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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. TheDoogy

    TheDoogy Void-Bound Voyager

    aaah i want that fuzzy pink thing !!!
  2. Larios

    Larios Space Spelunker

    maybe if they could grow and become some sort of mount/carry things, could make them a little more appealing, without putting too much work on it...
  3. Skywalker

    Skywalker Master Chief

    Hello fellow Starbound-lovers. So, I've been browsing through all of our comments and it seems as if there haven't been many legitimate counter proposals. That being said, I would like to put an idea on the table I don't think I've seen anyone discuss before, a method for the players of Starbound to explore the skys. I feel like the implementation of: Mechanical Wings, Jetpacks and Rocket Boots would be a fantastic edition to this already fantastic game. Maybe different fuels could be found on different planets, that would burn different colored flames. Maybe they could even give you certain buffs, like speed or duration. Plus, this would make it easier to navigate around the map at late game. I know that the developers don't want anything that is too code heavy so this game can come out soon, however I believe this would not be very code heavy. Let's think about this for a second, scripting in pets to the game will most likely require some sort of AI (depending on how they want to implement them), whereas this content will most likely just require some kind of modification to the jumping and gravity controls/methods, along with extra sprites. If they were able to hire an artist at 250K for a new race, I think another one for a few additional flying sprites would be a breeze. Plus, us fans would really love it and it seems easier for the developers to do. Anyways, maybe I'm a little excited and over my head. But I'm kind of on this Starbound high so I don't know if this is a reasonable proposal. What does everyone else think?

  4. Zansetu

    Zansetu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I love these kind of idea :)))
    That will be waaaay more fun :)
    Keadin likes this.
  5. Toil

    Toil Void-Bound Voyager

    STARTER pets seem like a cliché of monotonous MMOs to me, not to say that it would make Starbound boring! If little pets are going to be added, I'd prefer to find them rather than start with one. Multiplayer from the get-go would involve a much more crowded screen if everyone started with a pet.

    As for another goal idea, I've been wondering about space rather than planets. Does my spaceship HAVE to have gravity generated on it? Also I'd like to be able to leave it in the middle of space, maybe to extract rare materials from asteroids. Zero gravity might be difficult to code, though.
  6. jetsetdizzy

    jetsetdizzy Big Damn Hero

    It's neat, but not crazy enough for the mil goal. Most people are going to want a pet from the random generator anyway I think.
    Zellman likes this.
  7. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They've already said they're thinking about that sort of thing as Techs, or other sorts of equipables.

    Also? If you look up a little, pets are already a feature.
  8. Kombucha

    Kombucha Orbital Explorer

    And also having just read through the first page a bit more - this quote is a great idea!
    Ravenholme likes this.
  9. Ravenholme

    Ravenholme Big Damn Hero

    Pretty sure things of that ilk are already in. They've mentioned that Avian officers have armoured wings that allow them to fly, etc.

    Rocket boots are just silly, but jetpacks are probably in. I imagine it'll be tied to your energy bar though.
  10. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    Yup, it does sound something that would fit very well in the game. It would be actually really awesome.
  11. Iterum

    Iterum Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't mind the idea of pets, I don't know if I'd personally have them or not. I suppose if there's more to it than just "here's your pet, look at it" then I'd be more interested. In fact, wasn't there something a while ago about the possibility of monster taming? I'd still love to see that implemented, since messing with DNA and combining different species of monsters could be pretty fun to do. Especially if they can be used in combat or for sentry duty, but I'll just say that I honestly don't mind eitherway.
  12. peaks

    peaks Space Hobo

    What about elevators and such kind of machinery?
    Boese, Zenanor and jacksnight like this.
  13. NoobSauce

    NoobSauce Void-Bound Voyager

    It seems neat to have pets, but it's very underwhelming for a $1,000,000 goal of preorders.
  14. jacksnight

    jacksnight Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    How about a portal GPS item that shows height, depth and distance on planets. It can also save coordinates so that you can you can find this your mark on planets like caves or dungeons. Would be very useful!!
    ChadWicky likes this.
  15. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    Pfff.... Elevators are for little cats. In the good old days of Terraria you jumped in an endless pit and land in a puddle of your own tears! lol
    I do however like the idea of an elevator. :)
  16. PrinceAlden

    PrinceAlden Starship Captain

    I don't think it's a bad idea... but if it's a pet like other games have had in the past, and if a large part of this game really is "sneaking" (as I've read somewhere before), i think the pets would put an end to that whole idea. If we could turn them off or leave them at a base station or a home somewhere it wouldn't be too bad, but I always preferred the idea of the lone ranger to this game idea. However... Secret of Evermore for SNES did an awesome job with this idea. If it was something along those lines I wouldn't be against the idea.

    Now, another idea for "pets", and I use the term loosely, is that the pet could become part of your armor set. Think the Seru and Ra-Seru from Legend of Legaia for PS1 and you'll know what I mean.

    Just my thoughts.

    Thanks! And congrats on hitting the 750k goal!
  17. Gadgetguy

    Gadgetguy Bag of Holding

    This idea has all of my likes, I would like this system to be part of the game.
    Keadin and GreenStuff like this.
  18. Ozves

    Ozves Void-Bound Voyager

    I actualy always hated the idea of having some useless pet beside you in any sort of game genre, same thing goes for the vanity/cosmetic items... Yeah they're nice, but they do you no good.
    (English is not my primary language, so please bare with me)


    On the other hand, I love the art work (the dog and the fuzzy pinky thingy), so instead of having them around just to follow your every step, try adding some useful features to them.
    For example, having a certain type of companion would effect the way some NPCs would react to your presence. Some NPCs might react in a less hostile way, which might help you move more freely around the world. They could also provide other bonuses, instead of spending money to buy keys to unlock chests with, a companion would be able to unlock these chests itself, but such ability would have a cooldown timer or the pet should get some food in return (which would be easier to acquire). They could also be helpful with side quests. After a completing one, if you had a companion, you would earn extra points.
    There are lots of variations in which pets could actualy get useful.
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
  19. General Chaos

    General Chaos Pangalactic Porcupine

    Id rather that you get the choice of a optional quest to get a pet.As to what pet you would get as starter would be determined what planet and such you start on.

    Edit: If the pets are to be passive then I think they should have special abilities that aid the player in a passive way.I would use for example a great old game for the NES that got remade called A Boy And His Blob.His blob could do all sorts of things that were meant to help the player progress.Also I think they should be able to evolve to make them different than how wild tamed pets are.Though you choose when they get to a evolution point if they evolve or not.Each evolution would give your pet a new skill outside of anything you might of taught it to do.
  20. Tezuz

    Tezuz Void-Bound Voyager

    make them with passive skills pleaseeee, like light, or helping u finding treasure or danger, etc..
    Krisjtdf and GreenStuff like this.
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