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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah, this. I feel like some people are just mindlessly voting for pets as the alternative is the mistery box.
  2. danpanda

    danpanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    Viva la adorable starter pet that provided non-combat boosts (like glowing etc.)!
    It would be nice if they could maintain some value later in the game by being upgradable, customizable. They have to be something you have to work quite hard to upgrade,customize.
  4. Kujar3

    Kujar3 Existential Complex


    Yes please! Starter pets are awesome since Torchlight 1 came out, continued being awesome in Torchlight 2 and Will be awesome in Starbound! :D
  5. Boese

    Boese Tentacle Wrangler

    I like pets, but it would be nice if they could grow up by your side, and eventually get big enough to help you fight things, and then continue to look more visually impressive as they become more formidable. Just an idea, looking forward to see what else they add.
  6. danpanda

    danpanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i love pandas
  7. OwnUbyCake

    OwnUbyCake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If this is more of like 800k or 850k then I think its a great idea. I don't really know enough information about them but it seems that these pets simply wouldn't be worth another 250k really (though they might be! haha). Now are there going to be other small cuter pets like this to find and tame or are you just going to have to find a randomly generated small on and tame it so it looks cute? It would be much more exciting if either the design of the pets changed even within a race or if there were many more pets to collect. In no way though do I want the release to be delayed even one second though! If this way is the best for you to do it and keep the release date on your secret schedule (hopefully soon? :badpokerface:) then that's totally fine. I trust you developers and believe that you won't disappoint :up:
  8. Kirisame Marisa

    Kirisame Marisa 2.7182818284590...

    I wouldn't mind it. If it could be a Penguin Riding on a Broomstick, i'd go buy the fucking Solarium tier if that's what it took for that. <3
  9. AirWhale1

    AirWhale1 Tentacle Wrangler

    I never really cared for pets in games. They always seem to get in the way and if they are valuable to me, I've afraid to use them because of the chance of losing them.

    Wait...non combat pets you say? Then I am a definite "no" on this idea.

    Congrats on all your success though.
  10. Aisuu

    Aisuu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I DO want starter pets :)
  11. 0243

    0243 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    On the subject, btw.

    I agree that each one can have pets ALMOST at the start of the game. You know, if we are fleeing from the planet, it would be nice to steal ship and find a scared kitten (bug? Penguin?) there. That makes the problem of how to add pet generation though. And I think that a pet should be useful, and not just useful at the start of the game. That's the bigger problem, I think. A battle slug? Glowing dog? Talking cat guide? That's a big question.
  12. AirWhale1

    AirWhale1 Tentacle Wrangler

    That is what I thought before I voted, expecting it to be about 80%-20% in favor of pets. It is actually pretty close though.
  13. A Vanity Pet System is not worthy of a MILLION Stretch Goal! :facepalm:
  14. Milkman

    Milkman Aquatic Astronaut

    Can we have terrifyingly morbid and ugly pets as well as the stupid cute ones?
    nikbig likes this.
  15. nikbig

    nikbig Void-Bound Voyager

    I am pretty excited about the thought of some fluffy companions to follow us around ! Its a Great Idea :love:
  16. bartonnen

    bartonnen Orbital Explorer

    Sure! But please make it optional!
    AirWhale1 likes this.
  17. Nem3sis

    Nem3sis Void-Bound Voyager

    I think that pets are a great idea,however,I would like them to be actually useful,other than cosmetic for purposes.It would be cool if they could like,for example,fight,mine,or even provide buffs and effects like lighting,shielding etc etc
    AirWhale1 likes this.
  18. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    Be aware this is just MY opinion:

    Since we already have 3 tameable creatures that we can keep with us at all times, a pet seems kinda unnecessary. I think the pets would work only if they would work to some extenth: they couldn't battle since we have three other creatures doing that for us, AND they would give you minuses in attributes and such( if you are like me and you don't want something to costantly follow you around) What the pets WOULD do is: they collect things from the ground, aside from that their only use would be for a build or so(raises another lowers another attribute)
    This could also work: option to hide you pet and still gain its bonuses.
    Sorry if I was being rude, but honestly idk what to think about this :whoop:
    Zangoose likes this.
  19. Johnnybone

    Johnnybone Big Damn Hero

    I'd personally say no to the idea, as other told, it seems lackluster for such a stretch goal. Besides, i don't particularly like ingame pets unless they have some point other than being purely cosmetic.
    On the other hand, i'll end up voting yes because my 6 year old daughter will love the idea and, as i'm only too aware, she won't free my laptop for a long, long time after Starbound comes out.

    BTW, congrats on the amazing achieved goals so far.
  20. Zansetu

    Zansetu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The pets ideas is great but I found the concept similar to the taming which is already in the game if I'm correct ^^

    So maybe the creatures named as pets can be just a rare type of monster you can find on your first planet :)
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