"There was no reason to leave it in..." - all the mods that relied on it to function and there being zero reasons to remove a decrepit function for the sake of compatibility. Those seem like pretty damn good reasons to me... Hell, they had their own vanilla mechs that used said function... Those are gone now, and all we have are REALLY sh*tty hoverbikes that break in half when you blow on them... Y_Y
To put it simply: This was something that happened because their API was reworked into a much more robust system. The end result is superior to what was there before. In the case of mounts, it wasn't removing something. It was completely revamping the entire Tech concept in the game from the ground up. You can still make mounts. You simply have to do it a different (and better, IMO) way that takes a bit more commitment and knowledge. Now the mount needs to be a vehicle, rather than a mystically appearing tech item. You therefore could make mounts you need to feed, keep healthy, etc. Rather than push a button and voila, you have a magical horse. And yet the XS mechs revamp mod managed to make mechs function amazingly well via modding using the new vehicle code, proving that you can do exactly what you want to if you put your mind to it for vehicles, mounts, etc. (I've actually never even used the vehicles in-game. Never saw a point in doing so) You've been here about as long as I have so you've watched the product grow. You know things are constantly improved and altered, and I don't need to spew the standard Early Access shit to make a point. All in all, you do not design a product around what your modders want. You design your game how you want, provide a decent API and let the modders figure it out on their own.
*Rolls Eyes* http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/starmount.82174/page-26#post-2842339 Mods/Admins: This mod REALLY should be moved to the "Outdated" category by now...
I don't know what i'm doing wrong, but when I'm trying to play in starbound with this mod, there are a "Fatal Exception" that named "MonsterException" , and it telling me that I must "Repeat monster type name"
Once again, in BIGGER letters this time. This mod has been dropped to the scrap heap of history. Over and done with. Toss it, as it no longer works.
i need help downloading the mod as it requires me to go to a dropbox site which provides error 404 thereby disallowing me from downloading the mod plz help
It's a shame this mod is no longer available. I remember having so much fun with it. Oh well I guess everything has to end eventually.
Kinda sad that this mod won't be updated, and I havent even used it yet... I really hope that someone can try to pick it up where he left off and update it.. But anyways, anyone know mods like this that add a TON of them (vehicles and mounts)? Preferably one that is updated for 1.0 (If there's even any updated ones like I asked out there)
Hey the download site no longer works for me "Error (404) We can't find the page you're looking for."
Well there is still hope. ZZ Mechs are working as flying and shooting "mounts" so why wouldnt there be a chance for organic mounts to exist? The content creator has just ask how the creators of ZZ Mechs did it and boom. We have organic mounts.
man i got so excited. it looks like you did some really cool stuff! back on the hunt for some cool mounts.
So... If I'm reading correctly: Am I to understand that the author -is- currently working on or planning on an update for 1.0? Just wanting a bit of clarification to avoid confusion.
I guess it's that time of year again. He goes to the shrine.... he does the dance of his people. Necromancy, all in the name and pursuit of knowledge. "Will this ever be revived? I hope it will.... one day."
if someone answer to me it will https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/simple-mount-attack-behavior.131189/
I'm working on updating this mod. If anyone knows contact information for the author, I would love to have it. I've tried searching all over the web, he hasnt been on his deviantart in 2 years either.