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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    Shut up.
    Endzone likes this.
  2. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    not to worry wont delay game or beta, this is not minecraft. these people know what they are doing from day one!
  3. Thrator

    Thrator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I really don't like the idea of pets, not at least of non-combat pets, but as the others are already implemented I really don't see this new goal as necessary.
    My friend is creating an account right now, so I'm telling his idea, which is basically rideable dragons. As there has not been talked very much about vehicles, we don't know if this is already in the game.
    My idea is, for a streatch goal, one of the following:
    1. It has to be something new or something that makes happy the whole community.
    2. It has to be something big.
    As probably many of these posts has not talked about planets (I really don't know) but I feel like we could improve what I already know about the planets. We know that planets has actually 4 liquids, oil, lava, water and acid.
    There are biomed within biomes (inception!), there are three types of planets, solid, liquid and gas-like (Best.English.Ever.)
    But I feel like something is missing, like something could actually improve, like maybe some type ofneew technique to work with the resources that you got from the planet. It may be a lot of coding, but in the suggestions I have seen, there was one post of engineering and chemistry and it was actually pretty interessant and should be considered as one stretch goal. Of course id you want just something easy and fast, you could allways work on a worse beta so we could actually get a taste of the game.
    Thank you very much for your attention. Thrator
  4. Ukyo9

    Ukyo9 Tentacle Wrangler

    Him as a starter pet, thanks. I'd love him to act like a little Navi, repeating the forum rules while following you in arid/toxic wastelands.
  5. Snowy_Night

    Snowy_Night Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The only thing i do not like is the limitation of race, I would much rather be able to select any of the pets. I mean wha if i want to be a Glitch with a pet dog. Also things which can't do anything and follow you around all the time can be a pain.
  6. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    [​IMG] is not words or a sound
  7. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    I like the idea of pets, but as your raising your stretch goal higher and higher it seems (compared) to a new race AND fossils as - a bit of a step down?

    I just don't feel it will generate as much enthusiasm as either previous goals. Why not take something you already have in game and add onto it instead that people are excited about?

    Mining, races, that is something big in the game and we got more added with other stretch goals. Why not add something like an extended options set for the ship? Like abit more customization in someway you don't have as people -are- excited about it.. like.. maybe choose from an adittional style of starter ship as a stretch goal? Just a slightly diffrent look from the one we have seen sofar? Shouldn't take to much coding (either A or B style?) and its a major point in the game. Maybe multiple if you are feeling ambitious.

    Kinda more awesome then a kitty sprite since its what we will see often and choice is always good :)
  8. Congratulations on attaining such unexpectedly high figures, mollygos. :) Starbound is definitely worth all the recognition it's getting, if not more.

    Starting the adventure with pets? That sure sounds interesting, especially if they have some sort of ability/utility (for example, a firefly could be a very weak light source) besides following the player around. I'm all up for it. :up:
  9. NekPaper

    NekPaper Tentacle Wrangler

    Pets?! O, god, you heard my prayers
  10. Benjabby

    Benjabby Title Not Found

    I like the idea of the starter pets being able to find hidden items, something that normal pets cant do. I hope the devs see your post.

    I think another feature (if there is breeding) would be that the starter pets would provide a unique 'gene', so no matter how many times you breed infinitely many monsters you would never get one that would be like if you bred something with your starter pet
    (I've explained it badly but I'm sure you get what I mean)
    Lynx88 and Clitcomander like this.
  11. Confatalis

    Confatalis Orbital Explorer

    Pets seems to be a legit way to give the game a plus of liveliness without huge coding actions... :cool:
    Shippo likes this.
  12. Zeplin

    Zeplin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just add new weapon pieces for the random generation or armor or whatever. At least it would be actual content.
    Clitcomander likes this.
  13. Iggyflare

    Iggyflare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just hope pets wont make this game feel like every mmo... with every single player having a pet.
    Netrolf and Clitcomander like this.
  14. Decivre

    Decivre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here are some expanded versions of the ideas I have:
    • Robot guards: NPCs robots that follow you from your ship to the surface, and help you in combat or defend your bases. This one might be somewhat hard to implement in a way to make them survive well, so you simply compensate by making them cheap and easy to produce. Or simply make them a gimmick for players that have the resources to spare. Also, maybe the components use determine their stats.
    • Outer space construction: We already know you can teleport from ship to ground. What would be interesting is if you could exit your ship over a planet and build stuff in space. Or maybe that could be an extra feature of the ship, in which you construct and add components of your own design. Or maybe more advanced ships have this feature, while early ships do not. Either way, I want the ability to build things in space.
    • Blueprint fabrication: The idea that someone else had was pretty good, and shouldn't be too hard to implement. Allow a character to store a building as a blueprint, and place it wherever they should like. The device you use to place it can inform you with color-coding whether the chosen spot is valid, and you still require all components in your inventory. Plus, maybe you can design these buildings while still safe in your ship.
    • Holodeck: A device which generates holographic enemies and NPC characters. The player can use this to generate practice fights. Holographic enemies cannot really hurt you, but the game represents the damage they would have done in some way, so you can practice a fight in safety. Killing holographic enemies does not create item drops, naturally.
    • Running a business/organisation: It would be interesting if there were ways to run a business in-game. Maybe have a merchant you can place someplace, and fill with items you want to sell. Allow you to set prices, so your friends can buy from you. This way you can do trades when you aren't around to do trades, so to speak. Also it would be interesting to have server features that make guilds and organized groups possible. Because you know larger servers are going to want to make this an option.
    • Conquest mechanics: It would be awesome if there was some way to conquer a planet and make the natives subservient to you. Maybe even note to visiting players which group's banner flies on the surface. Could be an interesting mechanic for setting up faction wars on player-run servers.
    ErekoseDM, happyfrog and Benjabby like this.
  15. SkinnerChinner

    SkinnerChinner Orbital Explorer

    Pets sounds like a nice addition to the game, got my vote! :up:

    I assume you intend to include these stretch goals in the final release, and not necessarily the beta? In which case any minor delays to implement additional features shouldn't be too much of a concern? Could some of it not be released/expanded upon in the planned 'content updates'?

    Regardless, any additional content you want to add is a plus in my book.

    EDIT: Agree with other comments about "discovering" pets, or linking them into quests rather than simply choosing one at the start of a game.
  16. NekPaper

    NekPaper Tentacle Wrangler

    will pets be immortal, or immaterial, or something else?
  17. Netrolf

    Netrolf Void-Bound Voyager

    Yep. I hope we'll have the choice of wether we want a pet at the beginning or not. If there will be an option to let it stay in the shuttle it would be great to.
    Iggyflare likes this.
  18. Ingwaz

    Ingwaz Big Damn Hero

    maybe it's just me, but that sounds ridiculously code heavy and completely game changing. it would also remove a lot of the purpose of fossils, which we just unlocked.

    But seriously, to do this, they'd have to have every planet, and then create 3 different versions of every planet, which would require a system which could now not only generate an entire universe, which is a major thing and probably took awhile to create, but could also create two completely new universes each with it's own unique theme. the amount of time that it would take to make all the assets and code everything for this would be ridiculous.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like negative nancy, but this is just way over the top.
    Clitcomander likes this.
  19. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    and thats good criticism!:up:
  20. Iggyflare

    Iggyflare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aye, cause if everyone has a pet, it makes it no longer feel like "OH YEAH! I got a pet! I worked hard to get one!" there needs to be pet hunger and stuff, which is a added burden for taking a pet along.
    Netrolf likes this.
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