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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Hyooga

    Hyooga Guest

    err...not at all.
    I really don't know where you see pokemon in my post, was it the " 5) Pets could fight each other...maybe not."?
    I did write "maybe not", but pokemon is a turn based strategy game, it's got nothing to do with a 2d sidescrolling game ,i just don't get what you mean.
  2. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    It could be that many of those that vote ''Nay!'', including me, just don't like the pets being purely cosmetic.
    Most don't like the idea of pets giving an edge in combat either. I agree.
    How about if they helped you in other ways, non-combat boosts?
    Different classes of pets. Some will gather loot for you, some will help you harvest stuff, others could help you dig. There might even be like a metal detector, or a treasure sniffer pet, or a pet that eats plants and shrooms and spits out a random potion from time to time or just glow in the dark. Or you could teach these skills to a pet by acquiring a certain rare item, food, artifact. Of course, this is just for inspiration if you find some in this idea. You have a better understanding of what boosts will integrate well in the game.

    There has to be a point in the game where you have to choose which pet suits your play style and maybe even how to customize it. It would be a boring option to choose these pets just by their cosmetic appeal.
    andySp, Hyooga and grotesquepanda like this.
  3. Hyooga

    Hyooga Guest

    Hm...i like it!
    Maybe you could encounter this as a "planet" and have to explore the ship.
    Could be an awesome sci-fi way of making a dungeon! You know ,instead of an haunted castle and stuff.
  4. FreeSmile

    FreeSmile Phantasmal Quasar

    I said it before and I'll say it again, I appreciate having a pokémon pet following me and getting it as a starter is a plus of course! It has always appealed to me whenever I played any game which offer these feature!

    However, the stretch goals are supposed to represent an incentive for the person who have yet to preorder and for the those who did to upgrade their tier. It is supposed to represent a feature that would never be possible to achieve without the additional money.

    Just adding pets seem a little lackluster, it doesn't have any "WOW" factor to it and doesn't seem impossible to do with just a regular update of the game.

    Say per example that you'll make the BETA available sooner (say in a month) if the new stretch goal is achieved, it may give a little more incentive to everyone.

    But I guess, If you guys at least release a well made trailer and contact more gaming website, you may very well reach the 1M without any trouble.

    This is only my my opinion of course.
  5. swankles

    swankles Space Spelunker

    I feel like pets don't really fit into this type of game. The clutter, for one, could be bothersome....picture 5 people clearing a dungeon swarming with enemies and in the middle of all it five pets are just standing around being distracting. I suppose if you could turn viewing them off it would be cool provided they had some evolving and customizing type stuff going on, I just feel your efforts would be better spent on a different feature. Can we paint our spaceship? we should probably be able to paint our spaceship.
  6. Flex

    Flex Tentacle Wrangler

    Guards dog? Protecting our homeeee :D
  7. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I vote for pets, but I won't them be just decorations. At least make them like Tamagochi or something (food, sleep, care*love* & etc.), let us teach them different commands or something like. Also, would be cool if they will have their own little abilities, that can be activated by items in players panel. Just saying.
    Tankeroo likes this.
  8. Hyooga

    Hyooga Guest

    That's cool, but that way, monsters become your pets...so...yeah it's the same xD
  9. Jingan

    Jingan Void-Bound Voyager

    I voted nay since this addition would most likely only be seen in the early parts of the game before you get other pets. Although nothing would prevent you from using your starter pet forever but both fossils and the novakids are more permanent addition to the game
  10. I would like starter pets. :) I would also like if they were "Tamagochi" or "pack/storage" pets as others suggested. Or both. :) But I would also like to be able to choose if I wanted to have my pet out or not. Oh, and the wander distance... I would like it if they could wander a bit once in awhile instead of always being at my heals. And if pets had interactions with other pets (kind of like idle animations in some games) well, that would be pretty cool.
  11. danpanda

    danpanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I haven't had time to read everything but i like the idea of non combat pets (as well as monsters that we can capture and use as "pets")

    An idea is that they could be set to roam a certain area as well - so for instance I was hoping to have a fish or shark pet that i can leave in the water of my home planet and it follows me around when i'm swimming and when i go in my house or on land i can set it to roam in the water it's in. This could work for land animals as well if they are set to stay in the confines of the space they are in. It would also be cool for setting up a little pet nursery inside and when you want them to follow you, you can go get them.
  12. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    i doubt they would do that and i doubt i would remember to do all those things

    if anything i would rather have pets to ride on orrrrrrr kill shit....either way i would want it to help me without me helping it.
  13. thegameroftruth

    thegameroftruth Void-Bound Voyager

    Tell you the truth i want that litle pengiun to be my pet :3
  14. Saganatra

    Saganatra Aquatic Astronaut

    I voted no. Mainly because it sounds like we would be forced to start with pets. If there were an option to start without one and/or (preferably and) to leave yours behind somewhere then I would have no problems with it and would definitely have mine follow me everywhere I went on one of my many characters; However I feel like they would be too distracting on my multiplayer character.
  15. Gadgetguy

    Gadgetguy Bag of Holding

    I am all for pets, as long as they aren't vanity only.
    I want them to be pack pets with an inventory or help you pick up drops like another thread suggested.
    I still voted yes to see what becomes of this, but I would really like some utility with my pets.
  16. Milkman

    Milkman Aquatic Astronaut

    Human slave pet pls
    0243 likes this.
  17. Dark_moustache

    Dark_moustache Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets looks real nice :) !
  18. A Pet system would not make me excited as some other "related" things would. I guess an Fashion icon following us everywhere is cute, but NOT deserving of a Stretch Goal as 1 Million (or close to that).

    I guess would would try to surprise us with another thing. The votation shows how divided is the Community about this.
    Bearminator likes this.
  19. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    Starter pet set:

    Choose from either:
    A pet (space) rock
    A pet brick
    A dead thing
  20. Kiingy

    Kiingy Phantasmal Quasar

    Can it be expanded, lets say I revive one of the dinosaurs from the fossils, can I have a giant T-Rex as a pet.. who perhaps isn't afraid of combat like the starter ones =D
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