Hello! I have a status effect that must check existence of another status effect on character to execute some commands. Is there any way of doing that?
Found a way to realise that. If anyone needs I will leave my code example. So there I am checking for effect named lifesteal in heal.lua from original game files. When lifesteal effect is on the player, heal effect instantly expires. Code: function init() animator.setParticleEmitterOffsetRegion("healing", mcontroller.boundBox()) animator.setParticleEmitterEmissionRate("healing", config.getParameter("emissionRate", 3)) animator.setParticleEmitterActive("healing", true) script.setUpdateDelta(5) self.healingRate = config.getParameter("healAmount", 30) / effect.duration() end function update(dt) status.modifyResource("health", self.healingRate * dt) effects = status.activeUniqueStatusEffectSummary() if (#effects > 0) then for i=1, #effects do if (effects[i][1] == "lifesteal") then effect.expire() end end end end function uninit() end