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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Shahab

    Shahab Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i think they should implement something that effects the gameplay not just cosmetic as a stretch goal.
    make that pet thing preorder price.
  2. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    I agree too :poptop:
  3. Elenoe

    Elenoe Big Damn Hero

    By "PET system" I would expect any creature (at least non agressive) is tamable, brought by in inventory or in follow mode and released at home or locked up area. With simple commands like stay ground, stay around, follow, protect and such.
  4. Dragonk

    Dragonk Orbital Explorer

    Also if you add these starter non-combat pets you gotta give them some sort of purpose once you get an actual combat pet. Personally I would just want to be able to let mine free and watch it roam around my ship or house. Something like that.
    Decepticon1 and Keeper like this.
  5. Decepticon1

    Decepticon1 Space Hobo

    go back to pokemon
  6. Decivre

    Decivre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe if the pet has a function people would be more interested. So here's an idea:

    Maybe the pet could be used for scouting out an area. You can switch from using your character to your pet, then travel to a place where you aren't sure if your character could survive. If the pet dies, it disappears for a set period of time (couple minutes, tops), then instantly teleports to your character's side again. As an extra perk, the pet can enter areas too small for the player to enter... a small vent, or tiny fissures in caves could be traveled through by your pet, to make sure it's worthwhile to mine through with your character.

    Alternatively, the pet could act as a sort of alert. It starts growling when enemies are nearby, and faces the direction they are coming from. Or when it travels over a vein of precious materials, it starts scratching at the ground. There are some interesting opportunities for a noncombat pet.
    PureWillkuer, Alondaar and Lazypeanut like this.
  7. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    you are on a spaceship capable of inter stellar travel. I hope it also has basic scanners that would make scouting by a pet obsolite :D

    I do like your suggestion that the pet should have some use
    Ravenholme likes this.
  8. Decivre

    Decivre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not true. The scanners might tell you the general idea of what's on a planet... the resources it has, the atmosphere, the other things you can find. But the spaceship might not tell you exactly where to look and what's going to be waiting for you near it. The pet would be a great way to look for danger and play the game more cautious. In fact, this might make the pet far more important in the high-level planets, where risks are more likely to kill the crap out of you in a single hit.
  9. ockpii

    ockpii The Reel McCoy

    I think it would be fun if they really interacted with us. Also, does this game have idle animations (think Sonic/Bubsy back in the Genesis - you stop for a bit, and they go like "lalala, waitinnggg", and stuff)? If so, they could start pulling on our leg, or hide in our pockets, and stuff like that. It would be great seeing them making sounds when they're scared, interact with us and with the world. Maaaaaaybe have them have some sort of tamagotchi function, as well xD

    Cool! :D

    PureWillkuer likes this.
  10. ertyu2234

    ertyu2234 Orbital Explorer

    You guys should make a level up pet system, so it can be stronger.

    Please feedback!
  11. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    I disagree, In the case i would be in orbit with my interstellar capable craft i think it logical that my interstellar spacehip would have at least the cababilities of a satelite added to that a database with possible threats. A cat wouldnt help me find more threats than my spaceship would. In fact an animal foreign to a certain world would not have any great bennefits to that world in the sense of threat finding. Take an animal here on earth out of its normal habitat and it will be oblivious to the threats of the biome you put it in. for RL reference see how many creatures became exticnt because humans introduced another creature to their habitat.
  12. loadme

    loadme Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To be honest.. from my point of view new gameplay mechanics are adding much more fun and value to the game.
    Sure, pets are cute. You could allow pet collections and putting out there very rare pets.
    But still, it feels a little weak if you would weight it vs 100K, 200K or 250k €

    There are a lot of ideas around the forums. You could try to bring in events, like alien invasions. Or natural terra forming processes. Or competitions vs players or vs environment (where natives would challenge you and show you a reward, much like quests)
    You maybe already have covered some of these. But its only some idea about what I feel is worth a high end stretch goal :)
    PureWillkuer and Bethor like this.
  13. Decivre

    Decivre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I hope they're looking at our ideas. I've been seriously thinking about the ideas I've been pitching.
  14. Tony.exe

    Tony.exe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pets are cool, what about mounts though? :geek:
  15. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    Its about non-combat pet´s.:proper: Why should some sort of non-combat pet get stronger? :lod:
  16. loadme

    loadme Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe you solve this dilemma this way:
    As a 1million strech goal, just promise us support and feature additions over the next 2 years :)
    I would instantly buy 1 more license ;)
  17. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    so they can carry more stuff ? :D
  18. Dal

    Dal Phantasmal Quasar

    i'm not a fan of useless pets. make them buff/pick up items/attack/hold items or atleast something that can be of use.
  19. tots_o_tater

    tots_o_tater Space Spelunker

    I have an idea that could be potentially really cool for a stretch goal. (Sorry if something in a similar vein has already been suggested.)

    A new game mode option. Although this may sound daunting (or stupid) at first, let me explain. The same functionality of the planet generation would be enacted but a core change to the base gameplay could have a dramatic effect. Right now, I'm thinking something like "space domination." There would be one universe (or multiple universes, I suppose) with two species at war. So, the goal would be to conquer all the planets and eliminate one's enemy. Perhaps having recruitable monsters or foot-soldiers for base defense could work too. "Space domination" would work really well online by setting two people against each other. Of course, if possible, having computer opponents would be pretty cool too.

    Since this mode would likely be quite the undertaking, perhaps funding this project for post release would be preferable for the developers.

    Anyway, that's all I got.
  20. Strongbuns

    Strongbuns Void-Bound Voyager

    I believe there are already mounts implemented into the game, as there is an entire subforum for mount/vehicle suggestions.
    Bethor likes this.
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