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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. These are some of the more brilliant ideas I have heard suggested so far. Not overly complex, and yet still interesting, not vanity items, and yet related to vanity. The museum seems to be the most feasible IMHO.
  2. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

    Indeed people fighting to be the most self righteous its a forum soap opera!
    bowser7 likes this.
  3. AustinoFicino

    AustinoFicino Big Damn Hero

    Astrophysicist Clitcomander [sic] came here to explain time travel and chew bubblegum. And he's all out of bubblegum.
  4. Hallucinogenus

    Hallucinogenus Subatomic Cosmonaut

  5. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There are many theories on how time travel may work. You never before specified any particular one.
    Perhaps you might actually know what you're talking about, and you simply are unable to convey it properly. Perhaps not.
  6. WilliMille

    WilliMille Seal Broken

    Agreed, especially the blueprints overlay. Maybe even once you place the blueprint, your ship or some other automated system will place all the parts on its own. It'd be a quick way to set up your base camp each time once you already have it created.
  7. Benjabby

    Benjabby Title Not Found

    No, they said they will use the extra money to hire more people to work on the stretch goals, so it won't make beta take longer
  8. ardent

    ardent Void-Bound Voyager

    I think we should just lock this thread for a few hours. There's a flame-war going on, accusations are being flung around, and people are just repeating earlier posts they made so that they can be heard over the noise.

    And no:
    -I haven't seen much "entitlement" that people keep whining about
    -You don't need to repeat how the next stretch goal isn't necessarily 100k, or that development won't be delayed by stretch goals
    -It won't kill you if they do decide to implement pets
    -Discussions about the semantics of the "light year" are not on topic or appropriate for this thread
    AzViz and Benjabby like this.
  10. Sordak

    Sordak Void-Bound Voyager

    Its ok. i mean id prefer another race or another game mechanic.

    But pets are fine.
  11. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Agree, I can easily see a museum as a stretch goal. It seems to fall somewhat in line of expectation with starter pets and fossils.
  12. Saow

    Saow Master Chief

    If this goal can show us another part of the dev teamĀ“s awesome pixel art, i'm in !
    But I don't want to bring my buddy dog/rat/magical pony/ninja turtle to the veterinary so I voted no.
  13. Netrolf

    Netrolf Void-Bound Voyager

    It would be a great idea as long as the pet can help the player. It would be great to have the choice if we want one or if we want it to follow us on the planets.
  14. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    But they can also use the money to hire people that work on the base game instead of the strechgoals. and just add the strechgoals after we have a beta to play around with
    Autumn_LeafFall likes this.
  15. Alright. I am done here. Hopefully some sense will have come from the madness of this thread. Goodnight everyone.
  16. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    Seriously, who would say no to pets?? YAY!
  17. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    ITs not pets, they will be in, its starter pets, as in every race will start out with their specific race pet. And well thats even more meh than normal pets :D
  18. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    People who would prefer a more worth-while and less redundant feature. You can already tame creatures in the game to use as pets. More useful pets, even, as tamed creatures will fight alongside you. These stretch-goal pets are purely cosmetic.
    Bethor likes this.
  19. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    ...Huh,I just read game mechanics the other comment,and then it hit me:


    This game could use more physics.Maybe like laser doors,laser traps,systems that are activaed by laser.
    Heck,death rays?

    But anything with physics would be nice as a stretch goal.
    ardent likes this.
  20. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    worm holes are also portals to different dimensions. it matters not if i specified what type, that douchebag wanted to split hairs. my over all idea is correct and sound. I care not what you think about where my idea came from or the depth of my knowledge on such subject. your nothing to me.

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