is random andd the can make random immortal scary mobs that you saw for 5 seconds hmmm, that sounds good.
  15. Forever

    Forever Phantasmal Quasar

    Honestly, we need to think up another stretch goal to compete with this, and then have a vote between them. I know that a large portion of people just voted "Yay!" without even thinking on what was being added just because they saw the word pet. (I know that's what I did. xD) It's also fairly biased because who's going to vote no to adding a new feature?
    Flevalt and PureWillkuer like this.
  16. wataru

    wataru Phantasmal Quasar

    I think pets could be a 850K stretch goal.
    But they have to possess some functions. Like already mentioned: finding treasures/ores underground and signaling about it. Holding some items and bringing them to the spaceship.
    It is like a full functional tamed beast, but can not fight.

    Still, I am not excited with a starter pet. It does not have any charm if there are tamable random generated monsters.
    I think, good idea would be adding of more random generated dungeons or more bioms or mini-bioms. Like different kind of cities, villages, bases, flying ships and wrecked spaceships.
    It seems like the only thing left to implement it is to create assets, templates and configuration files. That work is possible to be done by additional team members using extra money without diving into the source code.
    And more different dungeons will really contribute to the game.
    PepeSalazar and FixelPixel like this.
  17. NickName

    NickName Cosmic Narwhal

    I never was able to explan to me what is unexplainable about herobrine.
  18. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    I realy think de dev never thought its geting even near to 1M so they just inveted 2 nice ideas what they can do quikly bevor release. Non-combaqt pets are just a quik idea i believe :)
    Magusdood likes this.
  19. Malekous

    Malekous Void-Bound Voyager

    The devs should state that taming pets are already in the game. I don't think people realize this cause I see too many posts asking for them to have a purpose other than cosmetic.
    Forever and PureWillkuer like this.
  20. Kuroi_Mato

    Kuroi_Mato Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, don't understand why not. Cats. Yeah, i love cats. Always need moar cats!!1

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