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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Dragonk

    Dragonk Orbital Explorer

    I would be cooler if you could domesticate animals and make almost like a farm time thing. Where the animals would be mostly cosmetic but sometimes would create a crafting ingredient of some kind. You like how a chicken would lay eggs, cow would give milk, spider would make web, etc.
    Benjabby and Luthos like this.
  2. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    From the OP:

    Non-combat pets. I'm going to assume that because you start with one they will be next-to-useless. Why would you want that over one you could tame yourself? Why waste a $250,000 stretch goal on that?
    That's great and all if it comes for less, but it's the principle that they just pushed this idea out instead of taking their time.
  3. vlamer12

    vlamer12 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think pets are a cool idea as long as:
    1. They are optional
    2. Since they are optional, they should just be there for company/atmosphere. And not add anything that would give players with pets an edge over players without pets.
    This way I think you can please both groups (those who do and don't want pets)


    PureWillkuer, Netrolf and eShredder like this.
  4. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    From what i get this is already in and has nothing to do with this strechgoal, this strechgoal is about starting out with a pet when you start a new game
  5. Richard Ma

    Richard Ma Void-Bound Voyager

    I find them annoying if they start sitting in spots where I need to place down things xD
  6. Benjabby

    Benjabby Title Not Found

    1) The universe is so big there is already near infinite possibilities for things like this, each planet will be wildly different.
    2) I like the idea of some way to get prizes but I don't think an entire planet would work (you could be very far from it and it would cost a lot of fuel to get there) perhaps an addition to your space station like an arcade machine or something.
    3) I suppose they could simply integrate this into the tec system, so one of the tecs allows you to have an extra arm. However I think the right and left hand have a special mechanic that means it would be hard to add a third or fourth hand
  7. Netrolf

    Netrolf Void-Bound Voyager

    I totally agree with that.
  8. Sykes

    Sykes Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    It's confirmed you'll be able to capture and tame monsters as pets to help you in combat. It will have an edge over people without pets.

    If you can't handle that, well... Sorry?
  9. Bearminator

    Bearminator Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I voted no, because i'm just not comfortable with a cutie puppy following me around and doing nothing. :confused:
    Bethor and Netrolf like this.
  10. mkv25

    mkv25 Phantasmal Quasar

    I liked the idea of pets, but I don't know how central it'll be to the game. I guess I'm imaging worlds where you could catch and train your own pets. Skilled pet owners could go after bigger and bigger creatures to make their own... but sure, a pet, and pet accessories, and pet weapons, lot you could do there... but for launch, really not fussed. :)
  11. Ravenholme

    Ravenholme Big Damn Hero

    I like the idea, but I definitely feel that it shouldn't be at $1 million. Trying putting it much lower, like... $850k
    Shippo likes this.
  12. Benjabby

    Benjabby Title Not Found

    I didn't consider that, this is brilliant. So basically you start with a blank egg, and depending on what you do to it (items given, planet terrain kept in, etc) it would be a different creature (but uniquely different from the randomly generated enemies)?
  13. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is not the current subject. This is about purely cosmetic pets being added as starting pets, as a stretch goal.
    Bethor likes this.
  14. Alondaar

    Alondaar Title Not Found

    As many have said, I'd like it if they were

    1) Optional
    2) Able to be showcased, or let roam around on a ship, or in a large tank/cage.

    Who wouldn't love to see a bunch of their tiny pets running around?
    That could leave post-release options of interaction between pets, NPCs, Monsters (Non-combat), other players, and the player, (All aside from following loyally) As some suggested DNA splicing or breeding, or even friendly (Albeit cliche'd) turn-based combat scenarios would be interesting.
  15. hainowai

    hainowai Big Damn Hero

    As long as there was an option to not pick one, and/or put it in a cage/get rid of it, I think it'd be smashing!
  16. eShredder

    eShredder Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I guess pets could be good. Note: Only if ALL players get them, whether they pre-ordered or not.

    Would you feel more comfortable if it was a cute kitty following you are doing nothing? I know I would for sure. Especially if it is night and the moon light is reflecting in the eyes of the kitteh.
  17. Lazypeanut

    Lazypeanut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I love the idea of a companion pet, however i really don't want it to be a constant thing so as much as i would love the feature i think there should be room to be able to put it somewhere if you are tired of looking at it :p Or atleast just make it an optional thing altogether.
  18. Nick Amar

    Nick Amar Void-Bound Voyager

    I agree. I would love to see some sort of breeding mechanic for either monsters or plants
    PureWillkuer likes this.
  19. Danijongo

    Danijongo Master Chief

    I like the idea, It's awesome, but I don't want something to follow me all of the time doing nothing just being cute, However the idea could sound a bit better if the pets would offer some skills, like helping you to find stuff, and/or have an inventory of their own, so that when you are full, you could put some of your stuff in their's. :proper:
  20. Beonadryt

    Beonadryt Big Damn Hero

    You could make a side-quest on the starting planet where you have to find a lost pet and as reward you can choose between a few cosmetic pets. :3
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