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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Aristokitty

    Aristokitty Void-Bound Voyager

    I think a pet genetic engineering machine would be cool. Have people collect animal/plant/robotic specimen ingredients and use the parts to create your own unique pets.
    Cephalopod_Joe likes this.
  2. Яetrospekt

    Яetrospekt Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'd love to have a pet that can fight with/for you. Or perhaps they can act as an extra backpack if you run out of space, like a mobile piggy bank.
  3. Aqualex

    Aqualex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pets... In Starbound...
  4. darethen

    darethen Big Damn Hero

    also like this!!! GIVE US THE POWER OF GODS!!!!
  5. Noname

    Noname Yeah, You!

    Pets should be part of the game, in some way (mayby not as a starter for every char?). I hope you will be able to figure out the best way. :)
  6. Yes, they can give you Bonus, for example, they to be combat able would be a strange mechanic to add.

    The combat system for pets isn't a good idea really, it would be a more than complex mechanic to add, they wold agro mobs without we want to, needs skills, health etc.. And it it don't, they are a bit gamebreaking when we are getting killed and they are there "smiling at everything"....

    Bonus as the More Inventory Space when you got a Pet is indeed a Good Idea!
  7. tOrI2328

    tOrI2328 Space Spelunker

    I think it is a good idea, maybe give the pets a purpose. Like finding objects or fighting off minor enemies. Just so they are not just there for show.
  8. darethen

    darethen Big Damn Hero

    1. cloning

    2. mutating like giving one monster species that does not have that ability to fly, the ability to fly!!! would be awesome.
  9. Яetrospekt

    Яetrospekt Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was thinking more along the lines you command them to do a certain task. Or if you are attacked then they act as a guardian.
  10. Yes I voted Nay for the same thing, I don't think Vanity Pets are worthy of such an awesome goal Starbound will Reach.
    Tzuridis, Tyto and Nesden like this.
  11. DamZe

    DamZe Orbital Explorer

    I think the devs should just be humble and include the pets as extra "thank you" to all who pledged a pre-order.
  12. They don't add anything "heavily coded", that would require new coding for new game mechanics. =/
  13. Keadin

    Keadin Big Damn Hero

    That has nothing to do with being humble... Plus the devs have already made it abundantly clear they hate the notion of exclusive pre-order rewards. And for good reason, imho.
    Flemm likes this.
  14. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    I don't really care for the idea personally. Seems like sort of an unnecessary feature. If they are included, I hope we will have the option to not have a pet.
    PureWillkuer and Bacon like this.
  15. 0243

    0243 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't think these goals are something the devs didn't want to add sooner or later. I see the goals as some kind of teasers. Especially when it's pretty clear since the preorder start that the game would reach at least about 800000. So I think anything is good.
  16. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

  17. Ingwaz

    Ingwaz Big Damn Hero

    the devs had said many many times that they will not be giving those who preorder some special bonus as they believe that if you buy the game, no matter when you buy it, you should get the full game.
    IndieGamerRid and PureWillkuer like this.
  18. LThadeu

    LThadeu Void-Bound Voyager

  19. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    There are already pets in this game so why addind vanity starter non-combat pets. When i want to have a pet i want to work for it so i can be happy when i finaly get it.
    In my opinion those non-combat pets ar nonsense and not worth to be the next stretch-goal... :p
    Flevalt, KirasiN and Flemm like this.
  20. DamZe

    DamZe Orbital Explorer

    No one mentioned any exclusivity, If I was making a game and the preorder revenue exceeded my wildest expectations (which might be what just happened to chucklefish) I would just add the pet thing in as a gesture to the community.
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