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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

    Pets are fine, but not as a stretchgoal. Im not really into this "useless but cute"-pet stuff. A pet which can actually do something, though...
    I would love to see a sillyish group-photo as some sort of sub-strech-goal of all of chucklefish staff.
  2. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    They have less than $1,000 to go to figure this all out. I don't think they have time to change their goals anymore.
  3. EstebanWinsmore

    EstebanWinsmore Orbital Explorer

    I don't know what you are saying.
  4. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    While I do like the idea of more pets, it doesn't sound like a big enough job to be a stretch goal. Some people have brought up the idea of a gene splicing / pet breeding system to expand the gameplay possibilities of pets but that may be too programming heavy and delay release.

    Another idea to consider would be adding additional biomes or weather types (sandstorms, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes) assuming those aren't in the game already.
  5. chickenfrend

    chickenfrend Void-Bound Voyager

    Data had a house cat, and he fit in pretty well.
  6. BlindForger

    BlindForger Void-Bound Voyager

    Once again, that is cosmetic, not functionality, but maybe I'm alone in that view? Not to say I don't love new races (more races would be awesome!), I just think adding new systems to a game as a stretch goal is a heavy burden, especially when they said they can't push code heavy features for the next stretch goal.
  7. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes. 100x this!

    Even if none of those are available at launch, if they implement the starter pet idea, these suggestions at least have the possibility of becoming a reality. And, if we're lucky, 1 or 2 of those suggestions could even make it in by launch.
    tone00hi and Commander Donut like this.
  8. ShadedBlade

    ShadedBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    That's my point.

    We haven't gotten any feedback yet and I am super impatient.
  9. Dawgenstien

    Dawgenstien Subatomic Cosmonaut

    no no no no no, The devs are very strongly opposed to give special treatment to any players. Everyone who buys the game has the same things available to them.
    Keadin and Rekalty like this.
  10. aamesxdavid

    aamesxdavid Void-Bound Voyager

    You have clearly never made a video game. ;)
    BlindForger and IllusiveEnergy like this.
  11. capchu

    capchu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As a small stretch goal I am all for pets, I have never been a huge fan of collectible pets myself, but my two brothers who also pre-ordered love having them. Call that the next one and come up with something that will blow our minds for the 1 million mark
    Zeon likes this.
  12. Chocodile

    Chocodile Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You don't seem to understand what monster breeding actually entails.
    What we want is a system that let's you create more powerful pets through gene splicing, not a more controlled version of the monster generator.
  13. Travis

    Travis Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets sound amazing. personally i hope one of the choices is a little slime blob to follow my floran character around.
  14. TheHusky

    TheHusky Big Damn Hero

    Pets are always a great idea. As long as we can teach them tricks.
    Auraknight likes this.
  15. Kalico

    Kalico Guest

    Ok well so I have given it some additional thoughts to the pet system. I know I stated I don't like random vanity pets for a few reasons (screen clutter, atmosphere, etc.) but those are of course subjective and obviously people like the idea. So with that said, I looked at some other games that I enjoyed "pet" systems in and came up with this:

    Instead of starting with a random assortment of pets, perhaps the player can find one on the first planet they land on. It could be a small and mostly amorphous creature that eventually changes and evolves based perhaps on items fed to it. Instead of stat bonuses, the pet could gain different abilities. For instance, feeding it something from the Hylotl race could allow it to breath and swim underwater, Avian stuff could help it glide (all of these similar to the bonuses given to the player armors). In this way it wouldn't simply be another vanity item or yet another combat pet, it could act as a utility pet of sorts.

    Give the player the ability to either issue some commands, or take direct control of it. You could use it to scout ahead in a dungeon, reach an item/chest that is in a difficult to reach area, etc. The ideas mainly come from a combination of my favorite pet systems in other game, namely the MAGs in Phantasy Star Online, and the blob in A Boy and His Blob on the NES.

    This would add some more depth to the system as well as customization, and provide a useful pet, perhaps being able to integrate it into the lore and story of the game more as well. Any takers? :p
  16. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not sure if anyone said this, but if there's gonna be starter pets, put it in the story, don't make it come out of nowhere! for example: as you run from your exploding ship for the escape pod, you see a dog there with its little doggies/no little doggies and you decide to take them with you.
    That kind of stuff.
    So I'm not gonna vote for anything yet...
  17. Lizzie the Turtle

    Lizzie the Turtle Space Hobo

    OK, how about this now:
    1. Pets are implemented, totally optional, provide no benefit.
    This is for stretch goal #1, and a pretty low one.
    2. Monster breeding is implemented as a higher stretch goal.
    If so many people want little pets, why not have both?
    Silverforte likes this.
  18. Dasaki

    Dasaki Pangalactic Porcupine

    Starter pets that can be customized (a kin to Harvest Moon's Dog/horse), and can be left back at home base for dangerous missions, and I'm ALL for it!

    Ya, and as Devil Force said, make them fit in with the overarching story. Again, like Harvest Moon, where your character stumbles upon it in some shape or form.

    An interesting take on that could be something like, You see a small ______ that barks/growls/hisses/etc at you. It looks lost, and looks sort of wounded. How did it manage to get on my escape pod? Well, considering no one is out here in deep space, I guess I'll have to name it and take care of it.

    I think that would be freaking ADORABLE!
    Rekalty likes this.
  19. Zezarict

    Zezarict Big Damn Hero

    I personally think it should be something a little more unique, but I won't complain.
    shadowcrazy and Zeon like this.
  20. Yoshinom

    Yoshinom Master Chief

    So uh... hey Molly, if you guys are reading this, what do you all think? Stretch goal, not stretch goal...

    Like you said in your post, you guys weren't expecting to get very far with pre-orders. I don't blame you all for not having a plan after that and putting a new race and fossils first, it seems to be a hard act to follow! I'm just glad you're giving us a shot at new stuff, it's pretty awesome. I wish you luck with your decision! :)
    Meta Hyperbole, Rekalty, Zeon and 2 others like this.
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