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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. thedredge

    thedredge Void-Bound Voyager

    I was hoping the pets system would be combat pets to either fight mobs or have a Pokemon style arena fight. But if it is just non-combat follow you around pets, I will have to say no.

    EDIT: Lurked Moar:
    Non-combat functionality like loot pick up, carrying, exploring, giving light, etc? Well I am sold.
    Auraknight likes this.
  2. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    Okay, I've already put this suggestion in the ... well, suggestion forum. But what about saved structure blueprints?

    You build a house, then save its image. In a new location you can place a transparent image of the house as well as a materials required tooltip. Then you can just place all the blocks in the right spot and have a building assist? Or you could have it shoot down from your ship, completely built and ready to go wherever you've placed a beacon.

    I never really worked on the idea like I said I would.
  3. ErekoseDM

    ErekoseDM Void-Bound Voyager

    for people who dont want to 'start' with the pet,
    a possible solution/idea:
    you could select a pet youd like at Player Generation and then on your Homeworld/Crashdown world discover them after getting a base built up to a certain point or just a random encounter when hunting for materials or within the first 10 planets visited or something.
  4. Horse armor it is!
    If it worked for Bethesda, it can work for us.

    Not even going to implement horses, just their armor.
    SomeCrazyHobo, Tathar, Aeon and 36 others like this.
  5. IrradiatedFish

    IrradiatedFish Master Chief


    Maybe it sounds sort of negative, but the idea of starting off with something is, as you say, a bit of an immersion breaker when it comes to the idea of escaping your devastated home planet. I know others may not agree with this (and I can imagine the sort of counter arguments one could make), but I feel that, at the very least, this needs to be an optional thing if it's included.
    Aeon likes this.
  6. NinjaBoffin

    NinjaBoffin Big Damn Hero

    For some weird reason, this will make Starbound a LOT better..
    but will the pets be like race specific or something like normal pets?
    So Cats dogs etc or An underwater tiny dragon (Hyltol) , or a hot ball of gas following you (Novakid)?
  7. Lizzie the Turtle

    Lizzie the Turtle Space Hobo

    I hate to say it, but this is disappointing how many people are voting yes.
    Look, the monster breeding system could easily do all of these things for you, you could create your own pet based on any animal at all.
    A little useless sprite that follows you around would be highly annoying, no matter what it was, unless you felt like you had invested time and resources into it and it game you some sort of benefit.
    Also, I think a million dollar stretch goal for this is a little ridiculous.
    Monster breeding would be way more involved, deep, and interesting.
    Nife, Silverforte and bleebs like this.
  8. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    Well, obviously.
  9. King

    King Former Staff

    Well i will say either way, im ok with what happens.

    The addition of pets is a nice feature if done right, but i wont loose sleep if it doesnt make it. Maybe there is another idea that would be cool too, i dont know. So i will not vote because either way, i will be happy with the game.

    If pets are indeed added, my suggestion would be that maybe you could use some random monster generator type thing so we can have unique pets. I always disliked in other games when i would runa round with a pet i lke and see hundreds of others with the same one. I like to be a unique snowflake, and letting our pets be unique would further help that.

    If a random generator isnt possible for pets, maybe at least some extensive pet creation options. I doubt anyone wants to have the same little pet everyone else has.

    Im not saying the pets need to do anything specific, just if they are added, give us enough options to have unique looking ones. I love the random monster gens you guys get and having that system for pets would be fun too. maybe the ability to find other pets and trade them or such as well.

    My thoughts on this. But im glad to see the game is doing well and i look forward to its release, and i know it will be an enjoyable game with or without pets.
    ErekoseDM likes this.
  10. Hollow

    Hollow Phantasmal Quasar

    A better solution: Players can only take 1 pet or 1 monster with them at a time, making pets still a viable choice over monsters depending on the situation.

    If you're heading down with the intention of fighting, you bring a monster. Monsters can heal, fight and do other combat work.
    If you're heading down with the intention of exploring, you bring a pet. Pets contribute nothing to combat, but help the player see a bit better in the dark / alert to hidden treasures or danger / will guide other players to your body if you do die.
  11. Zobah

    Zobah Aquatic Astronaut

    I don't mind pets but not for a stretch goal of this magnitude. :notworthy:
    Sundew, EstebanWinsmore and Rarity like this.
  12. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    Considering that Twitter and IRC got attention of this thread, and the views of it just exploded, it makes pretty good sense that the amount of votes increased massively as well, total votes more than doubled in the last 20ish minutes.
    Edit: Tripled, my bad.
    Auraknight likes this.
  13. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

    i find that nay was way in front and in a matter of 10 seconds yay is ahead by 50 wtf is that i call shenanigans!!!

    im likeing all these ideas of the dev implementing something with lasting apeal something more than a moving cosmetic. "implants that offer passive bonuses"
    Rarity likes this.
  14. Exi1e

    Exi1e Zero Gravity Genie

    Dunno. Lack of multiplayer friendliness is the only thing I can think of. (As far as big servers are concerned. LAN parties, it isnt so much of a problem because people are usually communicating and sharing on much more accessible, reachable terms).
  15. Sarim

    Sarim Orbital Explorer

    You've still got it completely backwards. Stretch goals are just a reward for hitting a milestone. Not the reason people preorder to begin with.
    Drakol likes this.
  16. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    To be honest, I was seriously hoping to hear more about vehicles myself. I've been dreaming of airships and praying that they add multiple passenger vehicles and mounts to the game. This pet thing sounds like it could have potential if expanded on, but I was still hoping for more vehicle functionality.
  17. Chocodile

    Chocodile Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    People, please think about this.

    Pets don't do anything. At all.
    You will dump them as soon as you tame a combat capable monster. There is no purpose to them. They are a sprite that follows you and chances are you'll stop paying attention to it a few hours in.

    Even if you just wanted a cat that could be easily modded in once the API is released. Having this be the $1,000,000 stretch goal is a wasted opportunity for something greater.
    Garneac, Tathar, Nife and 4 others like this.
  18. Izen

    Izen Orbital Explorer

    Why would anybody want this?
    Honest question.
    Rarity likes this.
  19. Seria-Myouna

    Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

    "Creatures can be caught and trained to help you fight. These creatures will have stats such as defense, attack damage, speed, which will increase will kills. They can also be trained to fly or swim, etc. This will be able to be done when the creature is at low health. Three creatures may be taken with you at a time. Any "dead" monster on your team will automatically be sent to your monster slot and wait to be healed back at your station."

    From: http://community.playstarbound.com/...nced-game-information-updated-april-15th.450/
    Zellman, Pillars, NovastarX and 2 others like this.
  20. THE1andONLYme

    THE1andONLYme Void-Bound Voyager

    I definitely like the idea of pets. It sounds amazing! Please do it! :eek: Maybe you heard negative feedback, but I bet you'll hear even more positive. Even from the negative feedback-ers if they end up being awesome.
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