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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

  2. As of the moment. You can have up to 3 pets following you around. These are monsters that you catch and tame and can have their stats increased and can learn abilities like fly and swim.
    This is an already implemented, or soon to be implemented feature. You can also get humanoid NPC followers who have their own gear and weapons and abilities. It is unknown how many of them you can have with you at a time but you can have multiple ones because the feature to "swap out" NPC and build them homes and such is implemented.
    xtkbilly and ErekoseDM like this.
  3. SuperMandrew

    SuperMandrew Cosmic Narwhal

    Liking this just for your username.. Working on my own module for a linux kernel currently haha. :)
  4. xtkbilly

    xtkbilly Orbital Explorer

    Unfortunately, the title of the post just says "Pets", but the text mentions starter pets. I'm guessing the post itself wasn't read very well.
  5. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    OH you mean just like pokemon.....I dont like that at all....ewwwwwww:metroid:
  6. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Let not Entitlement touch thy lips forumites; If you do not like the way Stabound is going, you need not buy Pre Order. As the Cynical Brit once said, if you are not absolutely, totally sure about putting your faith and money and investment into a game with preordering, then dont be a sucker and give in to peer pressure. That kind of silliness is what has shot Pokemon down the tubes, and has made the infamous Wiorld of Warcraft community. This is free. You are not cooler for looking the gift horse in the mouth and saying you hate the game because of how little you think youll get out of it, because that is not how Chucklefish, or we for that matter, work. :)

    That said though, as constructive feedback, rather than "This idea is terrible" a tweak to your idea could be implemented; Pets should be bale to do something to be useful to you. As I am aware, pets are a code heavy feature, something that I believe will keep our beloved bartwe engaged for hours on end with maybe some of the hired help ;) I am rather happy that s far we have scored so many gamechangers, thanks to the efforts of ourselves and others; I get the feeling that Molly and co are actually running out of things to give us, theyre so astonished about the amount of preorders coming in. Or maybe they knew?

    Either way, the amount they have now should guarantee the fact that Starbound is very very much on the fast track to completion. And that, at least to me, is the feature I absolutely want to see the most. :)
  7. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    I would still enjoy either some more world types or voice choices in the character creator. sadly i believe these would be hard to pull in. the assets for the world types would take a while but not just to implement them but to simply think of them as well and the voices? who knows. i'd take though, what ever keeps things in a steady flow.
  8. Gafail Galigoudo

    Gafail Galigoudo Yeah, You!

    pets... they are cool but for 250K in mi opinion is a little lacking... if these pet however had some sort of system that lets them grant us some simple yet useful perks via the use of a potion?? or training?? might be interesting but it might not go with the stile of the game very well...
  9. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    ah, there will be pets. just these would be nice things you get from the get go. no purpose.
  10. WilliMille

    WilliMille Seal Broken

    Abandoned spaceships, orbital satellites, and other relics of failed space exploration. You could have the same random elements based on their orbit and what vital systems are malfunctioning. Special equipment could be required since you'd need an EV suit if the life support is malfunctioning, radiation if the reactor is leaking, and other elements already present in the planet generation. It'd be a nice way to mix it up, maybe even as sort of high difficulty end game challenges.
    Asferot, bowser7 and Gafail Galigoudo like this.
  11. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    Zeon likes this.
  12. JackOfAllTrades

    JackOfAllTrades Cosmic Narwhal

    NPCs don't give you the same warm fuzzy feeling a little doggie woggie does. That is, unless said NPC is dressed up in a dog suit, but that's a whole nother thing entirely.
  13. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    i dunno...i do like my companions in a hazmat suit..
    Bethor and JackOfAllTrades like this.
  14. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    Indeed my friend. Look at this. :up:

    Bethor and Zeon like this.
  15. genobee

    genobee Star Wrangler

    Personally, I'm quite satisfied with fossil. If you guys are going to do next stretch goal, don't make something big that requires extensive and careful game design process. Cramming too many new big stretch goal features while you are focusing in getting the main game done can make things get complicated. New features may ended up half-baked and not fully realized when the game launches.
    JackOfAllTrades and Autzome like this.

  16. http://community.playstarbound.com/...nced-game-information-updated-april-15th.450/

    • NPC's will have needs, and offer you quests, some quests will always be difficult as the highest world danger level will always be tough to the most well geared players.
    • No limit to npc/crew size, but space ship has limited space, so you'll have to move people to planet bases too.
    • NPC's will be able to be evicted in an, at this moment, unspecified way.
    • The dev team is toying with the idea of "monster breeding" where the resulting monster will have a mix of the parents' attributes.
    • Monster randomization "intelligently" puts arms/legs/chest/heads together, colours it, decides to give it wings or not, and then gives it unique behaviour.
    • Creatures can be caught and trained to help you fight. These creatures will have stats such as defense, attack damage, speed, which will increase will kills. They can also be trained to fly or swim, etc. This will be able to be done when the creature is at low health. Three creatures may be taken with you at a time. Any "dead" monster on your team will automatically be sent to your monster slot and wait to be healed back at your station.
    Bethor and Autzome like this.
  17. Gafail Galigoudo

    Gafail Galigoudo Yeah, You!

    that... is a very good idea!!
  18. Reysol

    Reysol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm just going to leave this here again... :facepalm:
    FluffyRabbit likes this.
  19. shardival

    shardival Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love idea with pets. When I saw Torchlight 2 for the first time, I was "meh, another Diablo-clone". But when I saw a pet system there (quite simple, but really nice!) I was like "wooo-hoo! must-have!". I'm sure it's good idea to implement much, much stuff with pets (item for them, breeding etc etc). :monkey:
  20. Dalrint

    Dalrint Void-Bound Voyager

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