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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Kyber

    Kyber Phantasmal Quasar

    And the payments come to a dead halt. My money says a dev hit the pause button and they're going "crap! executive decision time guys!"
  2. Draks

    Draks Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. Garkarus

    Garkarus Space Penguin Leader

  4. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I bet you can use the Paint Tool in-game to paint them. :)
    Katzeus likes this.
  5. kreekgod

    kreekgod Phantasmal Quasar

    pets that maybe do something minor, but unique and useful would be interesting
    (example, perhaps a starter pet might prefer to sit/stand/idle, closer to valuable things, making them sort-of ore detectors that require you to watch how they behave or move to pickup on)
    (example 2, perhaps starter pets randomly dig up supplies or pixels or ores from the ground)

    it would be okay if they just look nice, but it would be better if they did something
  6. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

  7. Draks

    Draks Subatomic Cosmonaut

  8. Garkarus

    Garkarus Space Penguin Leader

  9. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    But watch out for PETA.
  10. Naupz

    Naupz Void-Bound Voyager

    750k! Woot!
  11. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hooray 750k!
    Time to party :rainbow:
    Deltron3O3O likes this.
  12. JackOfAllTrades

    JackOfAllTrades Cosmic Narwhal

    Brace for impact!

    Edit: Ninja'd at the last second.
  13. Deltron3O3O

    Deltron3O3O Master Chief

  14. Dragonk

    Dragonk Orbital Explorer

    I want pets!!! PETS! PETS!!!! I WANT IT!!!
    Commander Donut likes this.
  15. Kyber

    Kyber Phantasmal Quasar

    Happy new goal!
    Garkarus likes this.
  16. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Fossils yay!!
  17. Mimic

    Mimic Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pets are a neutral stimulus for me

    would pack animals be feasible/useful?

    EDIT: 20 pages, a million people have probably had that same idea
  18. Draks

    Draks Subatomic Cosmonaut

    poof!! wee..
    *lame fireworks*
  19. Qader

    Qader Void-Bound Voyager

  20. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    ....and nothing. I suppose I'll go to bed then.
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