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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. GarrickWinter

    GarrickWinter Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, I certainly don't mind the idea of pets. They're cute!

    But I'd also like extensive terraforming and ecology modifying, like in Spore, but fit to the game, of course, so not just a bunch of nests. I don't think it would be too hard, right? Add a couple of strings to the save file containing the seeds of all plant and animal species present on the planet; create a food pyramid where a function represents the amount of carnivorous species that can exist relative to herbivores, and the number of herbivores that can exist relative to plant species, and the number of plant species relative to, hm, planet size and soil fertility?

    But whatever you do, I trust you to make the decision!
  2. xboy777

    xboy777 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Make it optional and I'm all for it! I don't want to be forced to have a pet but if it's optional I'll most likely pick one.
  3. Dal

    Dal Phantasmal Quasar

    well yes, if we have useful pets why add MMO style pets that just follow you around? they don't have to be combat pets, but something that can help you out would be nice.
  4. TKDesign

    TKDesign Space Spelunker

    starting pets FTW :D
  5. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    I think a lot of people feel the same. Noncombat pets are cool as an option.. I don't think anyone is for not having them in the game at all.

    Just for a stretch goal, something to help entice sales.. we're missing a level of whoa neat! compared to the others.

    Maybe there's some spin on it that could make them more universally wanted. Like we all get a create-a-pet bot? Its a small drone and we can scan (small!) living things (It jots down that created monsters data) and it then mimics the behavior of them set to friendly and follow? Sort of a precursor to the combat system pets people seem to be talking about but I don't remember reading about.
  6. Croyd

    Croyd Big Damn Hero

    A starting pet would be neat, as one poster said, it might get lonely on the ship. I do like the option of being able to leave the pet on the ship and not take it with me.

    Wouldn't be bad for a stretch goal either, like they said it needs to be something easy to code and if we don't achieve it then no big deal.
  7. petelectro

    petelectro Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't like features or systems that don't add anything to gameplay at all so I voted for nay.

    Plus I think that a it would pale compared to the other to stretch goals. I much rather have a let's play by the staff, additional community suggestions being put in or something along the lines of a future console port (wii u please) made possible right now but not promising it for release date.
    Autumn_LeafFall likes this.
  8. Melchya

    Melchya Orbital Explorer

    I'm honestly not too bothered about having the pets, considering there will already be the whole train monsters, and genesplice etc.
    that said, it would be a nice optional addition. it could be swell having it around my base or homeplanet, to greet me when i'd come home. So yay, from here.

    :EDIT: like stated a bit above, if they could have a function i.e bring certain materials back to your ship, or base they'd be awesome.
  9. BasaraTheFirst

    BasaraTheFirst Big Damn Hero

    Yes i would like if the game had pets.
    If they wont fight for you then just give them at character creation, but if they are going to be doing combat then make them obtainable at mid-game.
  10. DormantGames

    DormantGames Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (No way in hell I'm going to read through page 1 through to 47, so I'm just gonna post my reply after reading to page 28. If it's already been suggested then... Meh)

    Looking at all of the videos and pictures of Starbound currently, there are sooo many items and pieces of armour that your inventory will have no chance in being able to carry them all, so how's about let pets have an inventory of their own? It would act like an alive storage chest, increasing the inventory slots depending on what level of planet you got your pet from.
    That would give pets a function, and would let players feel the need to go out to explore and find new pets, with larger inventories or other benefits.
    I'm assuming that these non-combat pets don't get attacked and teleport to the player if they get separated, with the option of making your pet "sit" and not move until you tell it to stand(so that it actually acts like a static chest)
    MessiahDJ, Tankeroo, Artem and 2 others like this.
  11. Veran

    Veran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i voted yay, on the condition that there is a special command you can give to put your pet atop your head. Imagine walking around with that fuzzy pet on your head :D
  12. Rhin

    Rhin Void-Bound Voyager

    I really don't care for vanity pets or starter pets. Just hope that taming and training monsters and having up to 3 to use in combat its still an intended feature.

    If you want to improve the pet system idea i would like the ability to equip some creatures with weapons or armors, like one of the first screenshoots "mockups" you did for the game, a green jelly holding a gun :D that was funny, so maybe you can upgrade your pet/taming/training system and make that some biped with arms pets could carry guns or some four-legged creatures to be usable as mounts or special armours for biped, 4 legged or flying creatures.

    Having said that, you don't have to listen to all those whiners about stretch goals and all those that require that you put spectacular stretch goals, Even more you don't have to put any at all... people preorder your game because they like it and because it holds alot of promise, not to reach some stretch goals.
  13. sasquatchjc

    sasquatchjc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm a fan of pet systems, as long as there's some sort use for them other than looking cute. Like how with pokemon, you can go around and do battles with people, and catch rarer pokemon that were better than others, etc.

    but hey, more content is more content, so i'm happy with whatever you guys feel like putting in :D
  14. Atlus

    Atlus Big Damn Hero

    If Hytol don't start with hermit crabs or little floating pufferfish, I'll be dissapointed.
    andySp likes this.
  15. PixyMisa

    PixyMisa Aquatic Astronaut

    Starts reading thread... Wait, 47 pages?!

    Okay, pets good. Yay pets!
    MessiahDJ likes this.
  16. grotesquepanda

    grotesquepanda Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Fish in bowl robots.
  17. Xelot

    Xelot Phantasmal Quasar

    1. Terraforming.
    2. Mounts (if they are not already planned).
    3. Reputation system and bounty hunters.
    4. More underwater content.
    5. Most collectibles are always welcome :p
    Croyd likes this.
  18. Croyd

    Croyd Big Damn Hero

    Hermit Crabs have my vote!
  19. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Orbital Explorer

    Think will better space update like:
    1. Space encounters
    a) enemy alines
    b) allied space traders
    с) boarding the spaceships like "pirates of caribbean seas"

    2. Space debris where we can find:
    a) items for player (devices, armor, weapone, other)
    b) tehnology (for example for craft or other things)
    c) items for spaceship or other vehicles

    3. Space battles like retro "asteroids game", no need hardocere coding, but in future can modify for better version

    4. Space quests like:
    a) trade (with other ships in space)
    b) convoy (trader, alied ship)
    c) discover (anomalys, asteroids, black holes and etc.)
    d) patrole (space zone, space station, space sector, orbite of planate)
    e) rescue (life-saving capsule, from colony(on planets or asteroids), from spacestation, from anomaly)

    5. Other (add what u want)

    or Colony Update like:
    1. Make colony on planets or asteroids, space stations
    2. Building space station for space colony
    3. Trade with colonys
    4. Defend from enemys, from space asteroids (asteroid mini game)
    5. Other (add what u want)

    P.S.^ not need to do all, but some of this ideas w b fun i think
    ErekoseDM likes this.
  20. Robertus Amor

    Robertus Amor Orbital Explorer

    Not a big fan of pets personally. As long as we wouldn't be required to use them, I guess I'd be OK with that stretch goal, though I personally feel that something with a little more bearing on actual gameplay would be a better stretch mark.

    But opinions are opinions, of course!
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