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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Redliquid

    Redliquid Big Damn Hero

    I'd like to see some more options.
  2. Gadgetguy

    Gadgetguy Bag of Holding

    I agree that this shouldn't be a 1 mil stretch goal, but it would still be cool to have pets.
    I hope they have utility pets!
    Also, I hope this doesn't turn into forum wars on whether or not pets should be in or left out.
  3. UNLESS Pets add Special Bonus / Effects to the Player when they are active, that would make them Cute and Usefull.
    danpanda likes this.
  4. danpanda

    danpanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Like glowing pets - or sniffer pets that can detect certain ores etc...
  5. Speno1

    Speno1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm, the idea seems OK, as long as they become part of the story and aren't just randomly there. I like the idea of a lil' robot buddy that tells me stuff :p
    I'm not that enthusiastic because there was going to be a pet system anyway and I was hoping for perhaps a more original idea. But anything extra right now is just going to be the icing on the cake :DD
    But yeah, sounds good.
    (I still say plavium) :rofl:

    Edit: Basically what this guy is getting at, I completely agree with him.
  6. SkillFestGP

    SkillFestGP Lucky Number 13

    Here's another idea:
    A device which will give us the ability to map out the planets we have visited, that way the next time we go back we won't have to remember where everything is.
  7. I think everyone is taking these "stretch goals" as something a little too sentimental. I honestly don't think anything is going to top the entire new race, and that was the first stretch goal. Starter Pets would be great, and maybe there could be an option to not receive a pet for those lone wolves out there. Plus, it reminds me of Starter Pokemon, except in Starbound it wouldn't be limited at all. The coolest part about it is that it's unlikely a player will ever see someone who has the same pet as they do.

    Or we could try the penguin mode goal again.
  8. danpanda

    danpanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    yeh it's hard to distinguish between my excited thoughts on pets in general which I already expected - and "starter" pets.
  9. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    Yes, glowing pets! An awesome little boost.
    I too support the idea of pets that provide this kind of non-combat boosts.
  10. Revortha

    Revortha Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm totally for vanity pets. I've always enjoyed collecting vanity pets and mini pets in games that offer them. I also agree that these vanity pets should be optional for players that don't want to start with a pet and believe they should be vanity (just for looks) so as to not force players that don't want to start with a pet to start with one or be worse off than those that start with one. I still hope the capturing and training of monster will still make it into final release too.

    edit - I'm also for them because they would meet the criteria of not being too code intensive to implement.
  11. 0243

    0243 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Female, pls.
  12. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't think that this is necessary to include, even as a pre-order goal. These pets will have no combat value and be replaced as soon as possible. I would approve if these pets had some sort of practical use, such as alerting players of nearby treasure or something of the sort. I don't really see the point of having a useless companion following me around, personally.

    Edit: I should elaborate. I'm not saying that these pets sound pointless. I'm saying that I'd never really be able to get behind them. Realistically, you wouldn't take your dog or furry pink alien down to some exotic and hostile planet with you. I can't create any real connection with something like that. The point of a pet is to provide something for the player to enjoy traveling with. The majority of pets that I have owned in games and otherwise worked for their position as my long-term personal companion. I'm just saying that if these pets are helping me out in some way, I'd be a lot more inclined to like them, because they like me enough to do something for me, rather than sit in another dimension immune to damage. (Assuming that these pets aren't able to be harmed. I don't want a constant escort mission for these thins at all. That would be horrible.
  13. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    You could feed the starter pet a glowing rock or rub it against a precious artifact and it would learn a new trait. Glowing trait could be acquired like this. The ability to detect something as well.
    danpanda likes this.
  14. Cabb

    Cabb Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the idea of pets in the game, but I think it should be something we have to work for. Maybe find on a quest or something. That's the only reason I voted no. I just don't think we should start with them.
  15. Circlemaster

    Circlemaster Void-Bound Voyager

    Well i´d love pets!
    I think its a great idea, hope too see it in the game!
  16. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    That would be nice but as the op states
  17. Paddon

    Paddon Title Not Found

    I love the idea, but i'm just worried that we won't make it to the next goal D:
  18. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    Exactly! They should be rare, hard to get.
    But I could work with starter pets as well. If you would have to work hard to get and upgrade, useful customization for the pet. But still I would like to search, work for new, better, prettier pets to replace my starter pet.
    danpanda likes this.
  19. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    I realy want a vote between starter pets and some other usefull things :lod:
    Baconkid likes this.
  20. danpanda

    danpanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like this idea. Starter pets that can gain attributes that 'monster pets' wouldn't have access to - it's basically the fossils idea but with pets. you have to find certain places/things to bring out their true potential.
    GreenStuff likes this.
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