Sticky for 'Brilliant Idea for Mac Version"

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DukeOfRiven, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    Could we please please please sticky something at the top of the page that says something like YES THERE WILL PROBABLY BE A MAC VERSION AT SOME POINT AND IF IF THERE ISN'T HERE THE WINESKIN THREAD so that every five hours we don't get a post from someone who's had a brilliant idea that what Stardew Valley really needs is a Mac version and why has no-one else thought up such a brilliant suggestion?

    If we do this I feel like Mac Version Suggestion Threads will be cut down by a least a third. Maybe a quarter. Dear god let it at least be a quarter, my faith in humanity is low enough as is.

    ...I was an admin for a public Mincrafter server, once. Some wars you never really come back from...
      RushToward likes this.

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