Modding Help [Storm] Create custom entrance to locations?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by XCube591, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. XCube591

    XCube591 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hello guys :D
    Im basically working on this mod which adds a bunch of pathways. I already made changes to the map (for an example - I added a pathway above the playground which should lead to the Mountains)
    The problem I have is that I have no idea how to create custom entrances. Is here anyone who would like show me the template in css for making new entrances? I would appreciate it very much :D
    (BTW, It looks like this: )
    • keyten

      keyten Cosmic Narwhal

      If you made this in Tide you can just add new warps in maps' properties.
      Like this: Warp 3 12 Farm 64 15
      If you mean custom entrances in your custom map just use source in
      • Pinkishu

        Pinkishu Phantasmal Quasar

        I feel it should be pointed out that this is not actually "proper" use of Storm, rather just a workaround as Warps wasn't accessible through the Wrapper yet and doesn't have a Proxy/Delegate
        • keyten

          keyten Cosmic Narwhal

          Yes, or you can just add warp to a tile in a building layer. I believe they are saved saved through that load method.
          • XCube591

            XCube591 Subatomic Cosmonaut

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