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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Norluck

    Norluck Industrial Terraformer

    Pets would be cool and all, but...
    I would honestly just enjoy capturing an alien, sticking him in a research chamber and get LORE. Or data. Or whatever.
    Goodsy likes this.
  2. Flemm

    Flemm Master Chief

    hm...How? For example, could i get the same benefits a "pet" provides from another creature that i capture later on (And, of course, they cannot be used simultaneously
    for stacking benefits)? If so, then it's ok to me.
    sorry if i've wrote something wrong, english is not my primary language.
  3. Zora

    Zora Orbital Explorer

    I hope the goal is reached! that would be so cool i love pets :3
  4. colorbeam

    colorbeam Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sure I'd love to have a little fluff thing following me around. But maybe for like an 800,00 stretch goal. The pre-orders are slowing down.
  5. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    Combat or non-combat, starter pets are a good idea but if there's already a way to catch monsters with or without starter I got a much better idea!

    For the love of everything that is holy, extend the pet system if you already got one! Not with starter pets! With pets being upgradable!
    Without starter pets people aren't forced to take a pet with them and can still catch monsters if they find a monster they feel is catch-worthy.
    Add to the pet system the feature to be able to upgrade pets through evolution forms, upgradable stats, changable attributes or being able to add ailments(like making a pet get poisonous on touch) or make it possible to fusion monsters(into stronger or simply different ones) or being able to breed for monsters that fit the players ideal.

    There are so many wonderful ways to make the catching, training and growth of a pet exciting for the players.

    Look at this:
    You caught both these and they're both considered Rank 1 Monster by the system
    [​IMG] +[​IMG]
    Now you fusion or breed two rank 1 monster and the generator spits this out
    = [​IMG]
    While the looks remain the way you want them, generated out of elements from both monsters that you chose,
    this is now a rank 2 monster and has therefore one random stat increased by 1. You would then need another rank 2 monster to be able to make one of rank 3.
    Players could now catch and combine monsters to their heart's content up to a max. rank of 10 or 20 for a total of 10 or 20 extra stats and still combine their pet to get the perfect look for it.

    Just imagine how much time people would spend to hunt and breed/fusion for the perfect monsters they want.
  6. Xelot

    Xelot Phantasmal Quasar

    There is enough disagreement, simply Use one of many ideas of the forum instead of this.
    Flevalt likes this.
  7. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    This right here is the problem. People are seeing the word 'pet', not thinking this through at all beyond the thought 'I <3 pets!' and clicking yes on the poll. I'm glad Chucklefish are as awesome as they are. I have faith they won't just take the poll alone as reason to go through with this.
    Keadin likes this.
  8. Norluck

    Norluck Industrial Terraformer

    The above fusion system would be cool, too. But as I've said, make them things we can poke and experiment on, rather than cute fluffy creatures that follow us around. Make a research chamber/pod as a craftable station, give us a tazer or a net or some way of capturing aliens, a bunch of research options that could reveal useful data or similar, and we would be good to go.

    If you do that, we could maybe add it in as a sidequest to find an alien with x property, or something along those lines.
    Flevalt likes this.
  9. Mister Green

    Mister Green Phantasmal Quasar

    Maybe they did think this through and just love having pets?
    I don't know, just a thought.

    EDIT: You don't need to make an example out of someone who doesn't devote a gigantic post to stating his opinion on having pets in the game. I too would like them to be in the game, but not on the 1M mark. Maybe 800,000.
  10. Zeplin

    Zeplin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I really like the idea for vanity pets with passive effects. They could be neutral mobs found randomly on planets and tamable. And when you have it with you, for example a dog could start sniffing and then point its head towards a chest or whatever it detects and start barking. A cat could puff up it's fur and lift its tail up when danger is close. A mole with a mining helmet could provide light. Stuff like that. However I'm not sure how much coding it would require. Might be more than what chucklefish is looking for.
  11. Zora

    Zora Orbital Explorer

    i dont think it would do any harm to people who dont want pets, as long as there is an option, witch there probably will be and should be... i hope there is :s
    MessiahDJ likes this.
  12. Norluck

    Norluck Industrial Terraformer

    Alright, maybe I'll settle for pets.
    If I can experiment on them.
    Then I'd be all over pets.
  13. Launy

    Launy Void-Bound Voyager

    I need Elevators and Transport Platforms to transport my Vehicles and some Chests. This belongs in a space game! :3
    So building a Lift Ò_ó (sorry for my English ^^)

    greez from Germany, Magdeburg:iswydt:
  14. Whoa, judging by how the poll results were going when I went to bed, I definitely did not expect them to end up where they are. :eek:

    Don't worry, we're not going by the poll results alone. A lot of you seem to want pets to be a smaller goal, or want them to have added functionality. The team's gonna talk it over. :)
  15. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    My posts are not gigantic. I'm stating my opinion and it isn't any less valuable than yours. This is a huge missed opportunity in contrast to the other stretch goals which are much greater additions than a useless sprited companion especially at this point in the money pool. At a smaller amount, I'd have had no problem with this but we're over 750k in funds and this is a let down. We're trying to make sure the devs hear our opinions and we're not going to half ass our posts. This content could be added by a regular player using the mod system, it does not need to take the place of a stretch goal higher up than a fossil system and a new race.
  16. Daled

    Daled Void-Bound Voyager

    My english is awful, don't be harsh :D

    Voted yes.
    I like pets but I think that is really important to have a summon/unsummon feature for people that don't like pets or get tired of them.
    Maybe post-release the pet system can be expanded (I'm thinking about feeding and growing :p )
    Marcx and mollygos like this.
  17. Mister Green

    Mister Green Phantasmal Quasar

    Actually that would be awesome indeed :p but I would not see that much use of it.
  18. Dorknar

    Dorknar Void-Bound Voyager

    I hope it will be implemented! I mean it's just a awesome thing to have some companions around for who knows what :viking:
  19. Mister Green

    Mister Green Phantasmal Quasar

    I see, I may have been a bit harsh, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to make an example out of someone else, I'm sorry if I offended you.
  20. Norluck

    Norluck Industrial Terraformer

    Alrighty, it's all up to you, after all.
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