Mod doesn't work, I haven't updated it yet, and unfortunately I don't have the time to do it. If anyone has more technical info about what has been changed that would definitely help, or they can change it themselves and send it to me and I will gladly upload it again.
I'm having some trouble when I got I got the mounts I wanted they don't show up in the tech! I'm using the ferlin mod (the cat race mod) btw :c
The mod is out of date and the maker is too busy with real life to do anything with it, Foxy2002211 --- better to just not use it.
so, I found a (possibly partial, as I only tested on land transformations) fix, but the creator hasn't checked the forums in a while, anyone know any contact info that might allow me to get this fix to them? failing that, I can post my findings here so you all can fix the files you want to work. (I would post a temporary fix mod but, I don't have the time to go through all the LUA and quest files as I'm working on my own mod, and I don't know the creator so I don't know if they'd be ok with that.)
hi, don't know if you still look at this but if you do I need some help. when I create the mount/transform unlocker it gives me a quest that doesn't tell me what to do. I have tried left and right clicking with it in my hand but nothing happens. many thanks-
The mod is out of date and the maker is too busy with real life to do anything with it. I'd drop the mod entirely.
hi, i dont know how to unlock the techs but i made the blizzard unlocker the pyro unlocker and the jet unlocker and it doesnt give me the tech so can you tell me how to fix it? thanks.
Wish somebody would make a different version of this in the mean time, possibly with all the unique monsters as transformations (Don't really think any save for the adult-poptop are big enough to be a mount anyways)
I'm going to post this again in bigger letters this time. The mod is out of date and the maker is too busy with real life to do anything with it. I'd drop the mod entirely.
I hope this eventually gets updated or picked up at some point. I remember using it in the past and it changed how i played Starbound!
I'm going to assume it was the vehicle changes that broke this mod, just like with DragonBound. I really hate playing without mounts now... >_<
I'll just leave this here... >_<
He literally cannot - they removed a VITAL function that all custom mount mods relied on last update (for some stoopid reason...).
Wasn't a stupid reason. There was no reason to leave it in, since the entire way vehicles work was altered. They had no plans for mounts.