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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    That kind of pet will be in regardles of this strechgoal, unless you are refering to this as part of the starter pet this strechgoal is about.
  2. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    But a pet that can be used as additional backpag should not be available on start-up... You have to do something first to get it :p
  3. Katorone

    Katorone Giant Laser Beams

    I like the idea of pets... BUT! I'd like to have them do something useful too!
    For instance, a doggy could bark if you're near bones. A sponge thingy could jump if you're near lava. Perhaps a mini horsy could even provide some extra inventory space. As long as they're doing something useful, I'm fine with it.
    If not, I'd love some more features that expand the game in not just a cosmetic way.
  4. Decivre

    Decivre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't think you understood my recommendations very much. The pet wouldn't act as some sort of radar device or anything. It would simply provide little animations to forewarn the player of nearby things... goodies, threats, whatever... that they might have glossed over or stumbled blindly into otherwise during their travel. If you take Terraria as an example, the pet could start growling when a zombie or something is a screen or two in the distance, so you know you should be prepared. Or it would start scratching at the ground at an otherwise-hidden cache of materials as you walk in a specific area. It's just a simple animation to make the pet somewhat useful.

    And while we could debate the capabilities of characters in the setting, it's pretty trivial. I mean we are talking about humans that have the means to break the laws of physics as we know them today, but have not achieved any real degree of trans- or posthumanity. A smart futuristic character in a realistic future would be scouting, constructing and battling on a planet surface using drones and advanced AI, not teleporting to the surface and doing everything themselves. This is less real sci-fi and more 2d sandbox Star Trek with awesome. Gameplay matters more than technological realism.
  5. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    as to why i am against getting a pet right from the start as per this strechgoal
    PureWillkuer likes this.
  6. Shippo

    Shippo Existential Complex

  7. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    Still all that can be achieved with the imprssive sensor array of interplanetarry space ship. Although i do agree with your point that the pet should be able to do something rather than just follow you around or act as an extended backpack. So i do agree with your suggestions

    edit: but you shouldnt start out with the pet without doing anythign to actually get it
  8. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    yep thats my oppinion too
  9. Tony.exe

    Tony.exe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A special $1 million stretch mark mount.
    That would be...LEGENDARY!

  10. Moctor

    Moctor Title Not Found

    If pets were added, then I'd probably use them. If not, then I'm not going to be upset.

    There are many other things I'd rather have, but to be honest I'm not sure if they are planned on being implemented anyway...

    I hoped that there would be at least two stretch goal ideas to vote for like last time.
  11. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    Pets are added, and possibly trainable creatures, the strechgoal is about getting a pet right from the start.
  12. A7x

    A7x Orbital Explorer

    i voted nay maybe there is something better :>
  13. Akardos

    Akardos Aquatic Astronaut

    I personally would be fine if you guys just did a lets play of the game for reaching the next goal
  14. SamStrife

    SamStrife Master Chief

    In my opinion, if the system can be worked to link with the beast taming and be fleshed out enough, this could be a great thing indeed. Otherwise I'm not so sure.
  15. Moctor

    Moctor Title Not Found

    If pets are already added then why do they need to be a stretch goal? I thought these kind of pets were just small companions that follow you and have nothing to do with combat whatsoever.
  16. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    So many pages, is anyone still reading this back here?
    Anyway, pets, yes, proceed.
    I think non-combat-pets in addition to combat-pets would be ok, as long as they are completely optional
    a.k.a. you don't have to take a starter pet, you can leave it on the ship when you go on missions or release it into the wild and never see it again etc.

    Also I need to support one other idea that was mentioned in this thread: Mounts! You remember the big pets that we wanna tame and train to slaughter each other?
    We want to ride them into battle!
    PureWillkuer likes this.
  17. Evilmcgee

    Evilmcgee Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the idea of it. I think it would be even cooler if the pets like... evolved later on? And maybe became combat pets, or pets that help you do other things, like dig, build, gather, pick up items, etc etc.
  18. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    The stretchgoal is about starter pets youll have them from beginning on an the cant fight. So they just look good not more...
  19. A7x

    A7x Orbital Explorer


    Do you like the idea of starting out with an adorable non-combat companion? Do you hate it? What do you think we should do instead?
  20. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    To answer your question i dont know, but its in the 1st post states the following:
    Somewhere else on the forum its states about pets in general, trainable monsters and what not, but its something different than this strechgoal, because this strechgoal is about what mollygos said
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