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RELEASED Steambound Reloaded 1.0

Industrially-themed technical mod with a focus on automation & customization

  1. D3miurge

    D3miurge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi there,
    Is that possible to put a link for download that do not require a steam subscription? I have a GOG edition of the game and I can not download this mod from steam workshop. I thank you in advance.
    Corax likes this.
  2. NaturesWitness

    NaturesWitness Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I second that, please update your media fire download to the latest version, so people can actually enjoy your hard work.
    Corax likes this.
  3. Zlyvr

    Zlyvr Phantasmal Quasar

    Routers lose their settings when I'm leaving planet :(
    Using steam workshop version does not fix this problem :(
  4. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    It's a known issue. Starbound itself currently has a bug that causes crops to stop growing when returning to the planet, too.
    ambrose likes this.
  5. Zlyvr

    Zlyvr Phantasmal Quasar

    Never got this one, but I'm growing only FU-crops...
    Btw, thanks for info.
  6. Hen

    Hen Big Damn Hero

    I tested your mod on my ship, along with some other mods, mainly hyperstorage and startech and I saw a strange behaviour: Sometimes the objects in the inlet disappear and appear again and again, like a blinking light. It happens a while ago, I removed all stuff of the other mods from the ship and everything seems normal again. Now I had the feeling, that some objects were missing, but I can't point it, because I have a lot of stuff in a lot of chests.
    Is this blinking bug known?
    Is your mod compatibly with Startech and Hyperstorage in general?
    I have ca. 30 chests of all kind connected with one inet, is this an issue?
    Sorry, if there were some typos, english is not my native language.
    nuker19 likes this.
  7. ambrose

    ambrose Astral Cartographer

    Please remove from steam workshop, steam workshop doesn't work for me and some people may not have steam, this problem makes me so salty that I feel like the dead sea!
  8. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Remove simply because it doesn't work for you?

    Wow... That is... Stupid.
  9. ambrose

    ambrose Astral Cartographer

    Not from the work shop I meant upload somewhere else, I also think I'm not the only one with this problem, but if I am the only one, please don't go threw the trouble. One last thing, I'm salty at Steam, not this mod, I love the mod.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  10. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    If steam isn't working for you, then why not download from... Here?
  11. ambrose

    ambrose Astral Cartographer

    Thats what I'm doing but I can't find this mod anywhere other than steam workshop.
  12. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    You can't download the mod here, it jumps you into steam workshop :/
  13. MrVauxs

    MrVauxs Giant Laser Beams

    I think he meant that to remove the steam link from download button and add the actual zipped file or .pak file
  14. ambrose

    ambrose Astral Cartographer

    That is what I meant, for me the steam work shop just spontaneously fixed itself, go figure, but I still feel that it would be better for other people to have a non-steam link.
  15. zilgaant

    zilgaant Phantasmal Quasar

  16. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Why not... try it and find out?
  17. zilgaant

    zilgaant Phantasmal Quasar

    ... you're right
  18. DMForrester

    DMForrester Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Adding my voice to the chorus of non-Steam users. I'm a huge nope on using Steam for a bunch of reasons, moral protest being one of them. So... I realize the ironic appeal of making 'Steambound' accessible only on Steam ('bound' to steam, it's a great pun) but please find a way for us humble downloaders to not have to get steamed about streaming Steambound from Steam.
  19. Krawaller

    Krawaller Space Hobo

    Summing up to the Anti-Steam Bros ... Have the GOG version and realy want to take a look into your mod ... First time i see a "Steam-Only" Mod why is it like that?
  20. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    The mod is pretty much dead now, the routers are very broken, and the functionality that this mod provided was recently folded into Frakin' Universe.

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