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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. shyft

    shyft Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

    no thank you

    they're an OK idea, but the stretch goal should have something a little more worthwhile than pets
  2. Questing

    Questing Starship Captain

    It's non combat? Well, I will vote yes, but uh... I am not sure why it matters. If it has no affect on gameplay save being cutepatootie, then uh... Who is going to freak the fuck out over a cosmetic pet? Oh well, voted yes.
  3. Keadin

    Keadin Big Damn Hero

    My suggestion was to actually give them utility instead of combat performance. That way they're not entirely useless and it would simply be an expansion of a system that is already largely in the game, minimising the work that needs to be done :)
  4. Asrashas

    Asrashas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well I wanna be honest: I haven't read all the 52 sites.
    But I think they should not be purely aestethic. Well maybe at the beginning.
    But since there is the idea in the air to be able to capture and trade monsters and maybe even creature fights. They schould work as normal creatures, from the moment on you are able to capture creatures. Since if they won't they would be completely useless by then.
    Q: How does the pet system work? (Capturing, raising, etc...)

    A: Ok so, I don't want to talk too much about the raising part, that's up in the air. But you're able to obtain an item that captures creatures that are low on health. The creature is then tied to the item, which can be traded, stored, etc like any other item. However you can only recall the creature if the item is equipped in 1 of 3 special creature slots. And you can only equip the item on your ship. If the creature dies it returns to the item and you can only bring it back by visiting your ship again. This is all in place to stop someone spawning 100 monsters and basically coasting through the game. Man that sounds very Pokemon... But there are some big differences, we'll show those off a bit later.

    from here.

    I think if you would add starter pets to the normal creature system it would be awesome. Because then you could take a new route of playing the game from the beginning: as creature tamer (if it would work someway like pokemon. Speak: you can capture creatures weakened enough by your own pet).
    FazzClink likes this.
  5. R3MI

    R3MI Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but I think that what might be a fun idea, is that depending on the size, ANY monster that you find on a planet within a certain size etc. of course, could become a pet with a taming function. Maybe for the different species of different planets you could have different methods of taming them and it means that due to the random monster generation it could be a fun aspect to look around the various worlds for the perfect pet for you. I thought this would be a nice little feature to give everyone's starbound adventure its own sense of individuality.

    What do you guys think? Would you like to have the option of finding a unique pet to tour the galaxy with? :)
  6. AbeLincolnstein

    AbeLincolnstein Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't know if anyone said this yet or not, but I like the idea of a starter pet but making it an option would be better because sometimes I would love having a non-combat pet, but other times I don't want the animation distraction. Also, if there are pets, make it so you can chain them up at your space station or have a pen there that they can run around in so they don't follow you 100% of the time. Just some ideas.

    EDIT: On a side note, I think $850,000 would be a good new point for a stretch goal.
  7. FazzClink

    FazzClink Orbital Explorer

    Thinking in what Tiy said, there will be some rare or legendary creatures that we can get. We can use, trade or just make a collection of monters!

    We must get them all!
    Asrashas likes this.
  8. jing577

    jing577 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I agree with people that feel if you want a vanity pet, work for it, and not just get it straight off the bat.
    I've been trying to gather support for Audio Clips (research notes, journals) that gives voiced back story to the game and will play as you keep exploring the dungeon etc.
  9. SolidSnake

    SolidSnake Existential Complex

    Just like a lot of people have said, gene splicing and breeding.
    ThePhail likes this.
  10. SK333r

    SK333r Orbital Explorer

    That would be an amazing idea. :D
  11. Kurzor

    Kurzor Orbital Explorer

    Want a bulbasaur as pet :giggle:
  12. Or Combat / Player Bonus ^^
  13. Zefina

    Zefina Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the idea of having a pet run around with you. But I also agree with some of the other comments as well. Being able to "Stable" them or "Put them away" would be a great option. Or even just so they can be told to "Stay" in our houses and we can have them run around with us as we choose.

    My other suggestion is to possibly be able to get other pets as well. Even if its just to unlock them, thus giving you the option to choose which pet you would like to have out. Leaving, of course, the ones that are chosen depending on your race, only achievable if you choose that pet during creation of your character.

    Keep up the great work guys!! :D
  14. jacksnight

    jacksnight Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Defiantly not the idea for me although im sure a lot of people will like it. I just hope if this does happen that we have a way to NOT have one. I don't want a pet following me around all the time that does nothing. I know people tend to like glamor pets, i just do not.
    NerArth and Evangelion like this.
  15. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Not too hot on the starter pet idea. Just kinda seems like it would get in the way... especially if it's some non aggressive fluffy pet.
    NerArth likes this.
  16. Iojiki

    Iojiki Starship Captain

    Pet's seem like a neat idea, but unless there is some sort of advancing in pet levels or my pet can pick up items/do tasks for me, I don't feel myself spending too much time on my pet. Plus if I have to take care of it or it will die, that is something I'm not too keen on. Nothing is worse than being in the middle of a dungeon with no "pet food".

    With that said, I would welcome the addition of pets post-release, but for a stretch goal it doesn't really make me feel compelled to donate more. With that said, if Starbound had a little more PR and media attention, I think that it wouldn't matter what stretch goal you put into the game, people would still pre-order. You could put something as simple as a beauty salon that let you change your hair in game and people would go nuts.
    NerArth likes this.
  17. Atlus

    Atlus Big Damn Hero

    Pets should be able to be stored somehow to just get over this whole issue. If we have to many a silly pokeball expy, then so be it.
  18. Zeplin

    Zeplin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like this idea. If it was like this I would like vanity pets.
    Keadin likes this.
  19. Melchya

    Melchya Orbital Explorer

    hehe, i'd want to have Nibbler from futurama pooping dark matter. Just saying
  20. Kombucha

    Kombucha Orbital Explorer

    I love the idea of having starter pets as a CHOICE. So upon character creation you can choose to start with one or not, but there should also be the option (tick box?) to start without.
    Chaines and Evangelion like this.
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