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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Herdo

    Herdo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yea, and playing it as a LAN game, I can see where you are coming from. Space stations aren't really going to add anything to the game when playing with a couple friends. :D
  2. Izen

    Izen Orbital Explorer

    We're already getting pet monsters, why would we need other, less useful pets? What's the point? I'd rather have more customization options for your character, or more spaceships, or monster breeding, or Monster Hunting
    EstebanWinsmore likes this.
  3. Attack_Fish

    Attack_Fish Phantasmal Quasar

    I urge everyone to take a breath and not to click Yay! just because it's a new shiny thing. Let's wait for this one for post-release and think up something that needs a helping hand from an outside source and stretch goal funding.
    Garneac, Shahab, Nymz and 2 others like this.
  4. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    A lot of people I played Minecraft with wrote literally hundreds of lore books for our server's story and events. Some people did nothing more than this. There was rich lore on our server and we used the in-game books to spread it and create stories and quest items and clues to the next objectives to unlock the remainder of the events. It should be a feature that we can write in books. There is a huge, long history of rich tales about the goings-on of our server in those books. If you can't think of a use for them, then it is your own imagination at fault.

    Any staff want to chime in with an update about the pet suggestion? We need more information.
  5. Zobah

    Zobah Aquatic Astronaut

    I like the idea of your pet leveling with you and either gaining the ability to attack or being taught to attack. That would make it more valuable imo.
    Commander Donut and diaspao like this.
  6. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    I actually clicked yay just because I like to say yay
    Beninator and Drakol like this.
  7. randomathon

    randomathon Void-Bound Voyager

    That sounds amazing. I could see some sweet kind of energy dog made of light for the novakid pet.
    ammartino likes this.
  8. Telsa

    Telsa Space Hobo

    I had a thought, maybe its not a stretch goal. But in Terraria there where boss monsters. Now this game should not have creatures as Bosses that must be defeated for things to happen. But what about the chance that something Huge and ridiculous lives on a world? Example: very Very rarely, on a desert world there might be a WORM of huge size like on Dune? With all the different alien environments you guys are making in this game, and the creature designs we have already seen, would it not be awesome that something absolutely terrifying might, and actually could be on a world that makes it a late game / Multi-player event to take it down? And once its down you can explore the world and find something cool? Like its nest, and hey its a worm baby pet, or a ruin or something? This is all just ideas, and with how flooded this post is, i hope someone in the dev team responds with a yay or nay to the ideas at least.
  9. andySp

    andySp Sandwich Man

    Just wanna say, i'm a huge fan Esteban.
  10. Yoshinom

    Yoshinom Master Chief

    Yeah, I'm the kind of guy that goes into the Vaults in Fallout just to read all the logs, lol. I forget not a lot of people care about such a thing, and if this were to be implemented i'd probably be a small update much later. I'm going to try and find/think of something totally worth a stretch goal AND I SHALL NOT RETURN UNTIL I DO!!

    Uhm... this may take a while. :confused:
    Drakol and Autzome like this.
  11. Dr. Chaos

    Dr. Chaos Void-Bound Voyager


    Starter pets sound far less interesting and useful than the monster ones.
  12. Cloudpiercer

    Cloudpiercer Aquatic Astronaut

    I'd be cool with pets if you could collect all of them and place them like objects. As a one time decision at the start of the game, and something that follows you around, not a huge fan. I also don't want this to influence my race choice, like "I really want to be a Floran but the Apex have the coolest looking pets".

    If there were like 35 pets you had to collect, I'd just build a kennel and house all of them and be content, collecting is always fun.
  13. aamesxdavid

    aamesxdavid Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm against stretch goals in general. As you said, you don't want to add things that will extend development time - unless it's in the form of an expansion, post release.

    So something smaller like starter pets sounds good to me. By the looks of the roadmap, art is way ahead of code, so I'd throw all those stretch goals into more art. Specifically more character creation options, because you can never have enough of those. ;)
  14. HawkyCZ

    HawkyCZ Void-Bound Voyager

    ^This. I am okay with pets. Alas, not okay with starter pets. Companion so early destroys that lonely feeling. Tame pet when playing through the game, and rarely.
    IrradiatedFish likes this.
  15. Meta Hyperbole

    Meta Hyperbole Void-Bound Voyager

    I think pets are a great addition! Not something that I think will significantly affect the game for me, but I don't want you guys to add something huge that will delay release just to meet people's expectations for a major stretch goal. Since this isn't an addition specifically for the $1,000,000 stretch goal, I think a better $1M stretch goal for the community would be to confirm that FTL-style multiplayer space battles would be added sometime after development; I can think of nothing I would want added more!
    Commander Donut likes this.
  16. Grannatz

    Grannatz Aquatic Astronaut

    I'm ALL FOR PETS!!! As long as the pet is more of a buddy than an annoying problem that just gets in the way when trying to do things such as fight/build/etc...
  17. IrradiatedFish

    IrradiatedFish Master Chief

    I agree. This is part of my problem with the idea too. As you said, If they're more than cosmetic and have functionality, then someone who doesn't like the idea of having a pet following them around ends up with their character being effectively gimped because of this choice. If you do start with one, then I feel you might be giving the player too much of a leg-up at the beginning of the game (assuming they have functionality). Handing the player too much at the start of the game (especially one based on exploration), is never a good thing. If you start with a pet, there's less of an incentive to explore and obtain your own. Everyone's walkin' around with the same variety of pets. Kind of ruins the atmosphere in my opinion :(

    Overall, if they *are* implemented, I feel they need to be optional, and have *NO* functionality. (or maybe they can be *given* functionality later on - thus no balance issues are presented early game)
    saison likes this.
  18. Latiz

    Latiz Starship Captain

    I'd love to see a complete Pet system, not just some odd creature wandering around looking... cute ._.U

    I'd go 100% with functionality, then again, when you get ahead in-game.
    For example evolution or Genetics or something like that (Would also be cool)
    But not 100% cosmectic, that would be lame for a presale millestone =/
  19. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    The fact there will be combat pets is enough for me but extra features never hurt. Just because I don't care much of non combat pets does not mean the majority who want them should be denied it so I voted yay.
    Zeon likes this.
  20. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

    that just gave me a potentially amazing idea. how about hunting quests like he said except offer rewards in the form of weapons or armor etc for killing a beefed up enemy kind of an elite mob
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