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Bug/Issue Steam Multiplayer Guest keeps Disconnecting

Discussion in 'Support' started by EliasRipley, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. EliasRipley

    EliasRipley Orbital Explorer

    Heyo. I'm here because my partner and I got Stardew Valley to play together, however she keeps disconnecting from me.
    We have a stable connection so it's definitely not that before anyone suggests.
    Things we tried:
    Connecting via Lan.
    Connecting via Steam Invite.
    Connecting via Invite Codes.
    Reinstalling the relevant .net and C++.
    Allowing the Stardew Port via Firewall. (24642 - Found on Google.)
    No luck so far. =(
    The problem seems quite random, we can play for days at a time without issue and then some days she will disconnect 4-5 times. Any other potential fixed or workarounds would be much appreciated.
    • Eidorian

      Eidorian Space Hobo


      We have the same problem with my friend. We are in the same internet (and good) connection.

      My friend got disconnected from the host one time per day. For nothing apparently. The host don't get disconnect.
      No logs of the host, but for my friend they "Disconnect logs" with only line with "HostLeft friend/invite" ... etc.

      Do you have any idea?

      • Sneakified

        Sneakified Space Hobo

        Garbage connections, disabled computer firewall, then wide opened 24642 with TCP and UDP for all sources and my friend and i still got disconnected every min.
        • Pangaea

          Pangaea Forum Moderator

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